San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)




222 VAD Ness Meets TONIGHT. W. H. GILLRAM, N. W.

C. BROCK, Rec. Secretary, CALIFORNIA Lodge, No. 1, and -Special meeting THIS (Thursday) EVENING, March 17, at 7:30 o'clock, In Corinthian Hall, 2135 Butter Second degree. EDWARD PEABODY, Secretary, DORIO Lodge, No.

216, F. and A. Special meeting THIS EVENING, at 7:80 o'clock. Third Devited. Butter st.

By order of the master. Master, Masons are cordially inR. GOLDSMITH, Secretary. FIDELITY "Lodge, No. 120, and M.

Special meeting THIS (Thursday) EVENING at 7:80 o'clock, King Solomon's Hall, Fillmore st. First degree. Masons cordially Invited. FREDERICK BARRY, Secretary. JEWEL Lodge, No.

874, F. and A. Special meeting DAY (Thurs at 1:80 P. M. Third Degree.

CHARLES 8. TRUE, Secretary. LA PARFAITE UNION LODGE; No. 17, A. -Meeting Friday, March, 18.

1910, 8 P. King Solomon's Halt: lat degree. By order of the M. L. St.

JULLIEN, Becretary. Chapter, No. 79, R. A. M.

-Stated meeting THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at o'clock. Royal Arch. Degree. By order of the H. P.

S. ALLEN, Secretary. PACIFIC Lodge, No. 155, 1. 0.

0. F4 821 Devisadero -Initiation THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Visiting brothers cordially invited. H. SCHWERIN, N.

G. F. C. EDMONDS, Rec. Secretary.

PRESIDIO Lodge, No. 854, F. and A. King Solomon' Hall, 1730 Fillmore -Second degree THIS (Thursday) EVENING, 7:80 o'clock. B.

L. HESSELTINE, Secretary, SOUTH SaD Francisco Lodge, No. 212, F. A. Special meeting THIS (Thursday) EVENING at 7:80 second degree: By order of the W.


SIERRA Club Walk St. Helena trip; take 8 P. M. Sausalito boat Saturday, March 19th, for Calistoga; thence 7 unfles to Toll House and overnight; Sunday -via Stevenson's Sliverado to summit Mt. St.

Helena (4 miles) and retura to Calistoga and 8. F. Sunday night. WILLIAM E. COLBY.

MEDICAL. temale pills are sure; best lating pill sold: price $2 50 by express; safety, Avice 42 60; Jenner syringe and tablets, price do by express only on receipt of price. 06G00D wholesale druggists, Seventh and Broadway, Oakland. LADIES- -Ask your druggist tor Pills, the Diamond Brand: for 25 years knows best, safest; always reliable; buy of your druggist: take no other: Chichester a Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. MATERNITY HOMES.

HOME for confinement, attendance 820. 1548 Steiner, near Gears; hours 6-T. LYING-IN HOME. 1191 Oak: Mkt. DE.

LORD. phy. la charge; $25. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. trees -Divorce: no charge costa, 612: quick, quiet, title advice real estate restored: probating unless successful: estates: general practice: 1028 Market, 12.

MISSION BRANCH office of the at 2589 Mission street, pear Twenty second. HEALTH MOVEMENT. VIAVI SCIENCE OF natural? surgical: cloth bound book ply by mail, 656 Pine st. Lecture for Thursday at 2:30 P. M.

MISSION BRANCH office of the 2080 Mission stopet, Column BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES. ACCOUNTANT for large wbolesale Bri must take Interest, $5000 required; must furnish local, references. DEAN 659 Paelde bide. AUTOMOBILE and repair works for Including lathes.

drill presses, grinding chines, all kinds of band tools and stock: drat $1500 gets this elegant opportunity. Box 2825, Chronicle. COMMERCIAL AUDIT COMPANY. BUSINESS BROKERS, 810 Metropolis Bank Bldg. Phone Setter 18.

CONTROLLING Interest. In State Bank in Ore.con, in prosperous pays 20 per cent dividends and prospects Ane: everything guaranteed, and requires about $12,000 to handle at Address E. E. HOWARD, 514 McKay Or. FOR -Good drug store in Oakland: must be sold once on account of sickness.

Address box 8274. Chronete. FOR BALE Good paying saloon: owner on premises mornings. Twenty-ninth count of death. IF you bare good business proposition and want some one to bundle it.

address Humboldt Bank building. Ban' cleco. MUNICIPAL 1. growing mountain town: light and water franchise: owner other will sell cheap. Address DE Pale Alto, Cal.

PAPER conte for In Richmond Apply Circulation paper. WANTED of branching out and profitably: established mercantile business San Francisco: good opportunity for strictly legitimate prosta. For full boy, 8272. Chronicle. $1000- Saloon wholesale district must realize once: rood man can build up ine bubiness.

Address box. 3288, Chronicle. BUSINESS WANTED. HIGHEST cash price paid for merchandise stocks of all descriptions. Spot cash.

Phone Park 1805: town or country. 001 McAllister 8. 1. F. HIGHEST cash paid for merchandise goods, stores, elty or 658 phone Park LODGING-HOUSES FOR IRVIN.

O. KEELER. Established Hotel Broker, TIS Pacife bldg. Douglas 2197, 72510. Representing the Three Largest Hotel Brokerage Firms in the World.

Correspondent for the Nine Largest Hotel- Journals th the World. HOTELS BOUGHT, SOLD. LEASED AND PROMOTED. Talk It Over With Keeler. any Hotel Man about Keeler, Hotels Rooming-Houses WILD BUILD TO SUIT TENANT AT A VERY REASONABLE RENT.


108-coom brick apartment bouse, to be erected once: lot 50x120 to rear burned modern conveniences; rent reasonable. For particolars see EDWARDS, REED BRADY, 245 Montgomery st. Hotels and Apartments for Sale or Rent GEO. A. EASTMAN 821 Monadnock bide.

Phone Butter 295. FOR lease 120-room Areproot, high-class hotel: 80 private baths: beautifully situated: completed in ninety days; fine cafe and lobby; plans at my office. GOOD BUY IN CITY. 160-room thoroughly modern D. P.

hotel and bar, doing steady and lucrative business; reasonable rent; long lease: furniture lease can be handled with $10,000. cash, FEMALE HELP WANTED. FEW SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS ON OVERALLS NO EXPERIENCE STEADY WORK. LEVI STRAUSS APPLY TO MR. DAVIS, VALENCIA: BET.

THIRTEENTH AND FOURTEENTH. neat, competent girl for cooking and general honsework; small family: good and fine home to right party. Apply 1005 Market room 800. A- Clever, well educated woman take charge of new territory in this State: also solicitors. Call at 939 Van Ness.

11 to 12 and 1 to 4 clock. AN Irish Catholic second girl for nice place country; cor $80. Miss PLUNKETT'8, 1896 SutWebster. CHOCOLATE dippers. 826- Pacifie st.

EXPERIENCED makers wanted. STANDARD LADIES' HAT MFG. 683 Market, FRONT bands wanted on negligee, shirts: for taught: paid SHIRT while learning. THE ELK PAOTORY. and York sta, GOOD place tor right girl: general bousework and cooking; city references needed.

1817 Broadway; apply morning only. JACKET bands and Aniabers, ladies' sulta; steady work; good wages. COSGRAVE CLOAK SUIT 00., 852 Post st. LADY typist and stenographer; must be salary weekly. ALFRED IENTHAL 00..

Kearny and Post. LADIES to take home work, part full, time. 1607 Ellis near Fillmore. SHIRT wanted HEAD. on SHIRT Head FACTORY.

York WANTED- Competent girl, general bousework: country, Dear 8. small family; wages $40. Apply Friday, NW, corner Clay and Lagana, 8. WANTED Ladies to learm HAIRDRESSING CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF DRESSING and Beauty Culture. 9071 Market.

WANTED- Girl toe. gonetal housework in small family: no children. Apply 2208 Sacramento between 10 A. M. and 4 P.

M. YOUNG women, between the ages of 17 and of fair education, neat appearance and questionable character, wanted to study telephone operating profession; Iberal salis paid new operators while in training the Operating Sebool of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and upon graduation they are given permanent positions the switchboarde, with opportunities for motion. The Paetde Telepbone and Telegraph Company provides light and well ventilated operating pleasant rest and lunch and takes personal Interest in the welfare of the young women 1a employ. Competent operators furnished, to branch exchange subscribers. For and 12 call, at the preferably Operating between School, 8:80 Telephone Office, 2016 Steiner st.

YOUNG assist lady, office work, experienced wholesale stenographer house; and $40 to start; rets. Bor 8260, Chroniele. MALE HELP. WANTED. ADVERTISING soliettor for business magatine: good commission; references required.

Address box Chroniele. BOY for manufacturing Arm i chance to advance; state references, etc. Box 3288, Chronicle. BUSHELMAN wanted. BROWN BROS.

00., 664 Market COMPETENT male stenographer familiar with machinery THE COMPRESSED AIR MACHINERY 533 Market st. EXPERIENCED porter wanted for drug store: state and salary expected. Address DRUGS, 8200, Chronicle. 000D live men to sell watches and jewelry on weekly payments, city and Oakland: good reterence required: salary or commission. 704 Market room 612.

LABORERS wanted the Cowell Portland Cement Company plant, Cowell, Contra county, Califorala. PARTNER for collection' and brokerage; stall investment required. For particulars call 500- 610 Westbank bids. Green hands Pucet sound: 80d steamer. R.

GRAHAM. 230 East 200 men to eccupy, rpoms Hunter 200 pisht NO TODAY IN HISTORY ST. PATRICK'S DAY- -March 17th, Column 5 Situations GOOD Japanese young man wishes to have situation to do cooking and housework in small family. FUJI, 1833 phone Franklin 4006. JAPANESE.

good cook. wishes position drink; in Chronicle. LOST- A pair of Nose Glasses and Chain in family; does not smoke nor vicinity of 25th OF 26th Richmond. the St. Patrick is the patron saint of plaints, he desired them to collect erni work.

SUZUMOTE, 2081 Bush Ireland. Ireland was not the birth- of ice and snowballs: which. phone West 6618. ONALS. H.

ROBSON, 2023 Eagle Alameda, Cal. pile pinee of St. Patrick, but many coun- having been done, he breathed upon JAPANESE, Aret-clams butler, valet or LOST Sunday afternoon Height-et. car, tries claim that distinction. He it, and it Instantaneously became wants country: good -WIGS AND TOUPEES affect detection- Japanese Mink Bearf.

Return to 507 Montborn about the year 873 and when pleasant Are- a Are that long after perience. GEORGE, 1543 phone West Wigmaking life study. private phope K. 8890; reward. ventilated comers only 16 years of age was carried off served to point poet's concelt in 1203.

2211 Cal. Mr. G. LOST--At Princess Theater, Saturday evening, by pirates, so. the story goes, and, these lines: JAPANESE, desires position Lederer In charge LADIES HAIR Address Gold 116 Purse, Adama studded with Oakland.

Jewels; reward. sold into slavery in Ireland. "St. Patrick, as in legends told, in 8198; small family. K.

Mission. M. 1807 West making shampooing 1800 switches, There his master employed him care M. Fillmore near 1800. LOST Sunday afternoon, Gentleman' Coral swincherd on the well-known moun- The morning being very cold, LUNCHMAN, German, good cook, clean, sober, BATTLE CREEK Sanatorium Cashier, Stickpin: Goldberg, keepsake, Bowen Reward Co.

for return 16 In order to assuage the weather, wants position in anioon merchant lunch treatments, tain of Sleamish, In the county of Collected bits' of. Ice together: eity or country. trical blanket, vapor baths, and hand Antrim. cook; Box 1279, Chronicle. glows, etc.

ladien and gentle- LOST Collar Nash, from 428 Ferry to Fulton Ban Angelme: Lace Then gentle breathed upon the pyre, PLUMBER men. 1710 Butter Home 84928, return to Miss st, STURHere he passed seven years and When every fragment blazed on fire. and steam Otter, experienced DIVANT reward. phone acquired of the Irish Oh! if the saint had been so kind, 88 per day, Bor 8276, Importers of CHARLES hair, HOFFMAN and all kinds LOST, in city -Hunting Dow: Mcense 97. Re knowledge round mechanic, would like situation; language and made himself me- As, to have left the gift behind buman turn 940 and quainted with of the the manners, habits To such a forlorn wretch As me, OF light work; moderate man as salary: watchman honest 470 18th cor.

Washington, POSITION by retired of hair goods customs people. He Who to be and good references and bond. Phone Oakland take the from person ribbon who took Package the by apatates. WILL caped from captivity finally and was ra be content- content with part, 8209, Chroniele. J.

Spauiding Dyeing and Cleaning 2401 (containing wig) kindly return same to Superdaily struggles free: Box the counter at Emporium successively ordained deacon, priest ra only seel to thaw the heart, STABLEMAN, German, reliable, steady, at. Pill more; tel. West work. Intendent, EMPORIUM. Bishop; and then once more, The frozen heart, of Polly Roe." understands perfect care of fine horses, and with the authority of Pope Celes- ness, carriages, also handy in general work, less then for at suits, overcoats and troneers MATRIMONIAL.

UNCALLED he returned to 'Ireland to The greatest miracle credited to: can drive, position on private Tailor. 1482 Pillmore, bet. Elite and the O' London cost CHIAS. tine, of driving the place; HOEFER, box 5626, Chron- Farrell. preach the gospel.

St. Patrick WAS that dele branch, Fillmore. -Marry wealth; the only high-clees responsible The principal enemies: that venomous: reptiles out of Ireland EDUCATIONAL arency on the Coast. SOCINTY Information LADY. 248 Patrick found to the Introduction of and rendering the Irish soll for- WANTED Position by young man on private Tremont, Hayes car 25e.

Christianity into Ireland were the ever after. 80 obnoxious to the ser- milk. care BOt horses: Chronicle. care automobile; can -Studies in piano and harmony beginners PARTIES wishing 2200 to marry call or write MES. of Druidical priests of the more an- -pent race that they Instantaneously and advanced popila, Rita Sinter, 876 Butter.

Butter detalla 25c. MILLARD. cient faith. Their obstinate antago- die on touching it. to YOUNG man desires position in private family Canton Chinese for Americans: native associ-1 do highest general housework and walting Chiron- OD tench.

23. Canton Bank Kearny and Clay. CLAIRVOYANTS. nism was so great, that, in spite of The shamrock is closely table; references. Box 3295, his benevolent disposition it is said ated with St.

Patrick, and gen- fele. CAN teach you to HENRY that he visited all kinds of punish- erally, exhibited by the Irish race YOUNG man wishes position running elevator months. 1584 Taylor st. World's greatest trance clairvoyant, palmist, speak German in 8 MANSFIELD, ment upon them. today An emblem of the popular or driving wagon oF buggy.

Box 5616, Chron- ENGINEERING astrologer, mental win A popular legend relates that the saint. It 18 said that when St. Pat- dele branch, Fillmore. -Civil, day, mech. 1804.

sUF- you destre: tells every thingbe saint and his followers found them- rick was preaching the doctrine: of YOUNG man wants Naillen School. Tel. ave. and 51st Oakid. names, vealed: dates, bealth, Important marriage, information; all selves, one cold morning.

on the Trinity to the pagan Irish he all around man. Address TOM FOATS. 317 FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY. 2142 Shattuck treasure, changes. law suits; Imparts position, private place: mountain, without Are to cook used this plant, bearing three leaves nest First National Bank.

luck; removes evil influences. upon one stem, as symbol or H- SALESMEN WANTED. GERMAN MORE FOR READINGS cor. Eddy. BY SEND their breakfast, or warm their frozen limbs.

Unheeding their com- lustration of the great mystery. literature. 8115 given; California st. conversational method; lessons MAIL, $1. CITY line seaman on to commission.

handle Alexander Dausiger Italine Technological design MISS wonderful prophetess: young gifted 10 clair, to and 1. some st. Apply mechanical, architecture, machines, topor $1. 652 Hayes, bet. Laguna and Buchanan, pants at '124 San- 1.

In the early English calendars March 17th is claimed as the raphy, painting. Prof. C. 0. Sbrana, 1151 Polk.

MISS STARR of Oakland now at 1164 Market, 'day on which Noah entered the ark, and that he went out of In own line. GORDON SYRUP must Oakland, experience ITALIAN langunge, literature; competent, exp. room 3, 8. truth COMMERCIAL or no pay. Instruetor wants more pupils.

1868 Vallejo st. Ar the ark on April On March 1776, the British evacu- HIGH-CLASS salesmen who can reach best class LESSONS on violin, clarinet, cornet and SPIRITUALISTS. 17, of people on proposition that will revolu- Studio, 834 A piano. ated Boston. It is the birthday of William Pinkney, the Amer- tionize the automobile Industry.

Apply be- Capp near 18th. tween 10 and 12. room 1202, Chronicle bidg. Munson School SPIRIT MEDIUM. ican statesman (1764): Chief Justice Roger B.

Taney (1777); day and eve. of R. 627 Sborthand, Whitney private 188 instruction; CALLA YOU by name, tells exactly Walter Q. Gresham, Sec- quired; HIGH-CLASS leads stock rms. -salesman 417-418 wanted; Foreroft rets, bide, PROF.

T. A. Geary. you and called tor success: and what tells will you bring whether 700 speedy busRev. Moncure D.

Conway (1832), and ROBINSON, Indicid. Instr. State under Cleveland (1832). RELIABLE mining stock salesmen: liberal com Bookkeeping, etc. i day.

eve. 507 Haight. tells band, or to sweetheart succeed in is business true or specula- false: retary of mission. at 845 Pacino between Apply St. Josephie Academy, Peralta Perk.

Berkeley, tion; lawsuits; bow to marry the one of your and Cal. Boarding-school for boys under 15 years. choice: how to gain youth, health and SALESMEN wanted- -No experience needed: SPANISH FRENCH vitality. Column 8. Columa bundreds of positions now open, from AND PROF.

DE SPECIAL, 6100 $500 monthly; you paying FILIPPE. graduate Paris, Madrid. 1212 Geary st. to if want good MALE HELP WANTED- Continued. Situations Wanted- position, our tree book, Knight of the students prepared to REV.

J. BROWN, Grip," will show you how to get it; write travel; com. letters. Miranontes, 1880 Sutter 1700 Geary, cor. Webater, 1 block from Fillmore.

WANTED- Able-bodied men for the U. (or men's call) for Training it today. 6100, Address Metropolis Sales- Bank all school J. J. Whitney, ordained trance me National rine Corps, between the ages 19.

and 35; strong and willing young man who is handy Francisco. adults and pub. Box and 4000, work; dium-Advic given at her $1: 1164 must. be native born or have fret papers; at almost anything, small wants steady employment; San foreigners. Chroniele.

O' Farrell; by letter, 4 questions $1. Pain. 5034. monthly pay $15 to additional 220 can st. furnish security.

L. LEIB, 2119 SALESMAN for S. F. and bay cities by whole: PRED P. Payeble.

tion possible; food, clothing, quarters and med- sale liquor house: salary and BUSINESS COLLEGES. Mechanics Bank Otice, room 621 ical attedance free; after' 80 years' service A Japanese expense expected. age, Box 8282, Chronicle. building, 948 Market st. can board per and ashore in all and housekeeper; best references.

JOHN -HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE JOHN SLATER Consultations 10 to circle retire with 75 cent of pay and -Good cook wants position cook ances; parts of service the on world. Apply ship at U. Marine TONIMURA, Japanege Mission, 2230 Post SOLICITORS AND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. 8 sharp; tests to all. 1480 Gears.

96 Market 8. phone West 2197. WANTED. LARGEST, MOST PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL MOVED- -MISS M. WILLE, ordained medium: also Crops' "Station recruiting office, Oakiand.

ON THE COAST. 425 MALLISTER ST. -Good habits, trustworthy Japanese cook, SOLICITORS for liquor store; good induce- Crystal Seeress: can be consulted on all WANTED- Men to learn the barber highest recommendations, desires situation in ments offered to experienced men. 2891 Mis- -GALLAGHER-MARSE Bus. College -Recom- tairs.

1806 Butter bra. 10-8 P. M. and women trade; wages the while ten learning: entering. special Call for induce- phone or West business 7904.

house. ONO, 1739 Sutter sion ut. reporters. REV. S.

SMAL, spiritual minister: 180 consultations family mended by court 1256 Market st. ments 1 to next par- WANTED- Reliable solicitors to handle dret- MERRILD MILLER COLLEGE, 18S Fillmore dally; offic. marriages, funerals. McAllister. ticulars.

Moler's Barber College, 234 3d st. A Japanese boy wants position to do housework class proposition; good pay. 0. 8. 0., 963 select school.

of bustpese; day and evening. WANTED- Strictly sober man, between 18 and and help in kitchen; private family. FRED Pacifie bidg. San Francisco Business College, Market and Eddy ASTROLOGY. 24, as assistant to hospital department and MORIsh*tA, 1828 Devisadero phone opp.

5th Day and evening sessions. Institution. HEAD NURSE, 2507 Pine st. West 1398. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES.

De. Benjamin, astrology: hours to 5. WANTED- suits. HENTZ, First good Japanese boy wants situation MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 015 Van Ness cor.

Kilts; Franklin 2701. National Bank Presser, Oakland. schoolboy; speaks English well; has good A--WEST 8588. 83444. 5746.

perience. HENRY, 1615 Post phone West AA-Unredeemed storage pianos almost CHIROPODISTS. WANTED Good and A ASIA EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. bent position. 1156 Market st.

Contractor and Interpreter. to pay storage and advances. -Good Japanese cook wants position bead' Piano Storage, 1426-28 Market st. CORNS removed, 25e: ingrown naile, bunions, UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED. 812 small tamily; country preferred.

Y. 1623 Buchanan. S. KAWATA. handsome upright, warts.

DUNCAN, 180 cor. Kearny. Austin city. mahogany almost AAA A -Phone West 1781. Home phone 82615.

$150; many other bargains from $15 up. DR. Z. L. CORNET, surgeon chiropodist; grad448.

Pine lens young, sober, steady man wants work at pri- Largest and most reliable JAPANESE- BOWERS SON, 356 Post cate: modern office. 1150 Fillmore, at KNOX, time checks cashed: Suite debts collected and everywhere. vate place; Butter. understands chickens. Box 8283, can Chronicle.

cows: employment offce in the elty. ALMOST given unredeemed storage FOOT good borseman; milk CHINESE T. TAMURA maladies treated by most advanced meth1612 Laguna st. pianos; dirt cheap. Van Ness ode in America.

Dr. James Brown. Emporium. AST ave. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE.

gardener, experienced in all branches, wishes BARGAINS $40; Maraball position private place; A1 references. AA- -HATSUMI EMP. OLDEST. MOST Wendell, $100; Hudson, $150; Mason Player, FURNITURE FOR SALE. Boyd upright, French girl, young, neat, capable, good ref- OUGELY ON COAST: FURNISHES THOR- $300, and others: sold GARDENER, 970 10th Oakland.

RELIABLE erences, wants second work in San Mateo, good Japanese desires a position to do waiting WITH CARE AND DISPATCH. HELP OF 1518 ALL GEARY KINDS MANUFACTURERS' Sutter CIRCASSIAN walnut, birdseye suit; heavy COMPETENT NO Menio or Palo Alto; wants $26 month. and housework in family. GEORGE, 1615 Post ST. PHONE WEST 5688, HOME 84088.

bet. Grant ave. and Stockton. brass beds, parlor, piano, china closet, furWrite telephone to Miss PLUNKETT'S, phone West 5745. PIANOS nishings, sacrifice by piece.

1292 McAllister. 1896 Butter, cor. Webster. -CANTON BURBAU OF INFORMATION, tuned, voiced, regulated PIANO and all drst-class painter, with tools, would like work Chinese service, laundry service by work reas. MULLER TUNING POR sale, furnished- roots and bath; modcompetent woman wishes to do general no house- by day.

or contract. 1391 Golden Gate cooks. waiters tor functions, the CONTRACT day; 00., 237 Monadnock Doug. 4284; 34287. era dat: in good condition; 2 complete bedwork; good cook and laundress; ob- phone Park 6857.

WORK tor botels, summer resorts, ete. BY. room nice location; rent reduced to lection to large family: moderate wages. 1483 Canton Bank 049 Kearny: tel Sutter 118. PIANOS RON for MAUZY.

rent: 250 no Stockton cartage st. this week. 618; price $00. Sanches bet. 17t Oak bet.

Central ave, and Lyon Japanese wants position to -do cooking and and 18th girl, just from Germany, desires post- 1887 housework; Bush city or country. Tel. West 8720, A J. CONN, Chinese Emp. Bureau (solely young st.

Chinese)- and help of all kinds fur- TWO Steinway 1 parlor grand and 1 sq. grand LOT of turniture and bonsebold goods cheap tion upstairs girl: One sewer. Ad- niabed, 770 Clay tel, Douglas 8162. 8150 $050; Decker 87 Stockton st. pay storage charges.

481 Van Ness 8. Oakland preferred. Adress 1984 Bush; tel. West 8786. A.

8. HORI, tel. $125 -Bargain In dress M. 63 Eureka near Bighteenth, Japanese Arst-clase laundry boy in tamily. West 2808 and Elome 82808- 1240 Market upright 9th.

KLEINSORG, 8437 Mission DE. 30th piano. C. Japanese laundry hand wants position in all Greatest day and Jap night. and Chinese 1748 Sutter Emp.

st. office; open near niture, carpets, stoves; big stock; lowest prices. work the day or half day: 15 cents an family; city or country; good references fur- RAIN or shine-Must be sold at once, 24 rooms capable laundress and house cleaner wants A1 references. Box 5027, Chronicle branch, nished. TAMAL, 517 Grant Sutter 96, JAPANESE Domest, Workers' Assn.

Tel. DENTISTS. of furniture, carpets and household goods from by hour: San Francisco. Frank. 4025: Home 06820.

1050 Larkin. rooming-house. See 'em at H. Fillmore st. Umeya.

HAAS', corner SCHELLAN honest and young Japanese boy, who speaks Japanese Housecleaning Brat-class help Wilson, ARTIFICIAL 820 teeth; Geary, this suit one thing tel. I do, Doug. De. C. 4800.

E. Oakland. store, 11th and Franklin wants young work by the day to do washing, troping English very well and has German laundress, best references, much experience in hour, day, contract, 2218 Pine; phone W. 8181. and house cleaning.

Bor 8206, Chronicle. position in house, family. hopes to HARRY get 8. N. Chinese and Japanese 615 Fillmore near Oak.

CARPETS FOR SALE. waiting on table and DR. IRA G. LEEK--All kinds of dental work. lady wishes to wash and iron at home.

YAMA, phone West 7006, Home 82254. ment office. 771 private French Clay phone Kearny 4036. MISS LEONIE, 18B Jensen bet. Green- AN excellent Japanese Employment Office- -All DR.

U. G. to 328 BARTLETT, extracting Kearny specialist, 5219. re SOMETHING new 1a furniture and carpet bay. wich and Lombard.

in butler wants position Kinds of best help. 2140 Fillmore: West moved Geary Ing: sell you, direct from factory stock, private family: has good reference. TAMU. regular jobbing prices; large line to select COMPETENT stenographer with knowledge of 14284 Webster phone West 9298. JAPANESE and Chinese Employment Office, 1678 HILL DR.

LUDLUM, Mairhead butlding, from, 674 Mission fourth floor. bookkeeping would like position; salary mod- AN expert Japahese Post phones West 1758 and Home ket, Hayes and Larkin gas given. erate to commence years' there experience. chance Box for 8092, ad- in private family: city or country. J.

box STAR Emp. effice: Japanese-Chinese FURNITURE WANTED. if laundryman wants position vancement; 5616, Chronicle branch, Fillmore st. KADOTA. Home belp, PATENT ATTORNEYS.

Chronicle. 1608 Geary: West 167; 4908 DRESSMAKER will go put by the day, shirt- BOOKKEEPER, expert accountant, will keep CARLOS P. GRIFPIN, late examiner U. any quantity wanted; pianos, top brie-a-brie; prices guaranteed: mebdises -FURNITURE, waists, summer dresses, children' clothes: set small books; books opened, closed, bal- CARPET CLEANING. ent Office: S.

and foreign patents: trade com, specialty: before you sell see $1,50 per day. Box 5620, Chronicle branch, anced. Box 8284, Chronicle. marks. 1201-2 Metropolis Bank: tel.

Kay. 4815. M. GALLICK, phone Mkt. 772.

Fillmore st. end mechanic, experienced, single. AAA-U. 6. Carpet Cleaning 2207 Bush: most superior cleaning in the world; can give DEWEY, STRONG 1860: U.

8. KAPLAN, 1544-46 DRESSMAKER, thoroughly competent, desires with sober, tamily -tobacco user, owner. wants steady Job beating, steam. compressed air. Vacuum OP aBd foreign patenta: Inventors' guide free.

dero; West 4202, will pay highest prices tor few, more engagements by the day; terms to W. L. or 8947 private 17th 8. F. Write at once colebrated earthquake, which removes dirt, Temporary 4455.

1105 Merch. Ex. 8. F. 24-band furniture, carpets and housebold goods.

reasonable. Address 2770 Pine st. phone Gust, grease, restoring natural colors like new. West 9459. CHINESE boy, Bret-class cook, wants position 5926.

82408; laying and refitting. HARRY C. SCHROEDER. patents, trade marks, 4503. fall 1630 Fillmore, telephone family or boarding house.

Address 842 Grant copyrights. 417 National Bank, Oakland. pets and kinds of merchandise; cash paid. carDay value for turalture, EXPERIENCED combine stenographer telegraphy: at and clerk, Alling NG COW. Tel.

Ing to present -Carpets and rugs cleaned on floor Chinese 720. land. Box 114, Chronicle branch, Oak- CHINESE, Aret-class family cook, wishes and OUT Equipment REMOVAL. Vacuum Process Oleaner LIVE STOCK AND VEHIOLES. desks, ete.

MARK LEVY, 1140 Me Allister: buyer for all kinds of niture, carpets. tion, city. Call W. W. 000K 828 Du- 60 20 Kearny 1768.

phons Park 800; cash paid. EXPERIENCED nursery governess, Scotch, pont room 9. handsome for one brougham two and the for style small AAAA- Cheapside beat prices: sold, wants place, eity or country. Phone West 815. CHINESE.

Bret-class family cook and boarding. 4-National Carpet and Cleaning a Works; specialty. laggest on quire at 1910 California st. exchanged. 541 McAllister: phone Park victoria, oF horses, pays INFANT'S family; several nurse seeks years' position experience; with English.

redned CHINESE, ton Bailey, 844-348 Church: tel. Mkt. 189. FOR SALE- 2 years and 8 months' old steady WIDMAN. for 1641-48-45 24-hand Devipadero, house: references.

HING, 884 Washington Coast; laying altering West 6255. city oF country. LEE, family 1020 cook: Stockton st. ABBOLUTELY the Best Carpet Cleaning, 80 yard; bay borse; weighs 1700 pounds. T.

MIYAMOTO, pay bighest references; turn. West 473. STENOGRAPHIO office Estimates given tor Altering and Relaying. Isleton, P. 0.

115. wan furnishing 100 price, quality no obj. box position, publisbing pre- CHINESE family cook wants position, $40 to Deal direct with RICE'S Carpet Works, Silverstein. 1447 Buchanan: tel. West 2258.

ferred: university education: several years' $45. 884 Washington box 1805 Harrison Phones Market 202, M1207. WOODLAWN Stables, 617-33 Grove horses practical business experience. BOx 2523, $1 25 day: horse 00 bds. $20 mo.

DESKS, office furniture bought, sold, exchanged. Chronicle. CHINESE. class family cook, wishes posi- CONKLIN carpet cleaning and laying. CAVANAGE.

Me Allister: tel. Mkt. tion, elty. Box 3256, Chronicle. 2400 Geary cor.

Baker; phone West 08. TRAVELING companion: a well-educated French THERAPEUTIO TREATMENTS. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, bossebold lady would like to give her services in travel- COACHMAN, experienced, and gardener, can J. VATT8 -Reliable beating, altering, renovat- goods, Phone West 2486. 2011 Pine st.

ing: references exchanged. MES. M. Hotel milk and care for auto, desires place; Ane Ang and laying. 560 Devisadero Park 560.

ELECTRO Thermal Inst. Dee LAURENCE VINCENT, 601 McAllister teleVictoria (office). Corner Bush and Stockton. smoke or references: drink. Box years 2583, in one Chronicle.

place; doesn't Largest, best; cleaning cap'y 2000 yards day; massage. Mrs. Bandberg, 1802 Filim. West 1460. phone Park 1806.

will pay you the bighest local WANTED Work by the day for reliable woman; 10 "air' cleaning; all work cleaning C. 3c, C. Franklin Electric Institute, 686-7 Whitney bide. cash price for furniture, carpets, planos, ete. washing.

ironing and housework. COACHMAN and caretaker; thoroughly under- laying 5c; ests. free. Gisslow 138 Geary. Mre.

C. Rose. 10 P. Becond-hand furniture wanted; done. 1500 ployment Jackson Agency, Franklin ASSOCIATED 109.

care stands and care and of driving of automobiles; horses: also refs. the p. Park est. 20 years. E.

McCabe, 2780 Folsom; phone Mission 2502. 00., 230 Vermont: 6025: upholstering runping good 8. F. COMPRESSED AIR OLEANING 897 HUNTINGTON MASS. 428-24-25 Whitney WOMEN'S CO-OP.

1852 G. G. Box 8286, Chronicle. Butter Kearny 5852) BLUE 188 Geary st. Mrs.

Huntington, WILL pay bighest cash for furniture and infanta' COACHMAN and gardener and all-round man WAGON: carpets, rugs, quickly, thoroughly or will sell 481 on commission. tel. Mkt. BURD. West 816 Trained practical and cleaned door without removal; estimates suctioneer.

Ness nurses, desire positions, on private place wants situation; reference. on LAUNDRIES. do Box 118, Chronicle branch, Oakland. tree. -Good housebold and office furniture wanted: YOUNG girl would like position to general WHEN STARLIGHT Laundry, 750 Stanzas: phone Park price no object: dats in their entirety.

D. D. housework and in cooking. Box 5625, COACHMAN and gardener wants situation; send you carpets become to disgusted SPAULDING with poor work wk. done; guar.

prompt service. MATERS. 1801 Octavia: tel. West 3529. Chronicle brench, Fillmore st.

worked 15 years. in private tamily. Box 115, your Ohronicle branch, Oakland. 989 Golden Gate phone Market 648. SUNSET OIt3 Laundry, 8500 234 tel.

Mission BAMBOO FURNITURE. SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE. COACHMAN; understanda autos: can milk: 688 motto, "Good Quick Service." strictly sober; local ret. Address Coachmen, STORAGE AND MOVING. ALL kinds bamboo furniture made repaired.

-First-class chauffeur wishes steady private st. Tel 8356. -PACIFIO VAN BILL AND NOTE COLLECTING. 14284 Webster tel. West 0208.

164 8d and repairing: careful driver; has bad 7 year' COMPETENT Japanese cook wants position 1n warehouse. 2822 Fillmore tel. West 2628. position: excellent machinist: does STORAGE AND CO. -Brick experience, without misbap: knows all roads good private references.

family; city or IWATA, country; 1908 $40 Butter to $50; Storage Moving Co. ALL where. bille, Fred notes, J. Schmidt, Market, promptly Noe, 16th SEWING MACHINES. in sober and reliable: Address best HARRI, of refer- 1292 phone West 2057.

otace. Eddy and Fillmore tel. West $28. encer: elty or country. A -REMEMBER 1644 FILLMORE, Dear Post: Turk at.

EXPERIENCED electrical and mach, engineer, BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE 00.. CATARRH AND DEAFNESS. THE place to buy or rent sewing machines of U. of 1904, at present supt. of Fireproot Warehouse.

all makes; lowest prices: best terms. J. W. stranger to city and State, good turing company. desires change of position; 18th and Mission st.

Tel. Market 18. AL80 ear noises positively EVANS, agent; phone West 8601. accountant, reitable, desires position of conf- best references. Box 8297, Chronicle.

DE. COTTINGHAM, 830 eured: Market oDe dance and trust, elty or country; general Are WILSON BROS. CO, ALL kinds sold, bought and CHAS. insurance, real estate or say merchant house: EXPERIENCED hotel manager wants position ship. 14th and Sanches: phone Park PLAMBEOK, 500 Valencia: Park 6831.

am Fulton German, st. 46. Address managing hotel or cate: city or country. R. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL.

MeNALLY moved from 8200 SHRINER, F. D. No. 1, box 472, Oakland. FREIGHT bet.

22d and 28d: bargains 220 in to all 2664 makes; to with best FORWARDING. Ar-First-class Japanese cook, EXPERT Japanese cook desires CREELY. EDW. tel. Mkt.

2670. repairing cheap. Phone Mission 202; open references, desires position to private family: references. CHARLES, 1615 Post situation; room NATIONAL Freight and Transfer Mission 1818 Mkt. ur.

Octavia; ambulance night or day. SINGER. Wheeler Wilson can elty country: fatally dinner honest, parties; willing. rellable: $40 FAITHFUL near 10th: phone Market 8154- -Cat rates to all pairing. 1562 Fillmore office; West $761.

resting, carry West 8214. Japanese 8 tan wisbes points: preproof warehouse: moving vans. INVALID CHAIRS. up. FRANK.

ation in family entice tor hours' work in afternoon from 12 o'clock; speaks good Eng- TYPEWRITERS. JAPANESE, wash front stepe, windows, lisb; please send postal. GEO, 1878 Post MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. SOLD, rented, exchanged: manutscturer of Kama house cleaning, wash dishes evening, wait on trieycle chair. 1714 Market; tel.

Park 2040. table; low rate contract: please call or phone FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position 1a EVENING and dinner gowns; expert alterations. brand new Visible Typewriter typewriter, 107 others noon or evening, BELL YOSHIDA, 8187. private family in elty or collotry. FRANK.

Wirtner, 2482 Pine. ar. Pierce; tel. W. 2818.

INVALIDS' HOME. cheaper. Pac. 2218 Pine, ar. couple, Fillmore.

refined; man capable FIRST Phone Oakland toolmaker 0549. with LADIES Whittell shirtwaists 166 made to order. Room 84, BOMB hand REMINGTON, cheap: $20, rentals, Smith $26; 50 up. all AS cook Japanese and baker, say young, style, conscientious, man. Address box B.

years' Chronicle exp. Geary st. 8421 25th and care for Mission: Invalide Mission 4620. Montgomers Dear Istaction guaranteed; wife to do table wait- branch, San Jose. McDOWELL Dressmaking and Millinery School, ing.

housework, neat Phone mender; West both 9504. speak good 121 Geary classes. pear Phone Grant Douglas 4751. patterns cut; JAPANESE TAILORS. rebuilt.

Secure Smith information Premier L. English. FUJI, FIRST-OLASS painter. paperbanger, wants ANDER. 619 Market at.

steady, reliable young experience, man, desires MISS M. CAMPBELL, dressmaker, formerly THE HINOY, with several work. OLSEN, 676 Howard years of newspaper in country I GARDENER and purseryman. A1 propagator Powell and at 84 Ellis, room 816. Merchant tailors for American ladies PURS.

16104 Geary: manent position the of references. or at Address summer and up to date landscape architect; practical resort: can give best experience In all branches of WILLOW plumes and all willow novelties made box 2880. thoroughly rellable, industrious and strictly from ladies' old plumes, boss, tips. LAUNCHES FOR SALE. ALBERT HOEFLICE, Importer sober; best of references: 20 years' expert- feathers cleaned, curled, dyed or shaded: bats class ture.

Stockton near Market on Japanese -cook, excellent and capable, wishes ence U. wishes permanent employ- made to order: old bats made new: estab. 10 position in private family, elty or country: went in commercial oF private place. BOx year. 2015 Bush near Buchenss.

LAUNCHES and and Tilinole boats all eta. Q. W. TITLES RESTORED. has many years' experience and bast of refer- 8264, ences.

Address NAGA, 1180 Butter WILLOW PLUMES made from old feathers by phone West 7004. GARDENER of long experience. Al ta experts; curlips. cleaning and dyeing done NOTARY PUBLIC. UNDER Me Enernes act, complete, 80 TITLE branches, thoroughly reliable.

Industrious. reasonable rates. SAN FRANCISCO OSTRICH 951-8 Monadnock and Market. Japanese private tamily understands cook, domestic strictly sober, desires position OIl private 00.. 45 Stockton; messanine door.

MARK LANE, notary public, moved to 140 Montbonest, trustworthy, all highly place: best of California references: please comery. Tole, Kearny Home C9620. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. line, desires position, 1780. suburban; state wages, ete, Box 2302 Chronicle.

recommended. Sutter: phone PLEATING AND BUTTONHOLES. West 7904. GARDENER, German, 25 years old. good PRINTING.

BARE PARASOLS 00.. re 3030 covered and repaired. house and outside worker, with references, Stewart's lining and trimming store, pleating. A ily, Japanese elty or Jaundry boy will wants do situation housewock; in fam. good wishes position.

BOx 3280, Chronicle. embroiders, made. 128 Eddy st. Tucking, Franklin buttons, 2646. ALl job PRINTING and commercial 450 printing.

tel. STEWART MISSION BRANCH office of the experience with all engines and motors. JAPANESE honest boy, wishes position school- buttonboles Frankila at 2085 Mission street, hear Twenty Address Y. KANZAKI, 210R phone boy in small family; wages about Button MISSION BRANCH of the Weat 9T. good referencen, Phone West 3000, phone Freaktia Mail orders solicited.

2500 street. (Continued pa Column 1 PERSONALS. wilt pay any' mode claim Claude Alexunder Astro, former clairvoyant: any person will to present claim: throngh having, started either of or criminal action ney: this offer stands 10 days. Box Column LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Rum of Money; state amount, date and where lost.

BOx 8287, Chronicle. FOUND- Watch. On Thursday Granada on Fillmore 906. lady's Apply Hotel, room.

San Francisco Chronicle from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.