The Hopkins County Echo (2024)

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Friday, November 30, 1956.
News.. ♦
(Mmorial Hospital Waiting hoarn
I la 4 ud 7 to t », «.}
Mike and Bill Hodges of Tex-
as street underwent tonsilecto-
mies Wednesday at Memorial
Mrs. Ernie Johnson of Route
Three is a medical patient at
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. 0. B. King and infant
son, have been removed to their
homg at Brashear from Memorial
Hospital, where the baby was
Mrs. Charlie Hathaway has
been removed to her home on
Goodman avenue from Memorial
Hospital, where she was a medi-
cal patient.
Mrs. J. N. Owens, Jr., of Mor-
ris Drive is a medical patient at
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Ben Burkett of Route
Five is undergoing medical treat-
ment1 at Memorial Hospital.
Dr. Thomas H. McConnell of
Gilmer street is a medical patient
at Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Adkins of
New Iberia, La., announce the
birth of a son, Wednesday, Nov.
28, at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. J. L. Hedrick of Sulphur
Bluff is undergoing medical
treatment at Memorial Hospital.
Bo Van Zandt of 223 Craig
has been admitted to Memorial
Hospital for medical treatment.
W. L. Walker pf Como has
been removed to his home after
medical treatment at Memorial
Mrs. Barbara Adams has been
removed to her home at Yantis
from Memorial Hospital, where
she has been a medical patient.
Mrs. Ollie Thompson has been
removed to her home on Cooper
Route Two after medical treat-
ment at Memorial Hospital.
Johnny Kay Anders, infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anders of
Putman street, has been admitted
to Memorial Hosptal for medical
Mrs. Ira Earhart of Como,
Route One is a medical patient
at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. George Ballard has been
removed to her home on Route
Two after medical treatment at
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Truett Burkett of 401
Old Jefferson has been dismissed
to her home after medical treat-
ment at Memorial Hospital.
R. L. Fuller of 627 Sunset has
been dismissed to his home after
medical treatment at Memorial
Hospital. <
Bill Ivery of 427 Ross has been
dismissed to his home following
medical treatment at Memorial
Mrs. Royce Fouse and infant
son have been removed to their
home on Route One from Memor-
ial Hospital, where the baby was
Mrs. J. C. Littrell Jr., has been
removed to her home at 109 Glov-
er from Memorial Hospital, where
she was a medical patient.
Mr. and Mrs. James Williams of
504 Lamar announee-the birth of
a daughter Friday morning at Me-
morial Hospital. Mrs. Williams and
baby have been removed to their
Mrs. Homer Buchanan of 208
Anglin is a medical patient at
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Da;r. Jenkins has been re-
moved to her home at 813 Mul-
. berry street from Memorial Hos-
pital, where sho was a medical pa-
J. D. Evans of Route Three is
a medical patient at Memorial
Mrs. Willie Adair of 209 East
Park has been dismissed to her
home following several week*
medical treatment at Memorial
Mrs. Olan Townsend of 201
East Park has been removed to
her home from Memorial Hospi-
tal, where she was a medical pa-
tient. ,
Mrs. H. C. Hazle has been re-
moved to her home on Route Twe
from Memorial Hospital.
Kathryn Carpenter of 1048
Main has been removed to her
home after medical treatment at
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. W. F. Swoop has been
removed to her home at Emory
from Memorial Hospital, where
she has been a medical patient.
Mrs. W. E. France has been re-
moved to her home at 614 Bell-
view following medical treatment
at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. A. J. Cundiff of Dallas
has been removed to her home
after medical treatment at Mem-
orial Hospital.
Mrs. E. N. Adams has been re-
moved to her home at Emory
from Memorial Hospital, where
she was a patient for treatment
of injuries received in a traffic
Mrs. Emma Stanley of Como
has beegi dismissed to Boyd’s
Rest Home on Atkins street from
Memorial Hospital, where she
has been a patient for several
Mack Covington has been re-
moved to his home on North Dav-
is after medical treatment at
Memorial Hospital.
Wilma Romine, 15, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Harris
of Winnsboro, Route Two, was
admitted to Memorial Hospital
Friday night for treatment of in-
juries received in a traffic ac-
cident. She is reported to be
resting comfortably Saturday af-
—Mrs. G. N. Martin of Route
Two is a medical patient at Mem-
orial Hospital.
Mrs. Robert Ardis of Tulsa,
Okla., has been admitted to Mem-
orial Hospital for medical treat-
Ernestine Bozeman of Como,
Route One is a medical patient
at Memorial Hospital.
. Larry Gene Hatten has been
removed to his home on Route
One following medical treat-
ment at Memorial Hospital.
Patricia Ann Busby, 15, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Busby
of Winnsboro, Route Three was
admitted to Memorial Hospital
Friday night for treatment of in-
juries received in a highway acci-
dent! Her condition was describ-
ed as fair at the hospital Satur-
day afternoon.
The condition of D. B. Pear-
son of Houston street is report-
ed to be improved at Memorial
Hospital, where he has been quite
ill for several days.
The condition of Mrs. E. E.
Banks is listed as unchanged at
Memorial Hospital, where she has
•been seriously ill for several
Ed Long has been removed to
his home at 422 Gilmer from
Memorial Hospital, where he has
been a medical patient.
Mrs. O. E. Johnson of Route
Two, Dike has been dismissed to
her home after medical treat-
ment at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Robert Irons has been
removed to her home on Russell
Drive from Memorial - Hospital,
where she was a medical patient.
F. L. Waits is reported to be
resting better at Memorial Hos-
pital where he has been a medi-
cal patient for several weeks.
Mrs. Ida Leah Roberson of 126
South Moore has been dismissed
to her home after medical treat-
ment at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Lou Hunt has been re-
moved to her home at 820 Jack-
son after medical treatment, at
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Ed Sickles has been re-
moved to her home at Midland
from Memorial Hospital, where
she has been a medical patient.
V. L. Sanders of Route Two
is a medical patient at Memorial
C. E. McKee of Star Route has
been admited to Memorial Hos-
pital as a medical patient.
Mrs. J. W. Gray of 109 F03-
cue is a medical patient at Mem-
orial Hospital.
Charles Martin has been re-
moved to his home at 241 Mc-
Cann after medical treatment at
Memorial Hospital.
Edward Clark, city, is a medi-
at Memorial Hospital.
MrW. H. A. Payne of Saltillo
has been admitted to Memorial
Hospital for medical treatment.
Mrs. O. B. Hickey has been re-
moved to her home at Pickton
after medical treatment at Mem-
orial Hospital.
Orville Lee Clark of Cooper is
a medical patient at Memorial
H. G. Springer of Route Five
is a medical patient at Memorial
Gene Smith of Yantis has been
admitted to Memorial Hospital
for medical treatment.
Mrs. J. F. Pearce of Dike is
undergoing medical treatment at
Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Glossup of
834 Fisher announce the birth
of a daughter, Saturday night,
Nov. 24, at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Pizzini Price, Sulphur
Springs, Route four, is a medi-
cal patient at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Joe Joslin, Route One,
< was admitted to Memorial Hos-
i pital for medical treatment.
T. L. Sanderson. Route Five,
; is receiving medical treatment at
Two has been admitted to Me-
morial Hospital for medical treat-
Renny Hooker of Route Two is
a patient >at Memorial Hospital.
—i|A. H. Dickerson of 131 Park
Street has been admitted to Me-
morial Hospital.
Nancy Massey of Route Two
underwent surgery at Memorial
W. C. Payne, 804 Church
Street, is a patient at Memorial
L. |1. Penson has been dismiss-
ed to his home at 1300 Main,
from Memorial Hospital.
Mis. O. H. Hawkins and baby
daughter have been removed to
their home at 204 Ardis from
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. G. O. Milsap was dis-
missed from Memorial Hospital
to her home on Route Two,^after
receiving medical treatment.
Mis. George Crowley and bahv
Football Letterme
Announced by Pyle
Pyle Mqnday an- numerals are Jim McConnell, Alan
nouneed 26 members of the 1956
Wildcat football squad and two
managers have been voted letters
for the season just closed.
Seniors named for letters are
Thomas Alford, Gene Allen, Do-;
vid Dildy, LeKoy Hanson, Jerry
Payne, Jerry Gillem, Phil Hanson
and Jerry Ray Moss.
Student managers named for
awards are Raymond Hammond
and Jerry Mack Clifton.
Proipects Bright
Coach Pyle, looking forward to
Spears, Jim Gill, Mike McMuIlan, pthe 1957 season, said that pros-
Jim Johnson a n d Jack Ward.
McMuIlan earned his third letter,
while Spears and Gill were gain-
ing their first numerals. The oth-
er six gridders lettered for the
second time.. \
Jilnioi awarded letters are Fill
cal patient at Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. W. O. Millsap of CumbyJ Memorial Hospital.
Route Two is a medical patient Mrs. Allen Deaton
daughter were dismissed to their Bailey, Bill Paider, Willie Wyatt,
home in Lone Star from Memo-f ^ WatSon, Don Barnett, Ocie
rial Hospital, where the baby was ; Wright, Joe Moody, Mike Barton,
jjorn> by Carroll and Tommy Hogan
peets should be much brighter
; next year. He pointed out that of
the 12 returning juniors, eight
nave ear ned two letters. Five
I sophom*ores earning letters will
i bobsl the experienced returnees
to 17 for next year.
In addition, some of the squad-
men are expected to develop and
several youngsters up from the
Wildcats had a better team than
in 1955, which had a 5-won, 6-
lost record.
“We won 4 and loft 6 thia year,’*
Pyle said, “but we played strong-
er opponents.
“Our team was improved over
last year—particularly offensive-
ly. Only one otlier team—Paris-*—
scored more points in district play
than we did,” Pyle added.
The Wildcats advanced from\
Class . AA to AAA this year,"
whereas last year they played only
two teams in triple-A.
Cite* Standout*
Coach Pyle praised the entire
Wildcat team for a fine perform-
ance in the Mount Pleasant game,
wliich Sulphur Springs won 20 to
“I thought that Jim Gill (mid-
dle guard) and Mike McMuIlan
played their best game of the sea-
Gill is a defensive ace, while
AlcMullan is a halfback.
Travis Owens has been dismiss- , Mowl Barton, Owens and Hogan
ed to Ins home on Route i wo
from Memorial Hospital, where
he received medical treatment.
Junior High team are due to bol-
Bailey, Wyatt, Watson, Wright, ster the club’s strength.
Stronger Offen*e
Reflecting on the season just
closed, Coach Pyle opined that the
j earned their second numerals.
Sophom*ores earning their first
Mrs. F. D. ■ Alexander of 801
Brinkcr was admitted to Baylor
Hospital in Dallas Sunday for
Medical treatment. Her room
number is 352.
Try a Want Ad for Results
. • Ik
swine Blair!
Walker Austex
Chili With Beans
The real Home-made kind
Mexican Style
Brown Beauty
Vienna Sausage
Perky Flavor — Money Saver
1 '.. s'- *
■ ‘ . ■ ; V&V , f '
1 ,V‘
\ £** :v.jv
NOW . . . while beef prices are low ... is
a good time for you to buy a good calf and
bring it to us for processing for your food
locker or freezer.
' . ., . 'St- ¥* ^
If you don’t have a locker, come in and let ~
us Show you how you can save by renting
one and letting us process beef for you.
We’ll do the job complete for you, with the
meat cut and packaged just the. way you
want it. Come in today!
/i • ' ./ ...
Try A Can of Our Stew or Meat Balls
Look for the "Little Rod SchoolhouM” Label
Putman Street Dial: 5-5241
Wolf Tamales
Dog Food_
Dalicious with Chili
or .
Frozen Bel-Air If#''4''
A No. 1 Vi a^^L
c io-o,. IflSL
Hr Can* |
• Cant
r------Jj r -
Zee Colored Napkins
Zee Toilet Tissue
- Aitoried Colon
Delicious Cracker Jades
rwr.p. 2 njif*’ 19*
Vel - Liquid Detergent
* L°" 69*
White Magic Bleach 31*
Faultless Starch 13*
... Skylark Bread 5^1 24c
X Skylark Bread _________ IS 24*
Cottage Cheese Sr* of 25*
Curtsy Snails ^ 20*
• Purl S. Buck’s *
• • New Yuletide Story
Illustrated by *
* . Wait Disney and Staff
’• * in December ^
TSmifjjCwcfe ffl
• qvm«gmoeWf
ddnih produce
Fresh Cauliflower
Pink Zee Paper Towels
2 m. 35*
Or YeHow, White
Lunch Bags - Perfect Size
20-0. 1 1 d
Z,. ftg. Ilf
Snowy Heidi
Indian Grill
i’°*- IQ
*. ha »**. *J #
‘dJodayi Cjood kuiji!
While Hominy ,..i# 2 c” 17* Gold Medal Flour 10i£
Tomato Soup h.i„ 3 c- 32* Parade Detergent £;*/'
Pineapple Chunks VJ” 23* Liquid Starch
Fejf»4!eroy lot.
Green Beans K* *.
19' Oranges
Florida Oranges 8 & 59‘ Potatoes
California IIO's lb.
Sweat and.
Delicious b.
1T Anjou Pears
in Lb LCi
mr IU b»9 U J
plump, trm lb. I §
Perfect for casseroles and sauces
House Pies
B##f. CKicaan, Turkey
Fish Sticks
Captain's Choice
4# Pkg*.
Bo lord Sweotmilk
Emprra Strawberry
Z 37*
Z 27*
2CN:.:*33 *
CjiLlarJt'i Cjood J@uyS
Chili With Beans Z: 1
Plain Chili
Chili With Beans
Tamales G.kk.,*v>
Sandwich Spread,
Barbecue Sauce 12*
Chili Powder t.,,. j 15*
Oyli Powder E.„. 35*
Spiced Beans ......... Z 14*
dJoni f-^rojucli
Home PermanentSiS-'iii 1 -59
Home Permanent 1.96
Home Permanent ,".7^ M 1.96
Home Permanent t..k 1.96
’ Cl
Tame Creme Rinse ST L? 33*
Cake Mixes
YaBow, White, Fudge. Spice, Orange
afeivaij J Cjuaranteccl ^} f]eah!
Capitol Sliced Bacon
*3, Lb $100
^ Pkgs. I
Try it once and you will aL
ways buy Capitol Bacon.
r j.
A delicious treat for the whole family
Honey Comb Chipsou, ’*£ 39*
Chocolate Drops & 39c
Peanut Clusters i?,0' 59*
Satin Mix 1 35*
Covered Cherries iik- 59*
Pork Sausage
Ground Beef -
Pork Roast
Wingate ■
Reg. or Hot
______ Boston Butt Lb.
Spareribs u 45* Frankfurters
i No......... 2^ 89* Brick Chili
Sliced Bacon Jh:"
3£, 1.00
£ 49*
Pricw effective
Friday, Saturday, Nov.
JO. Dec. I
2 u /
Bobo Cleanser
""-V 1 21-Ot. .
For Afl Household Cleaning Mm Cans J h
Vel Beauty Bar5
............’4 75«
For a Lovelier Complexion Bor An#
Florient Aerosol Deodorant
s*/rOa. OQc
Colgata Can O#
Crystal White Soap ^
R.9 Q*
Worts Wonders o* W**hd*y tor i (--^ w
.V Hi
i j
- ...
- ■ '..
■ ■
_ _ _

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Frailey, F. W. & Woosley, Joe.The Hopkins County Echo (Sulphur Springs, Tex.), Vol. 81, No. 48, Ed. 1 Friday, November 30, 1956,newspaper, November 30, 1956; Sulphur Springs, Texas. ( August 2, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hopkins County Genealogical Society.

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The Hopkins County Echo (2024)


What is the history of Hopkins County Texas? ›

In 1846, the Texas Legislature partitioned the land from neighboring Lamar and Nacogdoches counties and establish Hopkins County, whose namesake was David Hopkins. The original county seat was in Tarrant until the Texas Legislature approved Sulphur Springs as the official county seat.

How did Sulphur Springs, TX get its name? ›

Sulphur Springs derives its modern name from the fact that when the area was first settled, springs of sulphur water were abundant. Before the first settlers arrived, local Native American tribes often used the areas around the springs as their home.

What is the oldest county in Texas? ›

1837 Houston Becomes First County

In 1837 the boundaries of Houston County were laid out and its government was organized. It was named for President Sam Houston, who signed the order establishing the county on June 12, 1837.

What is the largest historic district in Texas? ›

The Oaks Historic District is the largest historic district in Texas and home to both the Chambers House Museum and the McFaddin-Ward House Museum.

What happened to Secrets of Sulphur Springs? ›

There is no Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 4 release date as Disney Channel canceled the series after three seasons. In January 2024, Disney Channel announced that Secrets of Sulphur Springs would not receive a fourth season. Series star Preston Oliver took to Instagram to confirm the news.

What is the racial makeup of Sulphur Springs, Texas? ›

Sulphur Springs Demographics

White: 75.66% Black or African American: 14.01%

Where is Sulphur Springs filmed? ›

Filmed and set in Louisiana, the first season of Secrets of Sulphur Springs followed 12-year-old Griffin Campbell (Preston Oliver), whose world was turned upside-down when …

Who is Hopkins County named after? ›

Hopkins County was created from parts of Lamar and Nacogdoches counties in March 1846 by the first Texas state legislature. It was named for the David Hopkins family of pioneers.

What is the history of the name Hopkins? ›

Hopkins is an English, Welsh and Irish patronymic surname. The English name means "son of Hob". Hob was a diminutive of Robert, itself deriving from the Germanic warrior name Hrod-berht, translated as "renowned-fame". The Robert spelling was introduced to England after the Norman conquest of England.

When did Hopkins become a city? ›

Hopkins. The Village of Hopkins adopted its City charter on December 2, 1947, effectively becoming the City of Hopkins.

What is the history of Pecan Grove Texas? ›

Pecan Grove was first started by Bruce Belin and Associates when they purchased approximately 1,450 acres in 1973 and by 1978 began construction of the development. Named for the stately pecan trees growing in the area, the community was originally referred to as Pecan Grove Plantation and later simply Pecan Grove.

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