Monster Hunter World Iceborne Optional Quests Guide (2024)

Monster Hunter World Iceborne, has a lot of optional quests each of which rewards according to their ratings. Furthermore, Special Arena quests pit the player against a selection of large monsters on a unique map, in a special arena. The player can use Cannon, Ballistae, a falling boulder trap and after some point in the story, the deadly Dragonslayer to help them fight against their foes.

These quests appear once the player captures their first monster of a given species and is of a high enough Master Rank.

This guide will list all the optional master rank quests in Iceborne expansion, categorized by their difficulty. So make sure your loadout is suitable for the fights you are going to tackle by checking out details of each quest below.

One Star Quests

Deep Snow Diver

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Unlocks after completing “Baptism by Ice” main quest. You have to hunt a Beotodus. This is a piscine wyvern, which can swim through the snow. This dragon is weak to traps and blast damage. He is also resistant to Ice and dragon damage.

Taking Charge
Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Have to complete “Banbaro Blockade” to unlock. Hunt a Banbaro. This dragon is resistant to Ice and Water. However, it is weak not only to traps and dragon damage but also Fire. It can throw boulders or trees on hostiles, has a long reach.

Ice Catch!
Location: Hoarfrost Roach

Capture a Beotodus. This upgrades the specialized tool Ghillie Mantle +. Also unlocks another optional quest called “This Here’s the Big Horn Country” after talking to Seliana in the armory.

Call of the Wild
Location: Hoarfrost Roach

Slay ten Wulg. These creatures attack hunters if they come across them. They can jump at you and bite. In addition, they can also grapple attack that requires you to be on your toes. Keep your distance when going for them, and do not be hasty.

Greetings from the Tundra
Deliver twenty young Butterburs. The “Banbaro Blockade” must be completed prior to this. The reward is an increase in storage space for the Harvest Box.

The Great Jagras Returns!

Location: Ancient Forest

Hunt a Great Jagras, the pack leader. A powerful foe which is easier to defeat when they are famished, as they are smaller. If they have eaten, they will use their prey’s added weight to put further force into its attacks. They are weak to fire, and somewhat weak to thunder and ice element. Resistant to Water.

Literary Thief

Location: Ancient Forest

Kill a Kula-Ya-Ku. Humongous monsters, this odd bird wyvern, can carry weapons but are not hostile at close range. They can throw boulders when attacked. When it attacks while still holding a boulder, hitting him with weapon or with a slinger, disarms him. Go for the head and arms, it is also weak to water.

New World Problems

Now you have to kill a Pukei-Pukei. Another wyvern bird, which possesses poisonous toxins. Be sure to pack antidote and Herbal Medicine to counter the poison. It spits poison at you through the mouth and tail. It can also attack with tail swipes and claw attacks, non-poisonous. Susceptible to sleep and paralysis, it is weak to thunder and resistant to water.

Beating Around the Bush

Location: Ancient Forest

Kill a Tobi-Kadachi to save a researcher hidden in a bush. It is a fanged wyvern that can deal out Thunderblight and Thunder damage. Use the Bone armor set to be resilient against the thunder attacks.

It is weak against water, so go for water-based weapons. It can jump from tree to tree so be careful, sue the camera, to not be caught off guard. The plan here is to immobilize him and prevent it from reaching a charged state.

Trapping the Tree Trasher

Location: Ancient Forest

Capture a Banbaro. A monster with two giant horns. This monster hurls boulders and trees at approaching hunters as it rampages through the landscape. It can inflict Ice and Iceblight damage and has a long reach. Weak to traps, blast, fire and dragon damage. Resistant to Ice and Water.

Forest Wildspire Treasure Hunt

Location: Wildspire Waste

You have to hunt another Kula-Ya-Ku. Refer back to the earlier, “Literary Thief” quest, to learn about this monster, in case you forgot.

Taster’s Tour

Location: Wildspire Waste

Gotta kill another Pukei-Pukei. Refer back to the earlier, “New World Problems” quest, in the ancient forest, to refresh you memory about this monster.

Dragged Through the Mud

Location: Wildspire Waste

Kill a Barroth. A large monster that marks its territory with mud. They can attack potential rivals with their devastating charging attack. Susceptible to Poison, paralysis and blast. Can attack with waterblight.

It’s resistant to thunder, water and fire. Their weaknesses and resistances swap when not covered in mud. Go for the head, back, and or the front claws which are the weakest point. Use Puddle Pod ammo to remove mud.

Jyura In My Way

Location: Wildspire Waste

Hunt a Jyuratodus. A large piscine wyvern, inhabiting the swaps of WIldspire Waste. It uses mud to capture prey. Attacks with water and hides within deep mud, swimming to attack from new angles. Weak to thunder and water, but resistant to water with no mud.

It is also resistant to thunder and fire. Similar to Barroth, its resistances and weaknesses invert when covered with mud. Head and tail are its weak spots. The mud removing tactics would also remain the same. Also susceptible to stun damage.

All the Wrong Signals

Location: Coral Highlands

Hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku. An odd guy that can blind both prey and enemies with a special pulsing organ near its head. Then finishes it off using its’ strong legs. Tzitzi-Ya-Ku has the ability to perform a special attack where blinding light emanates from its head. The attack can cause Stun and Disorientation.

This attack cannot be avoided by looking away from it, it has a telegraphed pattern beforehand that warns hunters of the range it will cover. You must be out of its range or to its side/back. The stun will activate even if the hunter or camera is facing away.

The flash attack can be blocked by looking at it with a shield up. (Gunlance, Lance, etc.). Its weaknesses are thunder and ice mainly. Furthermore, He is not resistant to anything.

Tzitzi-Ya-Ku’s organs begin to radiate before it releases its blinding pulse, giving you enough time to escape and flank it. Damaging this organ will dramatically reduce the flash’s effective range and can even nullify it entirely.

Grinding my Girros

Location: Rotten Vale

Kill a great girros. monster that scavenges for meals dropped from the Coral Highlands. It acts as the alpha leader of a Girros pack, and sports giant fangs that paralyze its prey. It is susceptible to sleep.

Resistant to thunder and weak to fire, water and ice. Hostile at medium range. Defeating the minions would make them scatter.Breaking the fangs of a Great Girros will make its paralyzing agent much weaker.

Can’t Bring Yourself to It

Location: Elder’s Recess

This may be difficult as you have to kill this cutie Dodogama. Although small in size, it devours rock as its primary diet. The Crystals it devours mix with its saliva to produce explosive minerals that it can spit at its enemies. With thunder, water and ice being its weaknesses, it is resistant to fire.

Dodogama’s weak spots are the head and tail, which can be severed. The mineras that it builds up in its mouth can explode, use this opening to attack.

This Here’s Big Horn Country!

Location: Elder’s Recess

Have to take on another Bonbaro, refer back to “Taking Charge” to get details on this monster.

Special Arena: MR Pukei-Pukei

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Pukei-Pukei.. Refer to “New World Problems” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Barroth

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Barroth. Refer to “Dragged Through the Mud to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Tobi-Kadachi

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Tobi-Kadachi Refer to “Beating Around the Bush” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Banbaro

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Banbaro.. Refer to “Taking Charge to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Two Star Quests

Analysis Creates Paralysis

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Kill a viper Tobi-kadachi. A subspecies, that secretes toxin n while its fangs paralyze prey. It can also glide without climbing trees. Weak to thunder, ice, fire and dragon damage, it is resistant to water. It deals physical damage and can also poison the attacker.

Poison and Paralysis Pinch

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Capture a Viper Tobi-Kadachi. Another quest with higher reward, upgrade the cleanse booster as well as more zenny. Refer to the previous quest for more details on the enemy.

Boaboa Constrictor

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Hunt fourteen Boaboas. A small monster that travels in heard. These would be seasy to hunt as they are not that ferocious.

By Our Powers Combined

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Kill a Beotodus. A master rank quest for Beotodus. Refer to “Ice catch” to learn about this monster.

You Scratch Our Backs…

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Another master rank quest to hunt a Beotodus. However, this is only accomplishable if you have befriended the BoaBoa. Then go on an expedition to Hoarfrost Reach and defeat a large monster solo while the BoaBoa watch. Refer to “Ice Catch” for details on Beotodus.

Anjanath Antics

Location: Ancient Forest

Hunt an Anjanath. This belligerent monster will attack anything without the slightest provocation. It is weak to water, thunder, and ice with resistance to fire. You can cut its tail and wound its legs, head, and specifically nose. In enraged mode its nose flares up, tendrils along spine flare up.

Anjanath spits firey blasts from its mouth utilizing a unique organ in its throat. Focusing attacks on its throat will make battling it much easier.

You can also use Bone armor set to get some fire resistance. You can also use water weapons earned after defeating Jyuratodus and Gajau monsters then visiting the smithy.

Fool’s Mate

Location: Ancient Forest

Defeat a Rathian. A terrestrial predator, it overpowers its prey with a venomous tail and powerful legs. Weaknesses are dragon and thunder damage although it is resistant to fire. Do bring a fire-resistant armor with you. Stop the poisonous attacks but cutting off its tail. The head, wings and tail are the weak spots.

Nighty Night Nightshade

Location: Ancient Forest

A master rank quest to capture nightshade. It is a Paolumu subspecies, capable of putting prey to sleep. Produces a powerful sedative gas stored within its throat sack that it can expel and scatter to knock unwary foes out. Weaknesses are water, fire, thunder, and ice. Resistant to dragon damage.

Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else

Hunt an Anjanath. Refer to “Anjanath Antics” to learn about Ajanath and its attacks.

A Queen at Heart

Hunt another Rathian. Refer back to the “Fool’s mate” to learn about Rathian.

A Face Nightmares Are Made Of

Location: Wildspire Waste

Hunt a Nightshade Paolumu. A large mammalian Flying Wyvern resembling a bat. Its weakness is water. Its most distinctive ability is a pale blue-green gas it expels from its mouth while inflated, which acts as a powerful narcotic that puts to sleep hunters that are exposed.

Feisty Girl Talk

Location: Wildspire Waste

A master rank quest whose reward is an upgraded health booster. First, you will have to complete “A Queen at Heart” or “Fool’s Mate“, in which you have to fight a Rathian.

Then, go into Expedition Mode, and t After finding this large monster, you will unlock the “Pink Power Grab” optional quest that you will have to complete.

Back in armory, talk with the Armory who will give you the “Feisty Girl Talk” mission in which you’ll have to face a Rathian and a Pink Rathian at the same time. A Pink Rathian that may be found in the Wildspire Waste or in the Coral Highlands.

The Plight of Paolumu

Location: Coral Highlands

Hunt a Paolumu. They are able to propel through the air using unique sacs in their bodies, and attack with their extremely hard tails. Weak to fire and thunder they are resistant to water.

Their head and mane are the weakest spots. Paolumu can’t move around as freely when its air sacs are deflated. Aim for its inflated body parts, or purposefully draw out its attacks that use up stored air, to gain the upper hand.

Pink Power Grab

Location: Coral Highlands

Another master rank quest. You have to hunt a Pink Rathian. Weak to dragon and thunder damage, resistant to fire. Pink Rathians develop shells in different body parts compared to standard Rathians, particularly on their tails. If you’re looking to sever its tail, aim for the relatively soft tip of the tail.

She will also fly towards her target and perform a tail flip sometimes. She is also much more likely to perform extra tail flips in a row than the standard Rathian.

Pink Rathian can follow up her shortrange bite with a second bite where she lunges forward. She cannot use this second bite while exhausted. Go for its head as a priority, wings after that and finally tail, with regards to weakest areas.

No Laughing Matter

Location: Rotten Vale

Hunt a Radobaan. A gigantic brute wyvern that eats the bones of carcasses found in the Rotten Vale, using some of it as armor. It also rolls into a ball as a form of attack and transportation. Its head and spines can be broken as well as the tail severed. Attack it as it rolls around to throw it off balance and knock it down. Shattering the bone armor is the key to winning a fight against this beast. Weaknesses are dragon and ice damage while it isn’t resistant to anything.

Bugger Off Bugs!

After reaching the Rotten Vale, head first to the Area 1 where you will find huge mosquitoes called “Vespoids” (picture3). Use your stones or ranged weapons to destroy them. By using your Clutch Claw twice, you will kill them without blowing them up. Thanks to these insects, you will obtain Vespoid Wings as well as some Monster Fluid that you need to craft certain weapons and armors at the Smithy. After killing fifteen Vespoids, walk to the Area 4, where there is a body of water and many animal carcasses. This is where you will find some Hornetaurs. Kill twenty of them to complete this mission.

Looking for That Glimmer

You have to collect twenty pieces of Gaia Amber. Go to Elder’s Recess. These objects to be collected will be found in the hottest areas of the region: the lava areas 07, 10 and 11.

Don’t forget to drink a cold drink so as not to lose your health points because of the heat, and to wear a mantle allowing you to go unnoticed by the Lavasioth who will patrol near its nest.. By completing this mission, you will also upgrade the Harvest Box of the Botanical Research Center.

Put That Red Cup Away

A master rank quest where you have to hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei. Refer back to “Hunt a Coral Pukei-Pukei” to get to know about the monster’s attacks.

Special Arena: MR Nightshade Paolumu

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Nightshade Paolumu Refer to “Nighty night shade” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Viper Tobi-Kadachi

This quest is unlocked after capturing a master rank Viper Tobi-Kadachi Refer to “Analysis creates paralysis” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Coral Pukei-Pukei

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Coral Pukei-Pukei. Refer to “Protip: Stay Hydrated” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Radobaan

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Radobaan. Refer to “No laughing matter” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Rathian

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Rathian. Refer to “Fool’s mate” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Pink Rathian

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Pink Rathian. Refer to “Feisty Girl Talk”paolum to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Paolumu

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Paolumu. Refer to “The plight of Paolumu” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: Anjanath

This quest is unlocked after capturing an Anjanath. Refer to “Anjanath Antics” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a four-star quest.

Three Star Quests

Remember That One Time?

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Hunt a Barioth. A returning Flying Wyvern characterized by its powerful and fast attacks. With its potent tail swipes, sharp claws and pouncing, this foe, while tough, can still be beaten either solo or in a group.

This fast-moving monster deals both physical damage and elemental damage, shooting out powerful blasts of chilled-wind that can inflict Iceblight. Resistant to ice and water and weak to fire, thunder and dragon damage. Bring flash pods and flash bugs, to prevent this wyvern from pinning you down as you’re healing, sharpening, or drinking various types of drugs.

Focus on breaking its claws, as this will decrease the monster’s mobility and leave it open to attacks for a few seconds. As with any normal wyvern Barioth is vulnerable to traps, so preparing your palico with Flashfly Cages can help immensely, along with packing Pitfall Traps.

The Purr-fect Room: Stone

A master rank quest to capture a Tigrex. As a reward you would earn the Adamantine Charm. Tigrex is weak to thunder, dragon, water and ice damage. Resistant to fire, this flying Wyvern characterized by its powerful attacks.

Swoop to a New Low

Location: Ancient Forest

Hunt a Rathalos, a fierce wyvern that descends upon invaders, attacking with its venomous claws and fiery breath. You can break the head, severe the tail and or the wings.

Rathalos prefers to stay airborne to unleash their myriad attacks, but a well-placed flash bomb or a shot from your Slinger can send them. Injuring their wings gives them a moment of vulnerability whenever they try to take flight. Use that opening as well to attack them.

Nargacuga, Should, Woulda

Hunt a Nargacuga, which is characterized by stalking and stealth attacks. Weak to thunder, fire, ice and dragon damage. It is resistant to water and is extremely agile, especially on the ground, moving with explosive bursts of speed.

The Secret to a Good Slice

Location: Ancient Forest

This is a master rank quest to hunt a Glavenus. It is weak to water, ice, dragon and thunder. Resistant to fire, it grows hotter and keener with each strike until it glows red.

Use vitality mantle to increase fire resistance and use your claw show and slinger ready to knock it down when possible. Be ready to dodge when its throat starts to glow, it will throw fireballs. Shock traps also work well against it.

Red and Black Aces

A master rank optional quest. After reaching the “A Tale of Ice and Fire” main quest, go to the Seliana Armory to get the “Red and Black Aces” optional quest. In this quest, you’ll have to hunt a Rathalos and a Nargacuga at the same time. After having succeeded in this challenge, the Seliana Armory will upgrade your Glider Mantle.

A Line in the Sand

Hunt a Diablos. Diablos can burrow and traverse underground quickly, attacking from different angles and has an ability that manifests as a loud shout/roar, stuns a player. This can be avoided using earplugs. Its weak spots are the head, wings and chest. They can be destroyed.

Diablos can be forcefully brought to the surface by using loud sounds, such as with a screamer pod, Noios and the Hunting Horn melody Sonic Waves. Its charging attack, while devastatingly powerful, can be baited into colliding with a wildspire, momentarily getting Diablos stuck. Since it is large range be ready to dodge when a monster animation begins.

Diablos is most powerful at the start of the fight. An effective strategy is to kite it around the arena, tiring it out. It is much slower and far less aggressive while exhausted, making the fight much easier.

When weakened, Diablos will often go to area 14. Here it has access to a new attack, where it burrows into the ground and erupts from the flowing sand walls. Its weaknesses are ice, dragon and water damage with resistance to fire.

A Flash of the Blade

A master rank request to capture a Glavenus. Refer to “The secret to a good slice” to learn about the monster and its attacks.

Simmer and Slice!

A master rank quest. After completing the related main quest, hunt all the monsters as guided in this optional quest.

Legiana Left Behind

Hunt a Legiana. It emits a chilling wind from its body, which dulls its prey’s ability to escape. Hunters can break the head, wings and tails which are its weak spots.

The membrane that covers its entire body enables Legiana to move with incredible speed. Damaging this membrane should help with slowing it down. Poison attacks have also been known to be effective.

The Black Wind
Hunt a Nargacuga, and refer to “Nargacuga, Shoulda, Woulda” to learn about the monster and its attacks.

Don’t be a Jerk with the Jerky

Location: Rotten Vale

A master rank quest to hunt an Odogaron. Its nasty claws cause heavy bleeding and should be avoided at all costs. Use meat to lure it into traps, stagger it, or coerce it into bouts of rage to tire it out and make it easier to deal with.

When in its rage state, it moves faster making it difficult to hit with slow weapons. Dodge till it tires out. Breaking a part and staggering it will cause it to counter attack. Dodge right after luring it to Girros, Great Girros monsters will increase the chances of paralyzing it.

To farm, hunt it on expeditions. Start at camp 11 to be closest resting place/lair/spawn point is located in Floor 1, Spot 13

A Roar that Shook the Vale

A master rank quest to hunt a Tigrex. . Refer to “The Purr-fect Room: Stone” to learn about the monster and its attacks.

Runnin’, Rollin’, and Weepin’

A master rank quest. In this quest, you’ll have to hunt a Tigrex and a Radobaan at the same time. After having succeeded in this challenge, the Seliana Armory will upgrade your Challenger Mantle.

Everyone’s a Critic

Location: Elder’s Recess

Hunt a Lavasioth. Using molten lava as armor, they are extremely aggressive and will attack without prejudice until the threat has been eliminated. Weak to water-thunder and ice when not hardened. It is resistant to fire when not hardened- thunder and ice when hardened.

Go for the head and the underbelly. It will have a layer of magma that will deflect attacks if it cools. To soften use fire damage, slinger torch pods are in the areas which Lavasioth is located and moves to. Or you can wait until it swims through magma which will soften it.

Begone Uragaan

Hunt an Uragaan. It feeds on ore, using the mighty jaws to crush solid rock to powder. Weak to water, ice and dragon damage. Resistant to fire, aim for its head and underbelly.

Careful of the packages it drops and the shockwaves it causes. These would also cause the packages to explode. Watch out!

Blast Warning in Effect!

A master rank quest to capture Brachdios. A marine-blue brute wyvern that uses its saliva to prime the sticky slime coating its massive arms, rendering it highly explosive. It is resistant to fire and weak to everything else.

Secret of the Ooze

A master rank quest to capture a Barchydios. Refer to “Blast Warning in Effect” to learn about the monster and its attacks.

Festival of Explosions!

A master rank quest to hunt a Brachydios and a Uragaan at the same time.

Proud White Knight

A master rank quest to hunt a Tempered Barioth. Make sure to bring Hot Drinks or get them from the landscape Hot Peppers. Traps work well with this monster, and attacking its front claws and breaking them will limit its mobility. Refer to “Remember that one time?” to learn about the monster and its attacks.

A Nasty Flesh Wound

A master rank quest to hunt a Tempered Odogaron. Traps work well with this monster and since it can inflict Bleeding, it is a good idea to bring Astera Jerky. Refer to “Don’t be a Jerk with the Jerky” to learn about the monster and its attacks.

Special Arena: MR Nargacuga

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Nargacuga. Refer to “Nargacuga, Should, Woulda” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Barioth

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Barioth. Refer to “Remember that one time?” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Glavenus

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Glavenus. Refer to “The Secret to a Good Slice” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Legiana

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Legiana. Refer to “Legiana Left Behind” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Odogaron

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Odogaron. Refer to “Don’t be a Jerk with the Jerky” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Rathalos

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Rathalos. Refer to “Swoop to a New Low” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Tigrex

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Tigrex. Refer to “The Purr-fect Room: Stone” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Brachydios

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Brachydios. Refer to “Blast Warning in Effect” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Diablos

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Diablos. Refer to “A line in the sand” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Four Star Quests

Noblefrost Hunter

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

A master rank quest to hunt a shrieking legiana. Shrieking Legiana’s manipulation of ice improved further as a result of adapting to the Hoarfrost Reach. Many of their attacks cover large areas with ice spikes, and they can use powerful dive attacks.

Tundra Troublemaker

A master rank quest to hunt a Fulgur Anjanath. It has a unique affinity for the Thunder Element. It generates electric energy with a special organ in its body, utilizing it in combination with its already great physical strength. When charged up, its mucus will also be electrified, allowing it to hurl it at opponents.

Duet of Rime

You have to face a Legiana and its Shrieking version. If you succeed in this feat, you will get an upgrade for your Iceproof Mantle.

Treasure in the Steam

A master rank quest to deliver two hot spring stones. Start at camp 12 and make your way to quadrant 13 to pick up the Hot Spring Rock. Take it back to Camp 5, use Ghillie Mantle to ensure a safe passage. If you are hit by an enemy or if you lose all your stamina, you will also lose the Stone you are carrying.

These Azure Eyes See All

A master rank quest to hunt an Azure Rathalos. They have stronger wings than the regular Rathalos, meaning they can stay in the air longer and pull off powerful combos with their fire breath and poisonous claws. Azure Rathalos are very aggressive and intelligent, even by Rathalos standards.

Counter its airborne onslaught by observing its flight patterns and finding the right moment to knock it out of the sky. Once grounded, it loses the ability to perform consecutive attacks, making the fight much easier.

In the Heat of the Moment

Location: Wildspire Waste

Black Diablos are much more aggressive towards intruders when in heat, and are known to attack enemies in retreat. Do not let your guard down even if you think you’ve established a safe distance from these monsters. Its tail can be severed, head chest and wings severed.

Misfortune in the Forest

Location: Coral Highlands

A master rank quest to hunt an Ebony Odogoran. The Ebony Odogaron is an aggressive creature that is always on the hunt for its next meal. It carries its latest kill in its mouth as a means of sustenance to further improve its abilities when needed.

It will swipe with its claws and tail in order to assault its opponent and will look for openings to bite them with its powerful jaws. However, being an evolved individual, which has taken on new traits, it also has new abilities not seen on a regular Odogaron and is even able to inflict Dragonblight onto its opponents with the smoke it generates from its mouth.

It will also spit chunks of flesh which it has been eating in order to attack its foes, infusing the flesh with dragon element to deal Dragonblight damage against its foe.

This Corroded Blade

A master rank quest to hunt an acidic Glavenus. Acidic Glavenus has greater control over its tail attacks than the standard Glavenus due to its lighter tail, and subsequently uses more precise tail slashes and jabs in addition to wider slashes.

When covered in the acidic crystals, its tail is heavier and thus Acidic Glavenus behaves more like the ordinary species. The acid on its tail is highly corrosive and can cause Defense Down on contact.

A Shadowy Offender

A master rank quest to hunt an Ebony Odogoran. Refer to “Misfortune in the Forest” to get details on this monster.
Location: Coral Highlands

The Purr-fect Room: Light Iron

Location: Rotten Vale

A master rank quest to capture an Acidic Glavenus. As this is a capture quest, picking up traps from the toolbox is advisable. Refer to “This Corroded Blade” to get details on the monster’s attacks.

The Purr-fect Room: Dark Iron

A master rank quest to capture an ebony Odogaron and an Odogaron. Remember that the Odogarons will turf war, so let them hurt each other.

Blue Rathalos Blues

A master rank quest to hunt an Azure Rathalos. Refer to “These Azure Eyes See All” to learn about the monster’s attacks.

Trap the Thunder Jaw

A master rank quest to capture a Fulgur Anjanath. Refer to “Tundra Troublemaker”.

Piercing Black

A master rank quest to hunt a tempered black diablos. Refer to “In the heat of the moment”.

Special Arena: MR Azure Rathalos

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Azure Rathalos. Refer to These Azure eyes see all” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Black Diablos

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Black Diablos. Refer to “In the heat of the moment” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Fulgur Anjanath

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Fulgur Anjanath. Refer to “Tundra Troublemaker” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Acidic Glavenus

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Acidic Glavenus Refer to “This corroded blade” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Special Arena: MR Ebony Odogaron

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Ebony Odogaron. Refer to “Misfortune in the forest” to learn about the monster and its attacks. The only major difference here would be its strength since it is a Master Rank quest.

Five Star Quests

The Harbinger of Clear Skies

Location: Ancient Forest

Master rank quest to hunt Kushala Daora. Combat in his sleeping area will eventually fill up with tornadoes that impede movement and makes combat much more difficult to position.

Either kill him quickly, or get him to leave the area (through damage or after about 5 minutes of combat). The melody “All Wind Pressure Negated” can be used to counter both normal air attacks and those of its enraged mode.

Similar to other entries in the series, it can be locked into a state of repeated knockdowns by targeting the head with heavy dragon elemental damage.

Royal Audience on the Sand

In this Master Rank quest, your goal is to defeat a dragon named Teostra. Teostra’s main attack comes from its black-scale dust. It spreads this dust around the battlefield and after some time, the dust causes the area to blow up.

You’ll need to look out for the black scale dust throughout the fight. Stay away from the areas where you see the dust. To defend itself, Teostra will cover itself in flames and then fly up into the sky before creating a supernova. Make sure to not get too close to it when its covered in flames.

When Teostra is up in the sky, you can actually use a Flash Pod to knock him down to the ground. And if he’s about to create the supernova, you can cancel it using Crystalburst if the battle s taking place in the Elder’s Recess.

The best way to defeat Teostra is by using weapons with Elderseal capabilities. These weapons are able to stagger Teostra, allowing you to easily deal damage to it.

When attacking the dragon, aim your attacks on its stomach and head. Other weak points are its wings and tail.

Clashing Swords Upon the Rime

Location: Hoarfrost Reach

Master rank quest to hunt a Velkhana. The main antagonist of the series. This monster’s breadth inflicts Iceblight and will project it long range and all around the monster when in the air.

It breathes beams of supercooled fluid that can instantly freeze monsters. When covered in its ice armor, ice crystals form nearby, and when struck by Velkhana’s ice breath they form large spires that soon explode.

Small ice platforms sometimes form, which can be jumped off of. Occasionally, spikes of ice rain from clouds close to the ground when it is enraged. Weak against fire, thunder and dragon damage.

Lightning Crashes

Master rank quest to hunt a Kirin. This is an Elder Dragon so traps won’t work. Bring the Temporal Mantle and Thunderproof Mantle to help, and make good use of nulberries to remove Thrunderblight as needed.

Memories of the Sea god

Location: Coral Highlands

Master rank quest to hunt a Namielle. The monster mainly sprays water and waterblight, which then creates water puddles on the ground. These puddles can sweep you towards Namielle or make you vulnerable to thunder damage.

Namielle will charge up the thunder damage which causes the dragon to glow brighter and can electrocute the puddles or around the dragon depending on how much is charged.

Will charge a large amount of thunder and electrocute most of the ground before fleeing to the next battleground.

It’s the Afterlife for Me

Master rank quest to hunt Hunt a Blackveil Vaal Hazak. This is an Elder Dragon so traps won’t work. Bring the Temporal Mantle and slot Miasma decorations to prevent Effluvial Buildup. Being under the influence of Effluvia will also make the Elder Dragon absorb your health, so clear the status with a Nulberry as soon as possible!

Here Comes the Deathmaker

Master rank quest to hunt a Black Veil Hazak.

Seething with Anger

Location: Elder’s Recess

Master rank quest to hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse. The scales of this Bazelgeuse variant burn hotter than normal increasing in number and explosion radius as time passes

The Purr-fect Room: Silver

A master rank quest to capture a Seething Bazelguese. As this is a capture quest, picking up traps from the toolbox is advisable!

Six Star Quests

Faraway Lorelei

Location: Origin Isle

A master rank hunting quest for Shara Ishvalda. Shara Ishvalda is available at random, for two quests. This is similar to Zorah Magdaros and Xeno’jiiva.

Bring Lifepowder and other AOE healing items so you might help your allies. Stun resistance and Aquatic Expert are useful in this fight

You can clutch onto the head of the dragon during the first phase – if you do it near a specific rock formation, it can receive great damage from the falling rocks it gets bumped into.

One Hot Night in the Spire

Master rank quest to capture a Lunastra. This is an Elder Dragon so traps won’t work. Bring the Temporal Mantle and Fireproof Mantle to help, and make good use of nulberries to remove Fireblight as needed.

Lunastra’s nova can be avoided by doing a dodge jump at the right time or using a Farcaster, and countered by spamming heals. Level 5 Windproof/3 Piece Kushala set bonus will also negate the wind pressure from some of Lunastra’s attacks. This, in turn, makes attacks, like her nova, much easier to survive.

Hymn of Moon and Sun

Master rank quest to hunt a Gold Rathian and a Silver Rathalos. This quest is only available to MR 125 and higher players. Both of the enemies can inflict deadly poison and cause fireblight and stun. They will be fought at the same time and dung pods do not work.
Ranged builds are better for this fight, but you can use traps and a good gear layout to counter their mobility.

We Run This Town

A master rank quest to hunt Tigrex, Narcauga, Zingore, Brachydios and Glavenus. This quest is rewarded to you after you’ve completed all the other earlier Master Rank Optional Quests. (This means you’ll need the red band with orange text on your optional menu for 1-star, 2-star, 3-star, 4-star, and 5-star quests.) Then talk to the Team Leader to claim this 6-star quest.

Divine Surge

A master rank quest to slay Tempered kirin and Tempered Namielle. These are tempered monsters, so prepare your gear properly and make sure your palico is on heals if you are unsure about your damage. Both enemies deal thunder damage, so planning ahead for thunder resistance can prove helpful.

Special Arena: MR Zinogre

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Zingore.

Special Arena: MR Yian Garuga

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Yian Gargua.

Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Brute Tigrex.

Special Arena: MR Gold Rathian

This quest is unlocked after capturing a Master Rank Gold Rathian.

Special Arena: MR Silver Rathalos

This quest is unlocked after capturing an MR Silver Rathalos.

That is all we have on Monster Hunter World Iceborne Optional Quests. Let us know in the comments if you have any difficulty with any of these quests.

Monster Hunter World Iceborne Optional Quests Guide (2024)
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