The Last Test - Chapter 11 - Steven64 (2024)

Chapter Text

**Four years later…**

Clarke stood in the bright, sterile environment of the medical building, her hands gentle but thorough as she checked over Hope, who was now four months pregnant. Hope reclined on the examination table, a slightly exasperated look on her face as she rubbed her growing belly. Jordan was by her side, holding her hand and trying his best to be supportive, though his eyes occasionally darted to Clarke with a mix of curiosity and concern.

“I’m telling you, Clarke, this nausea is no joke,” Hope groaned, her voice tinged with frustration. “And it gets so much worse when Raven and Echo start making out in public. It’s like their PDA is a trigger or something.”

Clarke smiled sympathetically, adjusting the ultrasound machine. “It’s pretty common for certain things to make you feel worse during pregnancy, especially strong emotions or, in your case, strong displays of affection,” she teased lightly.

Jordan grinned, though he tried to keep a straight face for Hope’s sake. “I’ll have a talk with them,” he joked. “Maybe get them to tone it down a bit.”

Clarke laughed softly and gave Hope’s belly a final, gentle pat before turning off the machine. “Everything looks good, Hope. The nausea will probably stick around for a while, but it should get better as you move further along.”

“Thanks, Clarke,” Hope sighed, relieved to hear the news, though her hand stayed protectively on her stomach.

As Clarke began to clean up, Jordan glanced at her, a casual curiosity in his tone. “So, how are things at home? Everything going smoothly with Lexa and Aden?”

Clarke’s face softened at the mention of her family. “Not a dull moment,” she replied with a warm chuckle. “Aden is at that age where he’s into everything, asking a million questions a day. He’s got Lexa’s determination and, well, my stubbornness.”

Jordan laughed, shaking his head. “That boy is something else. I mean, he’s the child of Heda and Wanheda. What did you expect?”

Clarke’s smile grew, but there was a note of seriousness in her eyes as she looked at Jordan. “You’re right—he’s special. But he doesn’t know the full extent of our story yet, and that’s how it needs to stay for now. When the time comes, he’ll learn about his legacy, but until then… let’s keep it hush-hush, alright?”

Jordan’s expression sobered as he nodded, understanding the weight of her words. “Of course, Clarke. I wouldn’t want to cross paths with Heda or Wanheda in battle,” he added with a playful grin, though his respect for her was clear.

Clarke chuckled softly, her mind already drifting back to her family, imagining the chaos and love that awaited her at home. “Good. Because I’ve got both sides covered, and trust me, you don’t want to mess with either of us.”

As Clarke walked home from the medical building, her heart felt light and full. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about how happy she was. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and the excitement of visiting Madi later with Lexa and Aden filled her with warmth. Life was good, and she was grateful for every moment of it.

When she arrived home, Clarke immediately noticed Lexa up on the roof, expertly fixing the solar panels. Lexa had become a pro at handling all the technical aspects of their home, thanks to her time working with Raven. Clarke admired how agile and confident Lexa looked, moving with the grace and precision of a warrior, even in this domestic setting.

Down below, Aden was happily making a mess on the side of the house, his little hands smeared with ketchup as he munched on French fries. Clarke chuckled to herself, shaking her head fondly at the sight.

Lexa finished her work on the roof, and with a fluid, ninja-like movement, she descended quickly and effortlessly. The moment her feet touched the ground, she made her way over to Clarke, stealing a fry from Aden’s stash as she passed by. Aden barely noticed, too engrossed in his snack to care.

Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke and kissed her, a soft and lingering kiss that made Clarke’s heart flutter. “Welcome home,” Lexa murmured against her lips, a hint of a smile playing on her face.

Clarke smiled back, though she couldn’t resist teasing her. “Maybe you could feed the kid something healthy once in a while,” she said, her tone light.

Lexa chuckled, glancing over at Aden, who was blissfully unaware of their conversation. “He’s happy,” Lexa replied with a shrug, stealing another fry and popping it into her mouth. “Besides, he’s got plenty of time to eat healthy. Let him enjoy his fries.”

Clarke rolled her eyes playfully, but her heart was filled with love for both Lexa and their son. “I guess,” she conceded, leaning in for another quick kiss. “But let’s try to balance it out a bit, okay?”

“Deal,” Lexa agreed with a grin, pulling Clarke close again. “Now, how about we finish up here and then head out to see Madi?”

Clarke nodded, excitement bubbling up inside her again at the thought. “Sounds perfect,” she said, wrapping her arm around Lexa as they turned to watch Aden, who was still happily munching away, blissfully unaware of the world around him.

Aden, with his mop of blonde hair and bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle with endless curiosity, turned towards his parents with a wide grin. “Mama’s home!” he exclaimed, his small voice full of excitement. “Nomon, can we watch a movie today?” His words tumbled out with the enthusiasm only a child could muster.

Clarke’s heart melted at the sight of him. He was the perfect blend of both her and Lexa, carrying Lexa’s eyes and her own blonde hair. She couldn’t help but smile even wider.

Lexa crouched down to Aden’s level, ruffling his hair gently. “We’ll have dinner first, ai strikgona,” she said softly, calling him her little warrior in Trigedasleng. “Then we’re going to visit your big sister, Madi.”

Aden’s eyes lit up even more, if that were possible. He bounced on his feet, clearly thrilled at the prospect. “Really? We’re gonna see Madi? Yay!” he cheered, his excitement contagious.

Clarke watched the exchange with a warm heart, feeling incredibly grateful for the family they had built together. Lexa pulled Aden into a hug, pressing a kiss to his head before standing back up.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” Clarke said, chuckling as she noticed the ketchup smeared across his cheeks. “Can’t have you showing up to see Madi looking like a ketchup monster.”

Aden giggled, nodding eagerly, and allowed Clarke to lead him inside. Lexa followed, her heart full as she looked at her family, knowing that these were the moments she would cherish forever.

They sat around the table, enjoying a dinner that Lexa had cooked. The aroma of roasted vegetables and seasoned meat filled the room, and Clarke couldn’t help but smile as she took a bite. “Murphy’s cooking lessons are really paying off,” she remarked, giving Lexa an approving nod. “This is delicious.”

Lexa smiled, pleased with the compliment, but before she could respond, Aden piped up, his mouth half-full of food. “Indra came by today to play war,” he said excitedly, his words slightly muffled by the food. “She’s awesome because she’s in charge of everybody!”

Clarke and Lexa exchanged amused glances. Aden continued, his eyes wide with curiosity. “Why can’t Mama and Nomon be in charge too? Then you could boss everyone around.”

Lexa set down her fork, considering her son’s question with the seriousness it deserved. She leaned forward slightly, her green eyes meeting Aden’s. “You know, ai strikgona,” she began gently, “being in charge isn’t just about bossing people around. It’s about caring for them and making sure they’re safe and happy. Indra is in charge because she’s strong and wise, and she knows how to protect our people.”

Aden listened intently, his young mind absorbing every word.

Lexa continued, “Mama and I don’t need to be in charge of everyone because our most important job is being in charge of you. Making sure you’re safe, loved, and growing strong is the best responsibility we could have. And you know what? Even if we’re not ‘in charge’ of everyone, we still have the power to help and protect those we care about. That’s what being a warrior really means—taking care of others, even if you’re not the one giving orders.”

Aden nodded slowly, his small brow furrowed in thought. “So… being a warrior is like being in charge of making sure people are okay?”

Lexa smiled, pride swelling in her chest. “Exactly. And you, my little warrior, are already learning that. One day, you’ll be the one helping to take care of others, just like Indra does. But for now, it’s okay to let others be in charge. We all have our roles, and each one is important.”

Clarke reached over and ruffled Aden’s hair, beaming at how well Lexa had handled the question. “And you’re already doing a great job at being our little warrior,” she added, her voice full of affection.

Aden grinned, clearly pleased with the answer. “Okay,” he said, satisfied. “But Indra is still really cool.”

Lexa chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Yes, she is. And so are you, Aden. Now, how about we finish this awesome dinner and get ready to visit Madi?”

Aden nodded eagerly, returning to his food with renewed enthusiasm. Clarke and Lexa shared a smile, both feeling incredibly grateful for the life they had built together, where even the simplest moments were filled with love and meaning.

After dinner, Clarke and Lexa prepared to take Aden to visit Madi. They gathered their things and made their way to the bunker, where the ancient anomaly stone was hidden deep within. Aden, full of energy, could hardly contain his excitement as they descended into the cool, dimly lit bunker. The stone stood at the center of the chamber, its markings glowing faintly in the low light.

Clarke approached the stone and carefully entered the code. The stone responded with a hum, and a shimmering portal opened before them. Lexa took Aden's hand, and Clarke took the other, and together they stepped through the portal, leaving the bunker behind.

On the other side, they found themselves in Shallow Valley, where Madi had been living. The valley was bathed in the warm glow of the late afternoon sun, the familiar scent of pine and fresh earth filling the air. It was a peaceful, serene place—perfect for Madi’s new life.

Aden let go of their hands and sprinted ahead, eager to see his big sister. Clarke and Lexa followed at a more leisurely pace, hand in hand, enjoying the tranquility of the moment.

Madi appeared from behind the trees, her face lighting up when she saw Aden running toward her. She knelt down, opening her arms wide as he rushed into her embrace.

“I missed you, Madi!” Aden exclaimed, his small arms wrapping around her tightly.

Madi smiled, hugging him back. “I missed you too, little brother. How about we go on an adventure?”

Aden nodded eagerly. “Yes! Can we go spear fishing?”

“Of course,” Madi replied, taking his hand. “Let’s go catch some fish.”

Clarke and Lexa watched as Madi led Aden toward the river, their laughter echoing through the trees. Clarke leaned against a nearby tree, her eyes following their children until they disappeared from sight. “Can you believe this is our life now?” she asked, her voice filled with awe.

Lexa stood beside her, her thoughts drifting back to everything they had been through—the battles, the losses, the hard choices that had shaped their lives. “Sometimes it feels like a dream,” she admitted quietly. “To be here with you, raising Aden, and seeing Madi so happy—it’s more than I ever dared to hope for.”

Clarke reached out and took Lexa’s hand, grounding them both in the moment. “I know what you mean,” she said softly. “We’ve been through so much. There were times I didn’t think we’d make it… but now, we get to live. Really live.”

Lexa turned to face Clarke, her green eyes full of love, but shadowed by something deeper. “Clarke, there are still major gaps in my memory, especially from before my time as Heda,” she confessed, her voice tinged with frustration. “I’ve made peace with that for the most part, but… I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing something important.”

Clarke looked into Lexa’s eyes, understanding the weight of what she was saying. “Do you want to look at the tablet Levitt gave you?” she asked gently. “Maybe it could help fill in some of those gaps.”

Lexa shook her head slowly, a soft smile playing on her lips. “No,” she said with quiet resolve. “I thought about it, but I realized that everything I truly need to know is right here with us. The past… it’s a part of who I am, but it doesn’t define me anymore. What matters is what we have now—this life we’ve built together.”

Clarke’s heart swelled with emotion as she stepped closer to Lexa, wrapping her arms around her. “You’re right,” she whispered, resting her head against Lexa’s chest. “We’ve already won our battles. This is our time to be happy.”

Lexa held Clarke close, feeling the steady beat of Clarke’s heart against hers. “And I am happy,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to Clarke’s forehead. “So happy. With you, with Aden, with Madi… this is more than I ever dreamed of.”

As they stood there, embraced by the peaceful woods of Shallow Valley, the sound of Madi and Aden’s laughter echoed back to them, a reminder of the family they had become. Lexa’s thoughts drifted back once more to the past—to the young, fierce leader she once was, driven by duty and burdened by responsibility. But now, she was free to love, to live without the weight of her former life. And in this moment, surrounded by the love of her family, she knew that everything she needed was here, in the present.

The past was a distant memory, but the future—built on love and trust—was bright, and it was theirs to shape.

As they prepared to leave Madi’s world, Clarke, Lexa, and Aden gathered by the stone. Madi gave each of them a tight hug, holding on a little longer to her little brother.

“The Judge sends her regards,” Madi said with a small smile, a hint of mischief in her eyes. Clarke and Lexa exchanged a knowing look, understanding the significance of those words. They knew they’d always have a connection to Madi, even across worlds.

As they stepped through the portal and arrived back home, they were filled with a sense of peace. The evening was settling in, and after the long day, they knew it was time to put Aden to bed.

Once home, Lexa helped Aden wash up while Clarke prepared his bed. Soon, he was tucked in, his small frame nestled comfortably under the covers. Clarke sat beside him, and Lexa hovered near the door, watching the two with a gentle smile.

“Mama, can you tell me a story?” Aden asked, his voice soft with the beginnings of sleep.

Clarke smiled and nodded. “Of course, my little warrior. I’m going to tell you a story about a fierce Heda who loved her people very much.”

Aden’s eyes widened with interest, and Clarke began the tale.

“Once upon a time,” Clarke began softly, “there was a brave and powerful leader named Heda. She was strong, wise, and loved her people more than anything. But there was also a girl—a special girl who had captured Heda’s heart. The girl was kind, brave, and full of life, and Heda loved her deeply.”

Aden listened intently, his eyes fixed on his mother’s face.

“But Heda knew that loving the girl and protecting her people was difficult. The world they lived in was dangerous, and Heda had to make a very hard choice. She had to walk away from the girl she loved to save her people, even though it broke her heart.”

“Why did she walk away, Mama?” Aden asked, frowning slightly.

“Because Heda believed it was the only way to keep both the girl and her people safe,” Clarke explained gently. “But not long after Heda walked away, an evil queen appeared. The queen was wicked and wanted the girl because she knew the girl held the power of life itself.”

Aden gasped softly, his eyes wide with worry. Clarke continued, “The evil queen wanted to use the girl’s power for herself, to control everything and everyone. But Heda, even though she had walked away, couldn’t let that happen. So she sent her most trusted prince, a fierce warrior who would do anything for Heda, to rescue the girl and bring her to safety.”

“The prince found the girl, but she was very mad at Heda for leaving her,” Clarke said, her voice gentle. “She didn’t understand why Heda had walked away, and it made her heart ache with anger and sadness. But just as the prince brought the girl back to safety, Heda came to her, and the girl realized how much Heda had sacrificed. She forgave Heda, but not long after, Heda’s most trusted friend—a wise and loyal advisor—became jealous. He saw how much Heda loved the girl, and it made him angry. He thought that Heda should only care about leading her people and that there was no room for love. So in a fit of jealousy, he tried to kill the girl, thinking it would free Heda to focus on her people.”

Aden’s eyes filled with concern. “Did he hurt the girl, Mama?”

“No,” Clarke whispered, her voice soothing. “But in trying to hurt the girl, he ended up hurting Heda instead. Heda was gravely injured, and when she was hurt, she was taken to the stars, where she stayed for a long time. The girl was left broken, feeling lost without Heda. But Heda’s love for the girl was so strong that she fought the stars themselves to come back to her.”

“Did she make it back?” Aden asked, his voice trembling.

Clarke smiled softly. “Yes, she did. She fought with all her might and came back to the girl she loved. And when she returned, she made the girl whole again, filling her life with love and happiness. Together, they were stronger than ever, and they realized they were meant to be side by side.”

Aden sighed contentedly, his eyes beginning to droop with sleep. “That’s a good story, Mama.”

Clarke leaned down and kissed his forehead. “And do you know what happened then?” she asked softly.

“What?” Aden asked, his voice barely a whisper.

“They lived happily ever after,” Clarke finished, her voice full of love.

As Aden drifted off to sleep, Clarke stood up and walked over to Lexa, who was waiting by the door. They exchanged a warm glance, both knowing that their love story had been anything but easy, yet here they were—together, with a family, living their own happily ever after.

“I heard the story,” Lexa whispered as they walked down the hall.

Clarke smiled, leaning into Lexa’s side. “I love you, Lexa.”

Lexa kissed the top of Clarke’s head, her heart full. “And I love you, Clarke.”


One year later….

Lexa and Octavia were deep in a fierce sparring match, their movements fluid and powerful, each pushing the other to the limit. They had become accustomed to these sessions, both using them to release tension and keep their skills sharp. As usual, their match ended in a draw, both stepping back with a mix of respect and exhaustion.

As they caught their breath, Lexa wiped the sweat from her brow and looked at Octavia with a thoughtful expression. “Octavia, can you tell me more about Lincoln?”

Octavia’s eyes softened as she thought of him. “Lincoln was everything to me,” she began, her voice tinged with both pride and sadness. “He was strong, kind, and believed in peace, even when the world was falling apart. He saved my life more times than I can count, and he loved me unconditionally.”

Lexa listened closely, feeling a strange emptiness in her chest—a sense of loss she couldn’t fully understand. “I know I issued a kill order on him,” she said quietly, her voice filled with regret. “But I can’t remember him, and it’s… it’s hard to reconcile. I feel like I’m missing something important, like there’s a part of me that’s lost.”

Octavia nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. “You were the Commander, Lexa. You had to make impossible choices. I understand that now, even if it was hard at the time. I had to make my own difficult decisions, like when I ordered my own brother to do something that could have killed him.”

At the mention of her brother, Lexa felt a strange, unsettling vibe ripple through her. Something about the word “brother” struck a chord deep within her, but she couldn’t place why. It was as if a distant memory was trying to surface, but remained just out of reach.

“It’s hard to accept the things we’ve done, even when we know we had no other choice,” Octavia continued, unaware of Lexa’s internal struggle.

Lexa’s brow furrowed as she grappled with the dissonance between her past actions and the person she felt she was now. “It just doesn’t feel right,” she admitted. “Even though I don’t remember, it feels like there’s something more that I’m missing.”

Octavia placed a reassuring hand on Lexa’s shoulder. “It happened, Lexa. But you’re not that person anymore. What matters now is who you are and the choices you make today. We’ve all done things we wish we hadn’t, but we’ve also had the chance to change.”

Before Lexa could respond, Clarke approached with a warm smile. “Hey, you two,” she greeted, her voice gentle. “Aden’s with Indra, and we need to head to Bardo. There’s something we need to check on.”

Lexa nodded, grateful for the interruption, but that strange feeling lingered as they made their way to the anomaly stone and stepped through the portal to Bardo.

When they arrived on Bardo, Jackson was waiting for them. He led them to the medical facility, where they approached the glass cylinder containing their daughter, Abby. It wasn’t the first time they had seen her, but the sight of their daughter always filled Lexa with awe and love.

Clarke looked at Lexa, sensing the lingering tension from their earlier conversation. “She’s getting stronger every day,” Clarke said softly, referring to Abby. “We’ll be able to bring her home soon.”

Lexa nodded, her gaze fixed on their daughter. “If we have another boy,” she said quietly, “I want to name him Lincoln.”

Clarke turned to Lexa, her eyes filled with understanding and love. “I think that would be perfect.”

As they stood there, watching their daughter and imagining the future, Lexa couldn’t shake the strange feeling from earlier. It was as if something important was just out of her reach, something connected to the life she had before she became Heda. But she pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the love she felt for Clarke and the family they were building.


Twenty years had passed since Clarke and Lexa began their life together, and now their children were grown and pursuing their own paths. Abby, their daughter, was on Bardo, learning the intricacies of medicine from Jackson. Clarke couldn’t have been prouder, seeing her follow in her mothers footsteps. Aden, their son, was spending much of his time with Indra, who was getting older. Lexa had recently remarked to Clarke that Aden had a natural knack for leadership.

“He’s got a real gift,” Lexa had said one evening as they sat together. “The way he listens, the way people respond to him—it’s something I saw in myself once.”

Clarke had smiled at that, her heart swelling with pride. “He’s going to do great things, just like his parents.”

Today, with both of their children busy with their own responsibilities, Clarke and Lexa found themselves with a rare opportunity for some time alone. Clarke had planned a surprise—a day at the hot springs, their favorite retreat. She made sure to pack plenty of French fries, knowing they were still Lexa’s favorite treat, a detail that always made Clarke smile.

They decided to take the bike—a sleek, efficient machine Lexa had built with Raven, blending grounder ingenuity with modern technology. Lexa drove, her hands steady on the handlebars as they cruised along the familiar path toward the hot springs. Clarke held on tight from behind, loving the feel of the wind and the closeness between them.

As they drove, Clarke leaned into Lexa, enjoying the ride and the quiet moment between them. The sun was warm on their backs, and the world seemed at peace.

They made a quick stop at Raven and Echo’s place. Clarke had been working on a portrait of Raven, Echo, and their son, Bellamy, and she was eager to deliver it.

When they arrived, Raven was outside, tinkering with one of her projects, while Echo played with Bellamy in the yard. Clarke hopped off the bike, the framed portrait tucked under her arm.

“Hey, Raven!” Clarke called out, a bright smile on her face.

Raven looked up, wiping her hands on a rag, and her eyes lit up when she saw Clarke approaching. “Hey, Griff! What’s that you’ve got there?”

Clarke handed her the portrait, and Raven’s usual tough exterior softened as she took in the image. “Wow, Clarke… this is amazing. You really outdid yourself.”

Echo came over, curious, and smiled warmly when she saw the portrait. “It’s beautiful, Clarke. Thank you.”

Clarke beamed, glad they liked it. “I’m happy you like it. I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

Raven grinned, glancing between Clarke and Lexa, who was still sitting on the bike, watching them with an amused expression. “So, where are you two headed? The hot springs?”

Clarke nodded, glancing back at Lexa. “Yeah, just a little getaway.”

Raven’s grin turned mischievous. “Mind if we tag along? Bellamy’s been asking to go back there, and Echo and I could use a break.”

Before Clarke could respond, Lexa, still sitting on the bike, gave a firm shake of her head, her tone straightforward. “No.”

Raven raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “No?”

Lexa nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. “It’s that kind of trip.”

Clarke’s face turned bright red, and she quickly looked away, mortified. “Lexa!”

Raven burst out laughing, clutching her sides. “Oh my god, Lexa, you’re something else!”

Echo chuckled, shaking her head at her partner’s antics. Bellamy, oblivious to the conversation, was still focused on his play.

Lexa, entirely unbothered, gave Clarke a small, teasing smile. “What? It’s true.”

Clarke shook her head, trying to hide her smile. “You’re impossible.”

Raven waved them off, still grinning. “It’s all good, Griff. You two go enjoy your ‘trip.’ We’ll catch up another time.”

Clarke gave Raven a quick hug, still a bit embarrassed but mostly amused by the whole situation. “Thanks, Raven. We’ll see you later.”

As she climbed back onto the bike, Clarke shot Lexa a look, but there was no real annoyance behind it. Lexa just smiled, starting the engine and pulling away from their friends’ place.

As they continued on their way to the hot springs, Clarke’s embarrassment quickly faded, replaced by a warm feeling of contentment. She tightened her arms around Lexa, resting her head against her back.

“I love you, you know that?” Clarke said, her voice soft.

Lexa glanced back at her, her green eyes filled with warmth. “And I love you.”

They drove the rest of the way in comfortable silence, the familiar path leading them to their secluded spot. The hot springs awaited, a perfect retreat for the two of them to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company.

When they finally arrived at the hot springs, Clarke couldn’t help but smile at the peaceful surroundings. The familiar steam rising from the waters and the gentle rustling of the leaves in the breeze made this place feel like their private sanctuary. Lexa parked the bike and turned to Clarke, a playful glint in her eye.

“Ready for our day?” Lexa asked, her voice filled with warmth.

Clarke grinned back, feeling her heart swell with love. “Always.”

Lexa swung her leg over the bike and hopped off, stretching slightly before turning her attention to the bags strapped to the back. She started to unpack, carefully pulling out the essentials they’d need for their day together—towels, a change of clothes, and, of course, the container of French fries Clarke had packed, knowing how much Lexa loved them.

Clarke watched Lexa as she moved, her heart filled with a mixture of love and admiration. Even after all these years, there was something about Lexa’s presence that made her feel like the luckiest person in the world. She walked over to help, but Lexa shook her head, smiling.

“I’ve got this,” Lexa said softly, her voice carrying a hint of playful stubbornness. “You just relax.”

Clarke chuckled, raising her hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. But I’m claiming one of those fries.”

Lexa’s smile widened. “Deal.”

With everything unpacked and set up, Lexa took Clarke’s hand and led her over to the edge of the hot springs. The water shimmered invitingly, and the warmth of the steam was already beginning to relax them both. Clarke leaned into Lexa, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder as they stood together, taking in the serene beauty of the place.

“This feels perfect,” Clarke murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lexa nodded in agreement, her thumb gently rubbing circles on the back of Clarke’s hand. “It does.”

They stood there for a moment longer, simply enjoying each other’s presence, before Lexa finally pulled away to grab the towels and lay them out on the smooth rocks beside the water. Clarke followed her, watching as Lexa moved with the quiet confidence she had always admired.

As they settled down on the towels, Lexa handed Clarke one of the French fries with a soft smile. Clarke took it, laughing lightly as she nibbled on it, savoring the moment.

As they settled down on the towels, Lexa handed Clarke one of the French fries with a soft smile. Clarke took it, laughing lightly as she nibbled on it, savoring the moment.

“So,” Clarke began, her tone light and teasing, “what’s on the agenda for today, Commander?”

Lexa smirked, a playful glint in her eye. “To love, today Wanheda is in charge.”

Clarke raised an eyebrow, catching the shift in Lexa’s tone. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper. “Well then, baby girl, Heda will be begging for her release before the day is over.”

Lexa’s smirk widened, a flicker of anticipation in her eyes. “Is that a promise, Wanheda?”

Clarke leaned in, brushing her lips against Lexa’s ear. “You know it is.”

Clarke’s playful smile deepened as she locked eyes with Lexa, her voice low and commanding. “Wanheda orders Heda to strip and undress her.”

Lexa’s eyes widened slightly at Clarke’s boldness, but the smirk returned quickly, and she nodded, accepting the command with a mixture of amusem*nt and anticipation. Without breaking eye contact, she began to peel off her own clothes, each movement slow and deliberate, savoring the way Clarke’s gaze followed her every move.

Once Lexa was completely bare, she approached Clarke, her hands gentle but firm as she reached for the hem of Clarke’s shirt. She pulled it over Clarke’s head, her touch lingering as she let the fabric fall to the ground. Her hands moved down to Clarke’s pants next, unbuttoning them with the same careful attention before sliding them down Clarke’s legs.

Clarke’s breath hitched as Lexa’s hands skimmed over her skin, undressing her with a reverence that sent shivers down her spine. When Clarke was finally as bare as Lexa, she looked into Lexa’s eyes, seeing the love and devotion reflected back at her.

Clarke reached for the bottle of shampoo, her fingers curling around it with a determined air. With a playful glint in her eye, she took Lexa’s hand and gently pulled her into the warm embrace of the water. “Come on, Commander,” Clarke teased, her tone light but commanding. “Let me take care of you.”

Lexa followed willingly, her heart swelling with love as she stepped into the water, allowing Clarke to guide her. Clarke’s hands were firm yet gentle as she worked the shampoo into a rich lather, her fingers massaging Lexa’s scalp with a mix of tenderness and authority.

“Close your eyes, Lexa,” Clarke instructed, her voice soft but insistent. Lexa obeyed without hesitation, closing her eyes and surrendering to Clarke’s care. As Clarke’s hands moved through her hair, Lexa couldn’t help but reflect on how far they had come.

Back when she was Heda, her life had been consumed by death—every decision weighed down by the need to protect her people, every choice a matter of survival. She had been surrounded by darkness, her heart armored against the world. But then Clarke had come into her life, challenging her, seeing through the layers of duty and sacrifice to the person beneath. Clarke had filled her with life when all she had known was death.

“Good girl,” Clarke murmured, her voice a mix of affection and command as she rinsed the shampoo from Lexa’s hair. The water cascaded down Lexa’s back, warm and soothing, washing away the remnants of the past.

As Clarke’s hands continued their journey, moving down to Lexa’s shoulders and then lower, Lexa thought back to the time after she had returned from transcendence. She had been a shell of her former self, her memories fractured, her sense of identity shattered. But Clarke had been there, patient and loving, filling her with the love she had thought she no longer deserved. Clarke had seen through the emptiness, had held her close, and had reminded her that she was still worth loving.

“Turn around,” Clarke commanded, her tone still playful but with an edge of authority that sent a shiver down Lexa’s spine. Lexa turned as instructed, her trust in Clarke absolute.

As Clarke’s hands roamed over her body, washing away the grime and tension, Lexa couldn’t help but marvel at how much had changed. Clarke had taken her, broken as she was, and filled her with so much love that it had pieced her back together, bit by bit. Clarke had become her anchor, the one person who had always seen her, even when she couldn’t see herself.

“Do you feel that?” Clarke asked, her voice soft as her hands moved lower, caressing Lexa’s skin with reverence. “Do you feel how much I love you?”

Lexa nodded, her eyes still closed, savoring the sensation of Clarke’s touch. “You filled me with life when I was full of death,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “And when I came back… you filled me with love when I was empty.”

Clarke’s hands paused for a moment, her grip tightening slightly as she pressed a kiss to Lexa’s shoulder. “I’ll always take care of you, Lexa,” Clarke whispered back, her voice a promise as she resumed her gentle ministrations. “Always.”

As Clarke continued to care for her, Lexa felt a deep sense of peace settle over her. She had been through so much, but Clarke had been there every step of the way, filling the voids in her heart, bringing light where there had been darkness. Clarke’s love had healed her, had made her whole again.

Lexa let out a soft sigh as Clarke’s hands moved with more intent, the playful commands turning into tender reassurances. Clarke had always been the one to command her heart, from the moment they had met. Now, as Clarke took care of her with such love and devotion, Lexa knew she was exactly where she was meant to be—held in the arms of the woman who had filled her with life and love, and who would always be there to catch her when she needed it most.

As Clarke’s hands moved from Lexa’s shoulders, trailing down her arms, she let them come to rest on Lexa’s breasts. Her touch was both playful and commanding, her fingers gently kneading the soft flesh as she leaned in close to Lexa’s ear.

“Are you ready to be weak for me, Lexa?” Clarke whispered, her voice a mix of tease and authority.

Lexa’s breath caught in her throat, her body reacting immediately to Clarke’s words. She was a quivering mess, her usual composure completely undone by Clarke’s touch and the sheer intensity of the moment. It was as if every nerve in her body had been set alight, the sensation of Clarke’s hands on her breasts sending shivers down her spine.

“Yes,” Lexa managed to breathe out, her voice trembling. “For you… always.”

Clarke smiled against Lexa’s skin, pleased with the effect she was having. Her hands continued their exploration, teasing and caressing, drawing out soft moans from Lexa’s lips. Clarke knew exactly how to push Lexa to the edge, how to make her feel both vulnerable and cherished.

“You’re mine, Lexa,” Clarke murmured, her hands never stopping their relentless attention. “And I want to see you fall apart for me.”

Lexa could only nod, her body responding to Clarke’s every touch, her control slipping further away with each passing second. She was completely at Clarke’s mercy, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way. Clarke was the one person who could make her feel like this—weak, yet incredibly strong in her love.

Clarke’s hands began to move lower, leaving Lexa’s breasts and trailing down her abdomen, every touch sending waves of anticipation through Lexa’s body. Clarke’s fingers danced along her skin with an intent that made Lexa’s breath hitch, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest as Clarke’s hand found its way to her core.

Clarke paused for a moment, her fingers hovering just above where Lexa was most sensitive, her voice dropping to a low, commanding whisper. “Fall apart for me, Lexa. Trust me to put you back together.”

The words sent a shudder through Lexa, and she felt the last of her defenses crumble. She was entirely exposed, entirely vulnerable in a way she had never allowed herself to be before Clarke came into her life. Before Clarke, vulnerability had been something to be hidden, something dangerous that could be exploited. As Heda, she had always kept herself guarded, never letting anyone see her in a moment of weakness.

But Clarke was different. Clarke had seen her at her worst, had held her through the nightmares, had loved her even when Lexa couldn’t love herself. And now, with Clarke’s hand resting at her core, Lexa knew she could let go completely, that she could trust Clarke to see her, to hold her, to bring her back from the edge.

Lexa’s breath came in ragged gasps as Clarke’s fingers began to move, slowly at first, teasing and coaxing her into surrender. Every touch was a command, every stroke a reminder that she was safe, that she could let herself fall apart in Clarke’s hands.

She closed her eyes, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensations Clarke was drawing out of her. In this moment, she wasn’t Heda, she wasn’t the unyielding leader of her people—she was simply Lexa, Clarke’s Lexa, and she knew that Clarke would catch her no matter how far she fell.

“I’ve got you,” Clarke whispered, her voice both soothing and authoritative as her fingers pressed deeper, sending Lexa spiraling toward the edge. “Trust me.”

Lexa nodded, unable to form words as her body responded to Clarke’s every command. The trust between them was absolute, unbreakable, and Lexa knew that Clarke would put her back together, piece by piece, just as she always had.

As Clarke’s touch became more insistent, Lexa felt herself unraveling, her body yielding to the overwhelming pleasure, her mind letting go of the last remnants of control. She had never allowed herself to be this vulnerable before Clarke, but now, in Clarke’s arms, she felt safe, cherished, and completely loved.

As Clarke’s fingers moved with practiced precision, Lexa felt herself teetering on the edge of an abyss. The pleasure was overwhelming, building within her like a storm, and she could do nothing but surrender to it. Clarke’s touch was relentless, her whispered words of encouragement and command driving Lexa closer and closer to the brink.

And then, with one final, well-placed touch, Lexa shattered.

The release hit her like a wave crashing against the shore, powerful and all-consuming. Her body convulsed, her breath catching in her throat as the pleasure surged through her in relentless waves. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over as the intensity of the moment overwhelmed her completely. It wasn’t just the physical release—it was the emotional one as well, the culmination of everything she had been holding inside, all the love, the trust, the vulnerability she had given to Clarke.

Her body trembled as the last echoes of her climax faded, leaving her feeling both drained and profoundly fulfilled. Clarke’s hands were gentle now, soothing her, grounding her in the aftermath. Lexa felt a sob rise in her throat, but it wasn’t from sadness—it was from the sheer depth of the love she felt in that moment.

Without thinking, she reached for Clarke, pulling her close, needing to feel her, to hold her. Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke, hugging her so tightly as if she could merge their very souls. Tears continued to stream down her face as she buried it in Clarke’s neck, her heart swelling with an almost unbearable gratitude.

This woman in her arms was everything—her heart, her soul, her world. Clarke had seen her through the darkest times, had loved her when Lexa could barely stand to look at herself, and had given her a family, a life filled with more love than she had ever thought possible.

As Lexa held Clarke close, she thought of their family—of Aden, with his bright eyes and boundless energy; of Madi, who had been a light in the darkest times; of Abby, their daughter in Bardo, growing every day. She thought of the life they had built together, a life that was filled with love, with hope, with a future that she had never dared to dream of.

“I wish for eternity with you,” Lexa whispered, her voice thick with emotion as she pressed a kiss to Clarke’s temple. “You, our family… I want this forever.”

Clarke pulled back slightly, just enough to look into Lexa’s tear-filled eyes. She reached up, gently wiping away the tears with her thumb, her own eyes glistening with emotion.

“We have forever, Lexa,” Clarke whispered back, her voice filled with the same deep love. “As long as we’re together, we have forever.”


Clarke and Lexa, now in their seventies, walked hand in hand through the forest on their way to the anomaly stone. Despite the years that had passed, their bond had only grown stronger. Lexa, always the leader, had played a crucial role in rebuilding Earth, while Clarke had been her steadfast partner, guiding their family and their community. Their two incredible children had grown into remarkable adults: Aden, who was now the newly elected chairman of the council, and Abby, who had followed in her namesake’s footsteps to become a doctor on Bardo, taking over after Jackson’s retirement. Their children were a testament to the love and strength that had carried them through so much.

But today, there was a heaviness in the air. Just a week ago, they had lost Raven, their dear friend and companion through so many trials. The grief was still raw, and it weighed heavily on their hearts. Raven had been a cornerstone in their lives, her spirit and ingenuity helping them through some of their darkest days. Her absence was felt deeply, and they knew they had to share the news with Madi.

As they approached the anomaly stone, Clarke squeezed Lexa’s hand, offering silent support. They had done this journey many times, visiting Madi in the timeless valley where she could live on, untouched by the years that had aged them. Today, that journey felt heavier than usual.

Lexa entered the code into the stone, and the familiar light enveloped them, transporting them to Madi’s valley. The landscape was as serene as ever, a place of eternal beauty and peace. Madi appeared almost instantly, her youthful face lighting up with joy at the sight of her parents.

“Mom! Nomon!” she exclaimed, rushing over to embrace them both. The warmth of her hug brought a brief respite from the grief that had settled in their hearts.

But Madi quickly sensed that something was wrong. She pulled back, searching their faces with concern. “What’s happened? What’s wrong?”

Clarke took a deep breath, her voice soft but steady as she spoke. “Madi… we have something to tell you. Raven… Raven passed away last week.”

Madi’s face fell, the joy in her eyes replaced by shock and sadness. “No…” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. “Raven… she was so strong, so full of life.”

“She was,” Lexa said, her voice thick with emotion. “Raven was one of the strongest people I’ve ever known. And she was more than that… she was my friend. My first real friend.”

Madi looked at Lexa, sensing the depth of her sorrow. “You’ve always spoken so highly of her, Nomon. I know how much she meant to you.”

Lexa nodded, the memories of those early days flooding back. “When I came back… after transcendence… I was lost, Madi. I didn’t know how to be anything other than Heda, and I was so broken. Clarke was everything to me, but Raven… Raven taught me how to be a friend. She showed me that I didn’t have to carry everything on my own, that I could lean on others, and that it was okay to be vulnerable. She was the one who helped me find my way when I didn’t know who I was.”

Clarke’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she listened to Lexa speak. She knew how much Raven had meant to Lexa, how much she had helped her in those early days of their new life together.

“Raven helped me see that there was more to life than duty and responsibility,” Lexa continued, her voice trembling slightly. “She helped me learn how to laugh again, how to find joy in the little things. She taught me that it was okay to just be Lexa, not Heda, not a leader, but just… me.”

Madi’s tears spilled over as she listened, her heart aching for the loss they were all feeling. “I’m so sorry, Nomon,” she said, her voice breaking. “I know how much you loved her.”

“We both did,” Clarke added softly, her hand still holding Lexa’s tightly. “Raven was family to us, just like you are. We’ll miss her every day, but we’ll carry her memory with us, always.”

They stood there in silence for a moment, the weight of their grief heavy in the air. But they knew that Raven wouldn’t want them to dwell in sorrow. She had lived her life to the fullest, and she would want them to do the same.

After a while, they sat together in the grass, sharing stories of Raven, celebrating her life and the impact she had on all of them. Madi listened intently, her heart heavy but full of love for the family she had been blessed with.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the valley, Lexa looked at Clarke, her heart full despite the sorrow. “We’ll be okay,” she whispered, her voice steady but her eyes still glistening with tears. “As long as we have each other, we’ll be okay.”

Clarke leaned into her, resting her head on Lexa’s shoulder, drawing comfort from the strength and warmth of the woman she had loved for so many years. “We will,” she agreed softly. “And we’ll carry on, just like Raven would have wanted us to.”

Before they left, Madi hugged them both tightly, her love and support wrapping around them like a blanket. “She’s with us,” Madi said softly, her voice full of conviction. “Raven’s spirit is with us, always.”

After spending an emotional day grieving the loss of Raven, Lexa and Clarke stood by the anomaly stone, preparing to say their goodbyes to Madi. The heaviness of Raven’s absence lingered between them, a stark reminder of the passage of time and the inevitable losses that life brought.

As they stepped away from Madi and toward the stone, ready to enter the code, the air around them suddenly shifted. The serene valley began to blur, and a figure materialized before them—the Judge, appearing once again as Becca, the creator of the flame.

Clarke and Lexa froze, startled by the sudden appearance. Clarke, her voice tinged with confusion, said, “You told us we’d never see you again.”

The Judge nodded, acknowledging Clarke’s words. “I did, and at the time, I believed it to be true. But circ*mstances have changed, and I’ve come to you once more with an important matter.”

Lexa’s eyes narrowed slightly, a hint of suspicion in her gaze. “What is it that you need from us?”

The Judge’s expression softened, almost compassionate. “Your love has shown the potential to reshape the universe in ways I hadn’t anticipated. When humanity transcended, the bond between you two was so powerful that it began to influence the very nature of transcendence itself. It demonstrated something we, the Judges, had not fully understood before.”

The Judge paused, gathering her thoughts. “For eons, civilizations have been judged on their ability to transcend by overcoming their baser instincts—hatred, violence, greed. Those who failed were destroyed, as it was believed they were incapable of growth. However, your love, and the sacrifices you’ve made, have shown us that love has the power to not only transform individuals but to reshape entire civilizations. This realization has led to a desire among some of us—the Judges—to change the very nature of how civilizations are judged.”

Clarke’s brow furrowed in thought. “Change the process… how?”

The Judge looked at them with a sense of urgency. “Rather than exterminating civilizations deemed unworthy, we wish to heal them, to guide them toward a better path. But to convince the others, I need more of humanity to transcend, more of them to demonstrate the power of love and growth that you have shown. As it stands, there are not enough transcended beings to shift the balance. The primefaya, and other events, scattered humanity and prevented many from achieving transcendence.”

Lexa exchanged a glance with Clarke, the gravity of the offer clear in her eyes. “And if we do this… we’ll have to live through everything again? We’ll have to face the same challenges, the same pain?”

“Not everything will be the same,” the Judge said. “You’ll be given the opportunity to change the course of events, to lead humanity in a new direction. But the path will be difficult, and there are no guarantees of success. At the end of this journey, should you choose it, you will have another chance at transcendence—together. But more importantly, you will have helped us reshape the process, to ensure that no civilization faces extermination but rather is given the chance to heal.”

Clarke hesitated, thinking of the life they had built, of their children and the peace they had finally found. “And if we say no?”

“Then you return to the life you’ve built, and nothing more will be asked of you,” the Judge replied. “The universe will continue on its current path, with civilizations still facing the possibility of destruction if deemed unworthy. But the knowledge of what could have been will remain with you.”

Lexa looked into Clarke’s eyes, seeing the same mix of emotions reflected back at her. They had fought so hard, lost so much, but the chance to save more lives, to prevent the primefaya, was almost too important to ignore.

“We need time to think,” Clarke said finally.

The Judge nodded. “You have three days. If you choose to accept, return to this place, and I will set you on a new path. You will also need the tablet that Levitt gave you, as it will guide you.”

With that, the Judge vanished as quickly as she had appeared, leaving Lexa and Clarke standing in silence by the stone. The valley around them was calm once more, but the weight of the decision pressed heavily on their shoulders.

Without another word, they stepped into the anomaly stone and punched in the code to return to Earth. As the familiar light enveloped them, they held on to each other, bracing for what lay ahead.

When they emerged on the other side, the familiar surroundings of the bunker greeted them. But as they looked at each other, they realized that the youth they had regained in the Judge’s presence was gone—they were back to their older selves, carrying the years they had lived and the experiences they had shared.

“We’re back,” Clarke said softly, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and sorrow.

Lexa nodded, squeezing Clarke’s hand. “We have a lot to think about.”

They both knew that the next three days would be some of the most important of their lives. They had a chance to change everything, to prevent the destruction that had scarred their world. But it would come at a cost—a cost they weren’t sure they were ready to pay.

As they made their way back to the surface, they knew that whatever decision they made, they would face it together, just as they always had.


Gathering Abby and Aden, Lexa and Clarke made their way to the anomaly stone once more, this time with heavy hearts and a monumental decision weighing on their minds. The journey to Madi’s was filled with a contemplative silence, each of them processing the conversation with the Judge and what it meant for their family.

When they arrived at Madi’s place, they sat down together, the familiar warmth of their daughter’s presence a small comfort amidst the uncertainty.

Clarke was the first to speak, her voice heavy with emotion. “I’ve given up so much already. We’ve all sacrificed so much. And now… we’re being asked to do it all over again.” She looked at her children, her gaze lingering on Abby, who had grown into a remarkable young woman, and on Aden, whose leadership and strength made her heart swell with pride. “I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I want to.”

Abby, wise beyond her years, spoke up. “Mom… I know it’s hard to even think about it. But as much as I love the life we have, you and Lexa have a chance to do something incredible. Something that could save countless lives, that could prevent so much suffering. I think… I think it’s worth considering.”

Aden, sitting beside his sister, frowned. “But they’ve given up enough, Abby. They’ve fought for this world, for us, for everyone. Why should they have to sacrifice everything again? It’s not fair.”

Lexa, who had been silent until now, looked between her children and then to Madi. Her heart ached with the decision before them. “I’m torn,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “I want to believe that we can change things, make them better. But at the same time, I’m tired of fighting, tired of losing everything we’ve built.”

Madi, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke. “I’m not in your world anymore, but I understand how important this decision is. You deserve peace, Mom, and Lexa too. You’ve earned it. But you also have the chance to help others find peace, to prevent the pain and loss that we’ve all endured.”

She looked at Clarke and Lexa with a soft, knowing smile. “You’ve always done what’s right, even when it’s hard. And while I have forever to wait, you two deserve forever together. You’ve given so much already. Maybe it’s time to think about what you want, what you deserve.”

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed Madi’s words. Clarke and Lexa exchanged a long, meaningful glance, understanding the truth in what their children were saying.

Finally, Clarke took a deep breath, her resolve clear in her voice. “Maybe it’s not just about what we’ve given up. Maybe it’s about what we can still give… and what we can still gain. If we do this, we have the chance to rewrite everything—to save more people, to heal the world. But we also need to think about what that means for us, for our family.”

Lexa nodded slowly, her decision becoming more certain as she spoke. “If we choose to go back, we have to do it together, with the knowledge that we’re doing this not just for others, but for ourselves too. And when it’s over… we’ll have our forever.”

Aden still looked conflicted, but he reached out and took his mother’s hand. “I don’t want to lose you again,” he said quietly. “But if this is what you choose, I’ll support you.”

Abby nodded in agreement. “Me too. Whatever you decide, we’ll be with you.”

Madi gave them all a reassuring smile. “You’ll always have me, no matter what. And whatever you choose, I know you’ll make the right decision.”

Lexa, ever the strategist and negotiator, sat in quiet contemplation after their family discussion. The weight of the decision they faced pressed heavily on her, but a thought began to take shape—a way to bridge the impossible choices before them. She looked at Clarke, then at their children, her mind made up.

“I’ve been thinking,” Lexa began, her voice steady but thoughtful. “The Judge has asked us to go back and change the course of events, but we’ve sacrificed too much to do this alone again. If we’re going to agree to this, we need to negotiate.”

Clarke looked at Lexa with a mixture of curiosity and hope. “Negotiate how?”

Lexa’s eyes were clear, her resolve firm. “If we go back, we go back as a family. All of us. We’ve fought and suffered too much to be separated again. We can’t do this alone—nor should we have to.”

Aden’s eyes widened, and he looked at his sister, who nodded in silent agreement. “You mean… we’d all go back? Together?” he asked, the idea both daunting and reassuring.

Lexa nodded. “Yes. The Judge wants us to change things, to guide humanity in a new direction. But if we’re going to do that, we do it with the strength of our family beside us. We go back as one, with all the knowledge and love we’ve gained over these years. Together, we can accomplish far more than we ever could on our own.”

Clarke’s heart swelled with admiration and love for Lexa. This was the woman she fell in love with—the leader who could see beyond the obvious and find a path that worked for everyone. “That’s brilliant,” Clarke said softly, a smile tugging at her lips. “It’s the only way I’d consider going back.”

Abby smiled, her eyes shining with pride. “If we’re all together, we can do anything. This changes everything.”

Madi, who had been listening intently, nodded. “You’ve always been strongest together. If you’re going to change the world, then you should do it as a family. The Judge would have to see the wisdom in that.”

Lexa met Clarke’s gaze, their connection as strong as ever. “We’ll present this to the Judge,” she said confidently. “We’ll make it clear that our decision is conditional. If the Judge wants us to change the course of history, then we do it with the full power of our family behind us. We’ll go back together, or not at all.”

Clarke squeezed Lexa’s hand, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

As they stepped into the anomaly together, Lexa immediately shifted into full Heda mode, her presence commanding and unwavering. Clarke, Abby, Aden, and Madi followed closely behind, their expressions determined. When they emerged on the other side, the Judge was waiting, her expression stern and expectant.

"The deal was for the two of you," the Judge stated sharply, her voice laced with irritation.

Lexa’s eyes narrowed, meeting the Judge’s gaze with unflinching resolve. "Plans don’t last long in battle," she replied firmly.

The Judge sneered, her tone mocking. "Is that so, Commander? Resorting to old platitudes now?"

Lexa’s expression didn’t waver. "Mockery is not a product of a strong mind."

The Judge’s smirk faltered, her irritation growing. "No," she said, her voice final. "This negotiation is over."

Lexa’s eyes flashed with intensity as she turned to lead her family back toward the anomaly. "Then we are done here," she declared, her voice steady.

But before they could leave, the air around them began to shimmer with a brilliant light. An indescribable presence filled the space—formless and majestic, radiating an energy so powerful that the Judge visibly recoiled, her confidence shattered.

"Stop being childish," the being’s voice resonated, not as sound but as a deep vibration that seemed to come from every direction at once. The words were directed at the Judge, who was now subdued in the face of this overwhelming entity.

The formless being turned its attention to Lexa and Clarke, its presence filling them with a sense of awe. "Here is the deal," the being intoned, its voice echoing through their minds. "There was one who came before—the first human to encounter us, Becca. Her knowledge and ingenuity were unmatched. We will feed the information from Levitt's tablet into the flame. Becca will guide you, helping you to find a way to change the course of history."

The being's focus seemed to sharpen, as if it were gazing directly into their souls. "It will be up to you to alter the path of humanity’s future. Abby, Aden, and Madi will be there with you, waiting in the past. They will not remember this life, but when the time is right, a code imprinted within you, Lexa, will unlock their memories, restoring all they have known."

Lexa, ever the negotiator, saw an opportunity. "If we do this, we go back as a family," she asserted, her voice carrying the weight of her authority as Heda.

The Judge, visibly irritated, was about to respond when the being cut her off with a resonating hum. "Stop this bickering," the being commanded, addressing the Judge. "There is no place for pettiness in matters of such importance."

The Judge hesitated, then reluctantly stepped back, conceding to the greater authority of the being.

The being turned back to Lexa and Clarke. "The deal is accepted. You will go back as a family. However, know this: you will not remember this life when you return, but the code within you, Lexa, will unlock your memories when the time is right. The path will be difficult, but you have the potential to change everything."

The light around them began to fade, but before it did, the being spoke one last time. "You have one hour to say your goodbyes in Madi’s world. Then, you will return to earth, and the process will begin."

With that, the light receded, leaving them in the familiar surroundings of Madi’s world. The Judge, now silent and subdued, disappeared, leaving them alone to make the most of the time they had left together.

Clarke and Lexa stood together in the tranquil setting of Madi’s world, their children close by. Clarke’s heart swelled with pride as she looked at Aden, Abby, and Madi, each of them a testament to the love and strength that had defined their lives. “We are so proud of you,” Clarke said, her voice filled with emotion. “You’ve all become everything we ever hoped for.”

Lexa nodded in agreement, her gaze soft as she looked at each of them. “You’ve made our lives so much richer,” she added. “Your strength, your love, it’s all we could ever ask for.”

The children smiled, though the weight of the impending farewell was heavy in the air. They knew their parents needed this moment together, so they each took turns embracing Clarke and Lexa before stepping back, giving them the space they needed to say their goodbyes.

As they held each other close, the emotions between them palpable, Clarke looked up into Lexa’s eyes, her voice trembling. “You’re my soulmate, Lexa. My heart. I can’t imagine being without you again… it’s unbearable to think about.”

Lexa’s eyes were filled with the same emotion, her hands gently cradling Clarke’s face. “Clarke, I will recognize you in every lifetime. You are my life, my light in every darkness. Even when I am Heda again, you will always command my heart, my soul… everything that I am.”

Tears streamed down Clarke’s cheeks as she leaned into Lexa’s embrace, feeling the comfort and strength she always found there. “I don’t want to let go,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

Lexa tightened her hold on Clarke, her voice steady but filled with emotion. “You won’t have to. We will find each other, no matter where or when. I will always come back to you, Clarke. I swear it.”

As they stood there, the weight of their love and the enormity of what lay ahead pressing down on them, Clarke’s tears fell freely. She pulled back slightly, just enough to look into Lexa’s eyes. “You’re my heart, Lexa. In this life and the next.”

“And you are my life,” Lexa replied, her voice trembling with the depth of her feelings. “My love, my strength. I am yours, Clarke, in every way. And I promise, I will always come back to you.”

They kissed, tender and lingering, a promise sealed between them that nothing could break. When they finally pulled apart, Lexa’s gaze softened as she remembered something. “Clarke… do you remember that time by the hot springs? When we wished for a forever?”

Clarke nodded, a bittersweet smile forming on her lips. “How could I forget?”

Lexa gently brushed a tear from Clarke’s cheek. “This is it. This is our forever.”

Clarke’s smile grew, even as fresh tears welled up in her eyes. “Then let’s make the most of it.”

As Clarke and Lexa held each other close, the kids returned, their faces somber but filled with love. Without hesitation, they all embraced in a tight circle, holding on as if they could somehow freeze this moment in time.

Clarke turned to Madi, her voice tender but firm. “Take care of your sister and brother, okay?”

Madi nodded, tears in her eyes, as she hugged Clarke tightly. “I will, Mom.”

Just then, a flash of something crossed Lexa’s face—a memory, sharp and sudden. She opened her mouth, her eyes widening as she remembered something important. “Lincoln…” she began, the realization hitting her like a tidal wave. “Lincoln was my—”

Before she could finish, the world around them seemed to implode. The fabric of reality ripped apart, and they were all suddenly sucked into a wild, chaotic ride through a wormhole, colors and shapes swirling around them in a dizzying blur.

Lexa’s mind spun, her consciousness slipping away as the vortex tore them from everything they knew. The last thing she felt was Clarke’s hand slipping from hers, and then everything went dark.

When Lexa opened her eyes, she was no longer an adult, no longer in the world she had just left behind. She was a little girl, lying on the ground with her nomon hovering over her, tickling her sides and making her laugh uncontrollably. Beside her, a young boy—her brother, Lincoln—was laughing too, his joy infectious.

Lexa’s laughter rang out, pure and unbridled, until she rolled over and scraped her knee on the rough ground. She winced, looking down at the injury, and froze in shock as thick, black blood began to ooze from the cut.

She stared at the blood, her laughter dying away, and a strange, unsettling feeling washed over her. Somewhere deep inside, something felt wrong, as if there were memories just out of reach, something important she had lost but couldn’t quite grasp.

But in that moment, the warmth of her nomon’s embrace and the sound of Lincoln’s laughter drowned out the confusion. She was just a little girl again, in a world that made sense, even if it wasn’t the world she had known moments before.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.