San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

eetsade THE Ejalez Anden ESSENTIALS make up a three-point plan for cleanse, refresh, smooth your beauty. CLEANSE with Ardena Cleansing Cream for dry or normal skins. Or Fluffy Cleansing Cream for oilier complexions, Each 1.00 to 6.00 REFRESH with Ardena Skin Lotion, 85c to 15.00. Or carefully-compounded Special Astringent, 2.25 to 20.00 SMOOTH with delicate Velva Cream, 1.00 .00 to 6.00 Rich, soothing Ardena Orange Skin Cream, 1.00 to 8.00 Ardena Perfection Cream, new, luxurious emollient for any skin type. 6.00, 10.00 all prices plus las toiletries first floor Hemphill-Wells Co: Willkie Left A Net Estate Of $559,992 NEW YORK, Dec.

26. (P) dell Willkie left a gross estate of $849,316.67 and net estate of 6550.992.24 when he died Oct. 8, Weeks DRUG STORE We have complete Surgical Appliance Department Includtog Trusses, all types of "CAMP" Surgical Supports, Shoulder Braces, Elastic StockCrutches, Elastio Ankle and Knee Braces, etc. This department is in charge of well well-trained man and lady fitters. Ask Your Doctor DRUG STORE YOU 24 and 26 East Twohig (Across from Continental Trailways Station) PHONE 4153 BRESCRIPTIONS 1944, an appraisal filed today with the State Transfer Tax Department showed.

The 1940 Republican Presidential nominee left his personal effects and income from 75 per cent of the residual to his widow, Mrs. Edith W. Willkie, and 25 per cent of the residue income and contingent remainder interests to his son, Philip. Among the assets listed by the administrators, the First National Bank of the City of New York, were stocks and bonds valued at 12; mortgages, notes and cash amounting to insurance of $139.847.16 and properties in Rush County, Indiana. Diamonds Make the perfect gift, regardless of the occasion.

Our diamonds are styled and priced to fit your budget, however much or little you want to pay. Paul O. Mills Jeweler Backache, Leg Pains May Be Danger Sign Of Tired Kidneys If backache and leg pains are making you miserable, don't just complain and do nothing about them. Nature may be warning you that your kidneys need attention. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood.

They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waste matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 40 years.

Doan's give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous vraste from the blood, Get Doan's Pills. EX-GIs REG. STUDENTS WE SUGGEST EARLY REGISTRATION For Term Beginning January 6, 1947 SAN ANGELO BUSINESS COLLEGE S. Chadbourne St. Dial 3660 Register between Dec.

26, 1946, and Jan. 6, 1947 Approved by Veterans Administration for training under Ci Bill of Rights. Approved by National Council of Business Colleges, Washington, D. for Stenographic, Secretarial, Junior Accounting, Higher Accounting, and Business Administration Courses. Material for Thought There's A Talent In Tailoring Topcoats A precisely-tailored topcoat cut to fit just doesn't It requires the skillful hands and minds of craftsmen.

Every coat on our racks is the product of superior workmanship. $50 Clothes For Style-Conscious and Budget-Conscious Men! Cox Rushing Greer Ca Store Hours- -Daily 8:30 a. m. 'till 5:30 p. -Saturdays 8:30 a.

m. 'til 7:30 p. m. TIME TO DEFROST- was the pas sword aboard the Coast Guard cutter Kimball after it rode out recent Lake Superior storm and made port at Duluth, weighted down with tons of ice. In photo, above, Seaman John Dickendashen, Columbus, Ohio, stands between a life-raft, left, and a Gl truck, right.

AIMS, PROBLEMS TOLD Winter Is Meeting Time For Farm, Ranch Groups By WILBUR MARTIN Associated Press Staff Texas farmers and ranchers are using wintertime to hold annual meetings, airing problems and discussing future aims. Some lofty resolutions and policies have been decided already at a few. Mounting imports of foreign wool concerned delegates of the Texas Sheep and Raisers Association recently. They called for an "adequate tariff increase" to protect domestic wool and prod-. ucts.

PROGRAM OPPOSED Another resolution asked that Commodity Credit Corp. be then "empowered to dispose of domestic wools it now owns at prices which will encourage and permit the rapid sales in competition with imported wool, but not interfere with ormarketing of forthcoming domestic production." State soil conservation directors went on record as opposing consolidating the soil conservation program with other agriculture agen-1 cies. And a resolution reminded that now would be a good time to apply natural soil-building programs, following, heavy ANDERSON wartime TO land TALK usage. One of the biggest gatherings on schedule is the ninth annual meeting of the National Cotton Council at Galveston, Jan. 2 28-30.

Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson is scheduled to appear on the program. Oscar Johnston, president of the council, has said one of the major items will be the mapping of a full-scale program to better the American position on overseas cotton markets. THRESHING TIME The annual San Saba fat stock show for of the 4-H clubs and FFA chapters scheduled Jan. 27 and the Coleman County livestock show is set for Jan.

20-21. HARP BECOMES SHERIFF Only One New Face Will Join Crockett Officialdom Standard-Times News Service OZONA, Dec. will be only one new face when elective officials of Crockett County start Bruce Harp will become sheriff two year terms me Wednesday. and tax assessor-collector, succeeding Frank James, who is retiring after two terms in office. Mrs.

A. O. Fields has resigned as office deputy, effective Jan. 1. She took over her husband's job when he left for military service early in the war.

BOOKS of all Publishers Angelus Bookshop Second Floor Hemphill-Wells Careful Attention Given Mail Orders Accuracy Quality Satisfaction Stop in for a "check-up" on your eyes NOW! OTIS PARRIS OPTOMETRIST 5 W. Beauregard Dial 6006 San Angelo SEE If there is any doubt about your eyes, you'd better have them examined today! If Glasses Are Needed Get PHILLIPS GLASSES Dr. Phillips OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 28-A W. Beauregard Texas College has announced that the first annual short course production of corn hybrid seed" will be held Jan. 6-8.

The Texas Hybrid Seed Corn Association is co-operating the affair. Jack Harper, San Marcos, is president of the Association and R. V. Miller, Austin, Secretary. Texas gained executive rank for the first time in the American Vocational Association recently.

Ed L. Williams, director of the Texas College industrial extension service, and J. J. Brown, state director of vocational rehabilitation, were elected vice presidents. Willie Molter, son of Mrs.

Carl Rausch of Fredericksburg, was boomed as one of the leading race horse trainers of the nation by a weekly news magazine. His horses have won 114 races in 1946. Another Fredericksburg boy who has done all right as a turf trainer is Max Hirsch. He trained the King Ranch Kentucky Derby winner, Assault. Senator Connally Visits In Marlin MARLIN, Dec.

26. (P) Senator Tom Connally was Marlin today for his first home-town visit since last Christmas. He arrived last night from Houston, where he spent Christmas with his son, Ben Connally and family. "I am grateful to find conditions in Texas so fine," said the Foreign Relations Committee chairman, who made four trips to Europe this year. "Anyone who spends a few months in Europe and witnesses the hardships and miseries of the people of that area, and lives among the harshness of their government will return to the United States with a joy and will to thank God that he lives in this great land of ours." Senator Connally will leave tonight for Texarkana where Mrs.

Connally has visited relatives during the holidays. The couple will return to Washington in time for the senator to attend the Democratic caucus there Jan. 3. A person can be poisoned by poison ivy without touching it. Smoke from burning poison ivy irritates sensitive skins.

Tahoka Man Dies In Airplane Crash TAHOKA, Dec. 26. (P) Lane Jones, 19, of Tahoka was killed yesterday afternoon in the crash and burning of a light plane in a field near Wells community. He had been in the air about: 30 minutes before the crash, which his father, W. C.

Jones, said was believed to have been caused by an air pocket. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon in Tahoka Methodist church. Harp has named Mrs. Gertrude Parry, bookkeeper at the Smith Drug Store for several years, to assume the deputy's post. He announced ced that Deputy-Jailer Ross Dickey and Night Deputy Hurst Laws will be retained on his force.

Other county and precinct officials- re-elected in the recent general election--will begin their new terms in office on Jan. 1 with only a ripple of unusual activity. A new term in office means taking the oath of office and furnishing new bond. Beginning new two terms will be County Judge Houston S. Smith, and District Clerk George Russell, County Attorney N.

W. Graham, County Surveyor W. P. Conklin, County Commissioners Rob Miller, Chas. S.

Black, J. W. Owens, and E. R. Kinser, Justice of the Peace Bill Johnigan and Constable Tom Smith.

Hitch-hikers Fail In Attempt To Rob Abilene Man FORT WORTH, Dec. 26. (P) The Christmas Day kindness of an Abilene resident in giving two hitchhikers a ride from Texarkana last night was rewarded with their unsuccessful attempt to rob him of his money and car. Bobby Ray Fincher told police here he had reached the western limits of Fort. Worth on Highway 80 when one of the riders, 21, drew a knife and his companion, 32, remarked that he had a gun in his pocket.

The elder man took over the car wheel. After taking his billfold containing $4, the men directed Fincher to cash a check in a North Side cafe. Fincher instead called police, who, a chase, caught the men in North Side. Yule Gifts Sent To Legion Vets Standard-Times News Service LAMPASAS, Dec. AmerScan Legion post here sent 21 Christmas packages to veterans in the Legion hospital near Metcalfe Kerrville, Dusty Bales, chairman of the local "Yanks Who Gave" drive, reported this week.

Weldon Mitchell of Adamsonville has been taken in as a member of the Legion here. Eldoradoan Flies To Warm Springs For Yule Visit Standard-Times News Service ELDORADO, Dec. W. Alexander, local banker, took plane for Warm Springs, to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Alexander and their son, Ollie, who is undergoing treatment for infantile paralysis at the foundation there.

Condition of young Alexander is I reported improved. YOU HAVE MADE Bu Budweiser ser THE MOST POPULAR BEER IN HISTORY Inquiries about why enough Budweiser is not yet available have become so numerous that we ask our good friends everywhere in America to remember these facts: Your demand has made Budweiser the most rationing of many products to the country popular beer the world has ever known-year at large. In spite of the fact that grain quotas after year after year. Official government have been largely restored, Budweiser still is figures prove it. being rationed, because your demand still Our production today is the greatest in the exceeds the production of our present vast history of brewing.

Yet, Budweiser's high facilities standard of quality is maintained at all times. So that you will find Budweiser again The constantly expanded Home of Budweiser wherever you ask for it, our covering 70 city blocks in St. Louis is the sion program will get under way just as soon world's largest brewery-as it was when beer as building skills and materials are available. returned in 1933. Meanwhile, each day sees Budweiser arrive Each year, beginning in 1933, facilities to increase ing in communities everywhere to supply the production of Budweiser were added until the end dealers equitably if not abundantly.

war put an to sion in the brewing industry. When you ask for Budweiser and get it, you But, each succeeding year found your in- are enjoying the quality and the distinctive creased demand running far ahead of our taste that have made it-sip by sip, drink by expanded facilities. Thus. Budweiser had to drink, bottle by bottle and barrel by barrel, be rationed to dealers each year for several year in and year out, the most popular beer years before wartime shortages introduced in history. CH SAINT LOUIS.

San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.