The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

cc For Want Ads SUr 2424 THE SAN FRANCISC6 EXAMINER: SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1941 For Want Ada in Oakland TEmplgfear 2424 WANT ADS-- HELP WANTED MEM STOREKEEPERS Stnrekeepors and store clerks wanted for positions ofieritifi: regulai employment hit! pnmiot iunl opportunities with a laic ton rem. StsrtiriR falarie from S10." in frjOO. Age limn.

25 to 4S. Mtisr experu r- ed in both phvsn pirh ms of rep.enishinti. si.nk'ng an. I rot-nursing hhipm n( supplies; and the i f-uniiou problems of pet -liHiw I inventory record, an ount distribution, etc. Must be Amerimn omens and willing to acfpt nut of St a nrk hi reply give ago.

pet-anna I and business referen cs ann juli detail tHnhne education Pft e. Hnx 4 Rvhiii. STORK LLUK. wuli ome lymns experience. Oiv fullest particulars tmbj ling ase.

rf-ren e. salsrv expe. fed. Own handwriting. Box TT lAfi.

KxartVPer, SUPERVISOR Larse nai tonal- distributors of ready-to-wear have orninK for man thoroughly cxpe liemed. in ready -lo-wear ha store opera 1 inn, know hp lash-inn business In of its phases. How to inniMI a modem rnn tro nyatem. uirviw and personnel and aalesmen. Rplms.

give full particular and m1h'v epc Bo 77SHO, Kxsm. TAILOH, 1st lass, wanted, on men coats, A. Sa Justine. 510 1 5 Oak TKI.KrHO.N i-; sales work, ex p. not necessary, Otiarantee to those who nuahfy.

Yt'kon oooo. TELEPHONE aaleamen, no exp. e' own phone, no. ir TIMEKEEPERS Timekeenera and pay roll clerks wanted for positions offering reu-lar employment and promotional opport unit iea with a Is rge concern. Starting salaries from $125 to Age limit 25 tn 45.

Must be experienced in ennui met ton timekeeping and all essential phase, of timekeeping: and pay roll record maintenance including lime cards, field time reports, pay roll and earning Soitsl Security record and etc. Must he American itizens and willing io accept out of State work. In reply five use, personal and business references and full detail regarding education and experience, Rox P4M2. Kxa miner. WATCHMAKER OR ENGRAVER Must be experienced.

Excellent possibility for permanent work in a larce well lichled hop. Fleasant working ions, rtiillar hourp-gooti slartinp salary. Tini and onr hair paid (r.r houia worked nvr and opr 4l tn any nflc day m-uek. Rf-pb" in(r pxperipni. ate.

iitnation- nauonaliiv. pir. fcox A miner. Oaklnnd. W.lTl'H nKF'AIR ANI JKWKI.F1V RKPA1F1 SAI.KSMAX.



'lop wages. Steady work. Apnly Showmanship. 44(1 San'ome between a. m.

WI NfniW trimmer, must ha crepe paper expernte; ffir holiday 403 o' Slree SELL Imprinted Christmas Cards. '2n for 10 Calendars, business cards. terheads, hook maichea. sales-books; big line adv. specialties; no experiem needpd.

Big commissions. Free sales nmfit. Write Now! Willenx, lao-SE, Gladys, Chi igo. BY A LARiJE. well-known organiza tion, a man with proven sales mm-itv.

straight salary. Replies onf i dentialt must slate as1, education whether married or single. EX PK I IN DETAIL, etc. Box KH'JIS, Examinrr. IF you like, to aell direct to car.

true and tractor ownera we have a rast aeilinir new product which gives you an almost unlimited oppor. lo make money. Write today. World 1 cpt IS. 1 At 1 b'lon.

Colm ndo. 1 WANT A SALESMAN looking for a good paying; willingness to work more f-sseniial than prev'ona -xperl needed start work at once. P. F. HEELER, 5il FA LM AYE p.

m. YOl Nil enereeiic man wanied by wholesale hdw. concern, possessing better lhan averace intningence, CHp, of accepting reapon, and promo tion. Slat elnation. sal.

ex pet: ted Ro Exam HAVE SAL OPKNLW for man with car. good earnings, to start. opportunity to eH rn from $50 to 5,5 week. If nu are available for im modtate connrniona call -ltiii. 0-7 p.

m. Monday only. WANT EI All antunl repair man for outside work in rd are i re hpy had prevmua experten-e. refeiencsi wonderful opportunity for richt iiun, CROWN HARD-nA 11 AVK- LAHC.E muttiH I life Iris. o.

Vapis younc as-rssive ealef-man fop s. V. and East se 2'2 lo 44. Pay 150 mo. wnd opportunity to earn more.

Fox SnWo. Kxaminer EAPEK1ENCED man, must he familiar with the purehasina of all building materials. Slate age. experience and salary. Only top man Tieed apply.

Also give your personal referenda. Roy StjT'iv. Examiner. NEW aalesniftt making up to S0 dailv taking orders for the famous Alias Brand Sport mat a. Raim-nals and Ladies', men's.

Hal Wijres, Tavlor Mow. ROYS AND YOLNG MEN with or without bicyclea; ateady full time outdoor work. A JOB 'r A I LEADS SOMEWHERE. Air. Hamill 51 flearv St.

SC. BEGINNERS to start in thsi accounting dept. No special training required. Apply 5 P. Rm.

23f. 5 kef MEN with store or service station sales experience ior tocai permaneni. work Avge. earnings $200 monthly. 732 Par.f-r Pld; 13 m.

YOUNG men to learn sheet metal trad and install gas ex ceptional opportunity for a arronK yg- man willing to work. M'. no 0. TO care for western saddle horses. rnUs; exp.

man, soher( ief; Hteady Cupertino, $00. acconimoda-tfona married couple. Rox 80033, Ex Sl ELPJW ANTEDEM MEN STEADY WORK TV a ill aelet five men at ni who liva in San Kranci, imp Ihem ihorouahly for a good income HMWtunity no expeiie to ihone aelectet. Married men ta pre erred an 1hee- oppoi lun it iea a re. wpoosihle unea and require no in veaiment, hut you muat he ieputi HI and ahie niamer his work Thix la ateady.

profitable aalei oi k. hut our plan of putting ihe rn pe i i the market for our invention will lie inlet-eating thai you will need to he property pfltnpped for it, hlle learning rew repreaentauvea mini he aM fied earntnaa not lo exceed to 940 a w. eek. hut later tan In-t reasa then subaiantiatly, Frevi-oua experience Is not important, hut you must be willing in work hard and study, to quality fot the higher tncomea, prefer men between he at1 of J5 and 45. Factory Bran Flepreaentative will be at Palace Hotel.

Monro Monday. November Kth. ltt R.m. ii 1 noon. More Money for You The new Itioreai-ent lighting la aweeptng the country; golden opportunity for aexernl young men pon-nessinc ability lo tash in on ihiK amn)tiriR new liahl aoune by rnn a (-ting ainrekeepera, tories.

elc; iel ier lhnn a verage eMrninge poapjhle. Innuinea also invited from adiatent terril'irie. General Lighting Products Corporation WO Pth ST. ma. a i so.

IRKKSlSTinuK nw piwiuci! Natural demand ready and wa it inf Quick demonstration a males every-fne. Sells itself because uetomer pays only after being entirely aaut-fied, ANY PJIOOI'OT SOLD THIS WAY AH 'ST BK tX)l. Kxperieme iinnecesaary, Kxcluslve territory availahie. Lot us nt-nd you free our PR(KK honk coniaininif page after pag-e of actual reproductions of let i era proving men are earning up lo J150 week. No matter what you are now engaged in.

wme today! Jamea Parker. Calumet. iept. rh'incn. Select YOUR Job! There' an ever Increasing demand for employea in alt branches ol buaineaa and Industry.

People who run Examiner "Situations Wanted" ada now mi ally get replies from a number of places, giving them an opportunity to select the BEST job. You tan buy one of ihese ads for as little as for an entire week. fall Miss Woods now. Pl'tter "4J4 or rome in The Kxam-inr lohbv. Third and Market Sis 'TKmplebar In (he Kast A MESSAGE FOR Unemployed MenWhoWish to ADD TO THEIR INCOME Jf you row Id be ahown how you eould add $'20 or in your weekly income would you be willing to make a few ee.

call between and p. 7 Ours la a apectal sales ram Taign and we fan use a few more men to help upread it. Apply 4 tn fl p. Pm, Klake Hlo k. l'ith and WashmBton.

Oakland. RETIRED BUSINESS MAN We want a man who hag been rou sh ihe mill and reti red yet who doesn't want, lo give up business activity entirely. To aiich a man we offer an sales proposition whereby he ran make aome money, be his own boss, and carry on a profitable, dignified business of his own without capital investment. Experience nol necessary. Call st Pacific Bldg.t and ask for W.

A. Leiholri. AN exreptional opportunity )a open for i wo high-grade Salesmen; one ta lling on industrial plant a in the Pay area; one covering Sacramenio and non.h including lumber mills. The product ha a been adopted standard by a large percentage of. th largest national concerns; mn arrymg mill supply lines an handle 1o advaniage; a good msn will not need other lines.

Oive full del a ils a boil I yourself, lines now nan died; confiden tiat Box Hti'! 118 Kx CASH JN ON WAR SPENDING! Amenca'a No, 1 National Emerftancy Need invttea every availabla tood siring a better one, to sell an utmost War Necea-sity with thousanda of prospects within easy reach. Our salesmen made profit history years ago during the, first World War. Now bigger and better than ever. COM- It A LI CO Peak 4 5 Oh So. Dearborn.

Chlrago. SPLENDID OPPORTCNITY to obtain sales position with nationally advertised hearing aid. We give thorough training. hsnce to buii'i own biisineaa. Good character and personality ensential.

Interesting work, high remuneration in semi professional field. Write, giving full particulars, sae, education, etc. Box S5M, Examiner. ANT HP AT.KSM AN JIl'ST T.IVK IN PAN KRANflsrO AXP HAVE CAR. A Nf FOR T.AIIOK KA FININGS.


KXAAIINKR Holy Mackerel Fellows Have you seen our magaxine premium deal with the big unabridged dictionary? A real Ninas special. SalfS, and how! Just like ahootin fish in a barrel! Crew or free lance. No verifiers or collectors. A ppl.v Flood to 12 onl. DEMOCRACY FOR 72.000.000" Agents and senior tudenta wanted tn sell new.

interesting 2So Nwiklet. Democracy for 72 Pari or full time. Guaranteed $.1 per day. plus bonuses. See Mr.

AN DC. 1. beiw. 3-7 P. at Internaitonal Hotel.

Kearny, or writ to P. Box 21. San Mateo. WiNTF.n Dress Kalepman for out standing line of $3.75 and $4 75 women" and half use dresses; must be thoroughly with large fnl In wine of rieoa rtmnt stores, sue rn Ity shops and chains. S'ate of California open.

Oive full detain Rn gfllfiS. Eamer ADV. ROOK MATCHED. Sell every bnsines. profit.

Exp. unnec. Full, part time. Low prie. high fartorv serV.

Repeats. FREE Vit. American Match, 4H22HV S. TrunibuM. 'hn ko.

YOl" Nt mn n. 22-30, ouside con i ad work. Not sa'es. Salaried position, a nod promotional npporluniiv. National fiiKiinisaiion.

GA. 0445 for a ppointmcut. MAN oxer 21. hiali Itoul edu Musi know typing and able to take phone orders. SC 0IM2.

ROY anlsr assiht in boarding house PRospect 8H20. A I' hollow ground blades. Asperline. f50 Mission, ELDERLY man with inc. Kurn.

apt tnr office serv. 514 Presidio. 93 Employment Prtparitioa tor Mtn Plastics TOI CAN NOW be ira inert In Various branhes of thia expanding field. Industries old and new. from airplanes to gippera; manutat tune? tasi turning to plai tea.

KNC1NEER1NO RESEARCH TRAININti. Viai or write K. F. Office. PLASTICS Industrie! Te, h.

lual. 373 Mnnadnock H81 Market. i''n aveiunga 'til U. 94 HELP WANTED, COUPLES CARETAKER for Marin County malll rsncn. Knowieuga of cardentng.

rhirkens, ramh work and repair neteaary. Separate house. J-iO single- or married; no' children. Ideal for retired man. Rets.

eid. nst be perm. Box Ex MIDDLE AGED 1'OCPLK Capahle of meeting public, to man age high class apt house aula a nd unrut n. apt Rov Ex Middle aged man and wife, general work, tractor; permanent, St a te wages and experience, A. W.

Haley, New a rk. Calif. COl'PLE with income, exh, 4 room furn. home. Lo Alloa.

Bid. boy assist rtm. poultry bus. W. 8501.

APT, mgr. for small muuin. bid, prefer woman whose husband employed. HE. APT.

married, must have in husband handy, a- rm unfurn nnJ AnRlKI) for S.F. ih, 0okt. fcllry- Appl iounl. Frrr in tvuTV lor r.rnakrt' trrvtcra. rrrk.

MOR. h.nO rkth. li. snv. for pt.

Ho.x Kx. COi rl.F? Orlrtn.l. conk, "Inrt niii. $lo0; rrt. iK.

951 SI ESS Op RTUNITIES AIRPLANE and pana mfg. want partner with $1 IHK) up. pay mo up. Airship M'Comb 139 Mission St. ASSOCIATE Some alea ability.

Nai 10.000 M. jpronost ion Small inveet. Big inc. IriSS. m.

only, or Bos Exam. ASSOCIATE for well establish, mfg bus. Est. 25 yrs. No lmtt to emn-mgs.

req. 520 Van Ness. AI TO t'Ol'RTS BriiAUiV court and apt, on main highway in on of the beet towns, approx. 50 mi. nonh of S.

F. 14 unua. modern and completely furnished. Apt, houe of 4 ants. Always rented.

Grocery store doea ex cellent neighbot hod htisine-ss. A II cottages ran be rented to perms -nents or used for daily tourists. A rea I investment ith an excellent established income. Pro ims. $1 2.000 tah.

bal. on long term low payments. Consult us for auto courts, motels, resorts, hotels, dude and stock ranches, or any high risen income properties from San Diego to So. Oregon. Prices from $2,000 to $27 5,000.

We invne regid investi gation of all proper! iea submitted ALTA REALTY CO. 704-5 Rosenberg Bldg. Ph. 100 Santa Rosa (opp. Court Hnuset ACT COVRT, 14 beautifully fur nished units Very ell located Close to town.

Enjoy a marvelous ear around business. Grossing between $7,000 and $8,000 annual ly, This court for lease with option to purchase. BKRMER, 310 i7th Oakland. Al'TO MOTEL for aute by owner The Adobe Motel, Madera, Calif T. H.

PH. $3fi 500. Just completed 21 rma. 12 acres. Beaut, landscaped grounds.

Adobe and stucco, tile roofs. Terms. $12. Still dn. or clear properly as part down payment Al CMC RT.

30 I nita, Trailer Park, gas etstion, store, ft acres, room home. Highway Liberal terms. Ant. Auto Court, WOOD LAND. CALIF.

Al'TO Court, monern, near good i.el Calif, town. Year around income priced rea sonable; would take south erq Calif, income. Holman-W insor 3MO Park Blvd. Oakland At TO COl" RT. 9 Cahma.

mod. tfiore Si a. An nice shaded grds. Fine all yr. highway, Give tm See Mile.

1 12 Market r. 20 At'TO Court and intome property San niego to So. Oregon. ALTA REALTY CO. Posenberg Pama Rosa Al TO court.

15 mod. cabins, Nea Sania ftosa. Acct. death, sar. Only LOOO, 0 0O0 cash.

Al'TO MOTEL 10 units will gross ShVOOO annually: OOO will han rite Bernier. .1 1 17th Sf. Oakland At TO repair partner, iliechantc only small invest men I. Box fcx BAKERY. mi.

south on highway, Rent $50, One man shop doing JM0 Fully equipped. Price ims RAKER io lease, fully equipped Mtridleby oven. Rent $40. On busy ma in a rterial. hing to buy.

BAKERY, small, sales M0 day. all retail: no noes; $MK1, H. EC A I'S; SON. 75 Market A i ra clasa place esish Itshed over four year. Owner wishes to retire.

Downtown location in city of 100.000. rent. All re tail sales of $70 a day. Closed Suiv da holt dn a and even mas. Full price 4 25t cash.

Box HtMH Ex BAKERY, nr. S. averages $125 day. Brick ovens, mixers, elec. re-frig.

Rent $125. Full price $4,000, VAN DVCK DENT. 5H0 Market, BAKERY, wholesale and retail. $100 day 10U ml. No.

S. invoice siock, terms on bal. Latest equipment Box Hflt 3fl, Kxa miner. BAKERY Highest quality bakery in Santa Monies. Old people retiring, Sans Monica Blvd.

BAKERY, retail. 55 daily; Alamed. Sacrifice. Box A-S7-Pf. Oak.

BAR, and restaurant, w-ell equipped New building, good going business $1,950. License, stock. fixtures Joe. 4141 El Camino K.ejO Palo BAR and restaurant. Peninsula.

Sell li iniereat. Two liquor licenses, on and off aale. Pmng 94.000 busi- ness monthly. Pnr $7,000. Jn forrnaiton RA.

04K. BAR for aale. On Hle license, fix lures, stock, also cigar stand. Old estHhllshed business. Ca II a ier it P.

m. Proattwa On kia nil. A chicken dmnera; dam floor wonderful oppori unity to make money. 1000 Webster, Oakland. HAR.

Rent $50 int I. living quar ters. Price- $1,350. I NTKH-CITV 1235 Van Nes. near Sutler.

BAR. lull quarters. license, gas Hi livoiK Shell station, Mors Rei h. BARBER whop, complete! equipped. Sale or leae.

Splendid location. See Pill. th Ave. AC TV STIDIO Exclusive stags; creen and professional Beauty and 'ultitrn Siud'o: the only one North of Hollywood. Desire partner, pre.

fer attractive young lady to take over management. Muat have amstl invest pox A 1 4 fi Fx am. BEAUTY SALON Old establiihad. fully tqutp. aplan-did rant vary ra.

Apnly Rfd Suttrr. GA.l)i41 BEAl TT ahop, 4 oparatora. Exial- sub. Guaraniaed atad Fin. Just married sl! reasonably.

EV. M'V FOI 95 BUSINESS 0PP0RTUHIT1ES! HKfTAl'RlXTS mr? 1, o. I'KKK 1 Slid. nr. S.

fvr. han, for f4.0l'll mo, for nt. lr. 001. I'm STAIN, ai't.

iti.i. t'lnnvl Sun. riuip. Avrraiio, riwy. 5I.SII nm.

tor ioupl. HI 1.1 M'HHM 17 MS. ill. ItroHdw.y that. Sun.

IA nia S-4 1 10 mn. Pr. A li full pi in, lit, Irs Mil lit cnApn miii li.o VAN DVt'K 1KXT. RSO M.rlirl. RESTAURANT COMPLETELY equipped.

Ideal for man and wife. Mission district. i all or write. MANOR! HOLBROOK EI.K'Cf 31'I Golden Gate Ave. HE.

tSllg MR. pOCC.l.AS, REST A I KANT, 'bland Hew; M-dOQ fixtures. Beer and wine license. Feds around 120. lunch and dmner Cloae early.

Nets $500 to JrtOd mo. Owner retiring nn earnings here. No reasonable offer refused. Ak' Ing IC.VMMi. DO.

5300. RI'STACRANT and lun. counter Lease or aclL Phone Mt. View SOV RETAI 1 lumber yard, located ir hssta "ounty, Calif. T'reeni bust ness and prospects for future fooil Average volume for 3 years.

$7N, into per year done on avei aa 1 O.COO (nveniory. Lo at ion idea I for sins II stock and quick turn over, ill lease or sell teal estate $,,000 will bundle present mock. Wriie Pox Kxa miner, tANDWICHES. candy, ice cream. No nite or Sun.

wk. Clr. $2ot mo. See-ing Is believing low pr, 50S Eddv Sl'HlKJL ftoit. near ciHe.e.

Well est; 0.000 eludents. Part cash Bo SitOS 7, Evammer. SCHOOL tore; im.ney maker. Rent $150 f. nr.

71 Larkin. $20. SCHiKtL si ore near high, living Arguello Blvd. SCHOOL lam hes, aroc; 4 liv. rms.

Burg. Owner. VA. 0'JP3. SECttND band (urn.

sture; 1114 Valcnt la. between fell reas. '2nd-23rd. SERVICE STATION I.a rge. modern commercial high-way servb a' at ion for lease by ma.tor oil Co.

phone HE. 002. SERVICE Station (corner) in Manna 14 000 monthly gallonage. Fair Pipe. Owner haa other jnteresta.

Call WKp( 0040. SHOE SHOP FOR SALE. 1132 PIVtSADEKO REAS STM'loNERY store, well stocked with .10 of greet ma cards, ctrc. library, school supplies, toys, magaiunct. gifts, e1 AH ready for Nmas and busy.

For aale by owner at inventory on account of illness. .500 ah. BON K5S20, F.XAMINER, STATION ERY and variety alms Steady clean stock: ptited ight liv, suitable for couiiIk HON 5 1 0 EXAMINER. STATIONERY at ore for aale; lot a led nr. Mipainn St price right.

For in forma i ion, alt 7 0 Ra lett st A TloNEK V. ood location. Owner must tnh. 502 fla'sht STATIONERY More equipped with Nmas stock. Priv.

party. ML 073 STORE; gd. cor, liquor, cigars, Money maker: $2. .50. own.

retires Reas. offer takes It. VA. 2042 TAILOR STORE $000 Made to measure suits, good location, suitable for 2. Inquire 1 UK Burhngame Axe, Rurbngame.

Calif TAMALE Kio hen with living qrtrs. Rent $75, A nice living for a couple. Richmond Pistrtrt. 500. HENRY HENRY.

500 LARK1 TAVERN; out of town; rent $75 mo. Clear $400 mo, ,1 living gar. 2 elec. air conditioning, Price $2,000 handles. Intercity 1235 Van News.

nr. Sutter, Tavern, esiabliahed for year. Owner selling account sickness. Reasonable price. 1 400Vttlencia, cor.

2Hth. TAVERN nit dub, heart dntn. do $100 up mod. owner sick, raut sac. this wk.

124 Jones. A EUN, dntn $47.50 mo. doing $50 rt 750. 712 Larkin st TAVERN for aale. reasonable, F.V THEATER TliRgent ha rga in In recent years.

$1 2-500 Invest ment will be paid back in two eara. All equipment and phvsical condition of building ll exiellrnt. Located in Bay Area. J. LESLIE JACOBS, THEATRE BROKER.

1-new'a WarftHd Mkt. fl, OR. 0R2. WATCH Repair and sales shop. Market St, 1.M-.

Rent $75. Sac. $ri(Ml NECHACS SON. 7S5 Market ON of 1 he oldest I if urn ta produce compa niea offers enerpet ir 1 it ruB man opportunity to go into hiiainess for hi meet under excep-tmnally jntercsnne aereemenl; invent bet essa ry, $4,000, secured, Box SOIhS. Examiner.

CARMEFfS Confectionery and Cream- ery, Petaluma. ith all stock and equipment a 10(f- going concern at an unheard of price of $4-000. See owner. 141 Kentucky St Renin ma. or phone Werth A Walter, PA.

4 077. S. F. pump service siatmn. five point corner, highways.

Also, IK rm. apt. house. Tins husiness and property In live town nr. Los Angeles, Lansee 14M 'a E.

01st Los Angeles. or Bush. 008 Piendwsiy. ttklahoma City, tikis. FOR SALE tine of the finest new and used furniture stores in San Jose, doing Wonderful business.

Api'totmai civ $20,000, Phone Columbia lorin or write R. VY. Culver, 4 1 0 Ala yelnn, tl OorXTRY nlore nt emus roads on! Ihuay 101, adjacent to Pa if it. Ocean. $22,000 a mas.

9 1 00 net PojOh I recei pl a Is ft r. Business as gonrl this year. Owner wnt rieote limn to biKKMig. Pox Kx It yon have location atiitahl SM.K iF NMAS TREES we will deliver them to you on ronsianment percent a se basis. BOX EXAMINER.

Geary Blvd. Rcsfaurant Pe luxe in HOT SPOT. Wonderful setup for high rlas chef. Making Rraodell BA. BKpT offer will buy fountain lunch 24 tnols 1 hlk.

from St. Francis Hotel. Open J2'hrs, Sales dav. Hate to Hell if. Plone ORd.

.1.140 Rnotn 70? SPECIAL opport, for business man with sale exp, to take active pari and make small invest mt. in cn, expanding aales; business not sf fecled by priorities. Box HOMN.L Ex. ONE store, etill untenanted in new building at 2001 Ocean in rapidlv growing Lakeside Village, near Met roiHilitun project, OYetiand 2242. Mlt sale or chm.

Fountain lunch and bakery: modern clemi clientele, Doing nice bus, pens. Seating capacity ti3, Pisirlri. Km. ACCIDENTS; ONLY OKV1CK THAT CAN reduce Highway Accidents. Pal.

Vant Papital for prod net ion a nd mn kct Ing. Rov ti 1 O. hii ni JJiKAIg 1K nr. Oove. a-Hviiy.

Can increase frfwent bus. rr YVtll remodel blda. with right party. Investigate th's opp. Rnx Fx.

DKPKXDARLF men Loial nearby counties. Invest, to. 52 000 for enutp, Fhou'd mak 5400 mo Nn oiJ'nt. Bnx A7Pfin Oak WORKING partner for completa auto reronfru-tirn shop, Active gn-ng business in rood locgpon Smsll T'rit pox 854rtnj rvam 25 -tlx 12 domestic, elan. 3-moh Job complete with SIZING $195 UNION SHOP.

Angli Persian Rug Ce. T0, 1P21 SUPLR service atation; income bnits moderate price present cwner 4 staple gallonage; long lease. 3001 Foothill Oak. FR. 0582 COVPLE to managw dining room antf kitchen, aome bartending; small country club; excel, oppor.

for right partv. P. O. Rox 2.11 F.scalnn. Cal INTKKlolt dtr-cot Hung studio; i' lien tele; bit ninths locat in; overh.nd.

KX. 7O02. IiwhI 47. e-t low $.17 Gr 25 16 10 Gl. 14 JjiiiTtO H.

48 HK. AFT APT PT. st. 95 BUSINESS 0 PPORTU NITIES BEAl'ff thop: RUbQulntT: 'iOO full pr. lllnnis.'i Beauty orn. 4 excl. buy. BEVERAGE EOTTLING CO. whh major fran hise.

th.ny miles fioni F. Seivi.ig IMM1 people If iniereai mo ie hdil by re eponaihl j-fning man ty hi i ive phl'l lor fJOlMIO. SHnllne oil ft fount of poor hebh BOX 83704, EXAMINER fit 1 A HI), $StH ll gueatsi. lit 51 15; rlvs. Mn.dwn.

Bx. 8:11 5. K. BOAT YARD For sale, heavy marine way; fully fiui pued rop; ami office, ft room houje and garage nh plenty of work. Ownr muFt awcrtfice eccntini aitkness.

hPS5f. Emiir, fendei- k. Inn Oak. mpn. thorough) run.

only. firm, fl.t or per Bowling Alley Fully set up with A BC until May 1 i i 'a proe one of the paving in East Bay. fall owner. Ndov-r 7411 for appmt BOULIXU ALLEY. Northern Call-fnrnia.

Rot KtMSft. xaminer. Kags. ic cream, etc. Busy Marina Km.

Org. J.lOtl mo. Owner Hii'i handle, ims. Van Nets. CAFE Fountain, best lotation.

fully eompped. Beer License, paying tuisi-t nes. Other inierestg demand atten- tien. 1MR rd San Mateo CAVE, horseahoe tounier. Lake district, will handle.

865 Walker Oakland. TYnoaks rtHfR. CAFE. beer luense; J45 day. $1,110.

'M5 El MiUbrae. CAFE, living terms. A. Bakr. K4 Vain 8t Petaluma.

CAN DY, school supplies, light grot-rieg. Kurn. living rent $25. for coiiPle; SoOO. MI.

5tH CAN DV school sup. Vic. Chllrefc lnr.hlin.1 1 1 liri Cli-AR aiere. aandwtch counter, nm games. Sound Investment at 51 0O0.

Owner will aacnL lor quirk aale. cash .12 l-'lth Oakland. C1GA Store; prominent dow mown corner. No line Busy spot. Low Invest.

Civfe. 520 Van Neas. CIGAR aland owner must sacrifice downtown local ion, sir, it Mhvpii a.m. to p.m. CIGAR Store, dntn.

pm gMtues. Rt. S35. Pr. S175.

Inq. 0fl Eddy. CIGAR. ma ne. candy store.

Established. 307 Con land Avenue. CIRCULATING LIBRARY N.v, na.rl book, for a. Ir. V.

aifil in finani-init. Alo rulab. library, financial oiwt. tor '-( rrnt. Ownrr ill.

THK BOOK 4 T1K1.IKN ST. VI kon 1SSS CIRl I'LATlNO LIBRARY, buay dn goml airuily exc. bonk atmk. 8aiiificr. THK SHril.F.

lo 7 CIRC llbr. Our ahopa auc. eneful. Rr-porta aill. WKSTKRN 1.

1 BR ART SKRVH'E. M': tleary. OR. OoHH CIRt'. trt.

(d, bui. acrificr. Box Kx. CJ.KA.NINi; alorr. tor.

lot. Lona fully rnpl. Alao iml, men womfn'a rloihinr for laundry ascy. P.t. Owner ill, IN.

fl CLEANERS, eat 20 yeara; 2 pi eing machines; living quarters: must sac. Low rent. $000 hdles. 4322 Geary. CLEANING-TAILORING hop with living quarters.

Owner will sell $250. .1112 Fillmme St CLEANING, tailoring cash and carry. Established 18 yrs. Nicely furn living qtta. Reas, Owner re tiring.

alirornia. CLEANING; well 3 liv. rms. rent $30; good sell acct. sbk-ness; very reas.

pr. Box 751 ft. Ex CLEANING. Tailoring. Best lot, dntn Rent $30, Price $400.

AHS Eddv. CLEANERS, stores, presses, boilers rea a. terms. F. Honig.

1S44 Geary. CLEANING and laundry agency drop in trade. Rare nop. H7514. Ex.

COFEEE. waff la shop, living quarters; good spot; low overhead; sacrifice to close esiate. 1 1 23 North Bayshore. San Mateo. CONCRETE contractor business for sale hep; full equipment- owner will atay 2 months fie of chatfte toteaih.

1B32 Steiner. WE. DELICATESSEN, beer. wine, ai 716 Noriega nr. 24ih.

carline New atmk, $2,000. $1 000 rash, bal. terms. Busmen ood Owner DELICATESSEN, sacrifice Id estah. hus.

Mod. equip. Owner in hospital. Must sell. 1435 Fillmore.

DELICATESSEN; toned sale; eetah. Inv. atok fixts. $1 000 H. NKl'HU'S A HON.

7S5 Market. DELK'ATKSSEN, small; living quar ters; good shopping dist. OV, HflL'l. DINING car restaurant good buai- ness: ran moved, WA. 3511.

Drapery-Interior Decorating Fstablished and progressive. Bus ness doin a bout $25,000, Good clientele, 10 tie competition. 20 mm from S. P. Fine opportunity fnr sound investment.

Out of town interests require owner's time, $7,500 cash. Write Box Examiner DRESSMAKING. alteration shop just the thine for riahl ret son, well gd, best ioc in ch Can eves. EV. 51 50.

DRl'G store. Miss tdd eaiab Invent, stock and ftxt. $5,000. Own ret. Will sell for $3,750.

Cash $750 Ba tins, lo enp part Box 20 1 Kxaminer. DRl'G store in San Jose on good tor net in bum ness residential district small down pami. Box H00SH. Ex DRCGS, liq. and cigar tonces.

Busy dntn, sec. 'I lease. Stock at invent. Rt. $r5 nio.

Box S04H5. Ex. Gir route. Ve( good paym hit. Ra.

Other int Box 15 S24. OI NTA1N, aandwoh and bar. iiood beer business, excellent local inn, t.ood lease, downtown Kearny Street. Will take partner or will sell. Am opera mg oi her business.

Innune 50 Kdd- St FOUNTAIN lunrh, factory dial busi ness property, part or whole, only ating place in aection; beee lirenss, other interests good for family or couple Rex N3774. FOI" DRY men buy or lease good going shop serv, large area. Writs H. Wallace, Box 4oR. Modesto or phone Modesto.

FOI' NTALN, WAFFLE SHOP, in fine Iocs Ion. excellent equipment; doing good business; owner can't operate Very good proposo Ion for experi enced manager. Convenient paymia to responsible party. Call 21 1 War. field Theater Bldg.

Phone WE. POLL Fountain, Clears $300 Mo. Lake District: modern; cost 94.600, Fur quick sale, I.ifiO. your teems, Reamer, 1 72 7 Era nt I in, On la nil. FOI "NT A I lunch, financial distr.

Receipts day. Closed nites. Sun. jUiw rem. terms.

inter-Coy Co, 1 2M6 Van Ness. FOCNTA1N, new cream abinet must sac. this week- no rea. offer refused: living quarters: low rent; snnd toe. For details.

4-'-22 Jeary. FOCNTAIN. roffe. tjhop for ssle; will sacrif'e; op of busiest corner in nty. Pox 8fl2H.

Ex, Lunrh, lid. and to leaaa Fin. tftst. Mony maker. Rent reasonable Box riOlO.

Exam. FOrNTAI.V. exc. buameaa. nr.

arhonla. church; liv. quartera; prue very loir. trme. 1 101 t'j RERO -VTAIX Lunrh.

well equipl. fame owner 11 earB. Will leaee A-10 ears. Owner. 4 fary.

GR. AO'Z" l-XH er. olf sale license near S. E. Liv.

rma. Rt. nio. A bar. Call 712 l.arkin P.

FOl'NTAIN lunch; buay apol; ood location; fhowa good profit; lerma. 440 Virginia valiejo. FOl'NTAIN, modern, good location Sacrifice. Illness. 1418 Ocean Ave ERl'IT Juice Biiaineaa.

A real buv far someone who wanta In make a good livmK. Long eslnb. Stand No. 1H, CRYSTAL MARKET. 'ttl'rr.

egetalile mute, A-l. KhIiiIi- llsheil 40 yeara. ion loile truck. $5fl cash. HO Manchester.

FHI'IT market, tranaienl corner. Well ealaoilsned. long Jesse, leaving town. Must. ae.

Sac. l.tOO Fillmore 91 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PACIFIC AUDIT" SYSTEM t'O. AGENCY E5 YEARS AT 57 PII8T STREET. Aed. more Ssn Mateo resident small offo-e.

40-45 1 1 As1. credit lk. Ticket salea-nff. man. trans.

Sik. ret ord-phonogi a nh ret, "radii Interviewer, retail- tLlO Burroughs exo. T'rioriiy plumbing t'omplometer exp. 1140 Accounting atudent. beg, .,,..11111 rapid, under Beginner of $10 Asst 1 JO Stk bkpr Sales.

Daly Sales, mtmnr i pen Sale, printing Open under 35, mdnal I 50 Cham Rod man. Honolulu 150 rolled ttninre ex per $115 4 lirad. aa fety 1 '5 Sales, some met exper 1')5 Sik. retail Jr. some mech.

draw, S00 neliverv. drugs, lunch $85 Apprentice, sales, men's, huts JUNIOR CLERKS, 18-20 Many fin. )oh 'i In AtTLT KAKI.T MllXDAT. P.rifi.- Audi! A S.tpm -o. Ati-y.

h', POST Siri. tith Floor. SCOFIELD AGENCY ftfa MARKET ST. DO. 5i50 Accouniani, relail A tountant, peninsula 1 75 Accountant, auio 375 Accouniani, with t'pA 1 5 Accountant, jr.

univ. l'2h Collet lor. Vib Sales, with car credits, retail I bo Inn or npnarfmnf junior uepanmenT ica boys pist ft.VPO btmnntr hoy. K'hin. MN.rns.rii 7.1-HMil vral wi Junior clerks 1 151 Orrlei If rk tit) univ Jr.

yv.lh r.r nprr. Stock Irrk. Stock, blnnrr. Biff, rink Typi.t. Bill.r rmirrwood bkpr, 8trnoKmiihrr -'I 7 "JS.fl.i 0 I'M II tl 100 r.w Rll l.Sn no We have many ra lla from la i ge firms for beginners CLEARING HOCSR (AGCT.l MARKET STREET.

fiOOM Cnderw riter, casua Ity $1 AO Stenographer, rapid 515ti 'Bookkeeper, ins. exp. $150 Stock record elk M35 Puns lite typing (mi Order gen. off. elk.

1 S-'J'J hti Finance man. 24-'28. rut lira Skip telephone exp. Credit man, retail egp. Stock drygooda exp.

,,..11 Fast biller Mo typist, larn export .5 (n Stationery supply I fift Mimeo. mail 85 Wrapper, parcel post elk. ...5 5 bookkeeper, food Inventory ilk gd. Pit Stock sales 80 Safety engineer, 24-30 I50 men wear. 25-35 local food exn.

collector, C5 35 $150 OFFICE BOYS STOCK BOYS, NEAT, NO BRADBURY AGENCY POST ST. A 0515 Cost jnetal Auto bkpr senior and semi r. accts fff. wail. store exri.

women Casualty underwriter Open Jr. acct flOO-M 10 Sales rapid advancement. 78 univ Doctor, mduwirial rity tpen 2 5-32 Guar, "find Mar. chain store, dry, 1 50-l'JOO Contact man, credit. Service man.

electrical. Interviewer, Industrial exp, ..5150 logging exp good record. Foreman for winnow men a wear, Top sal Sfftex menu wear Clerk, learn fire ins. sieamship ro. traine Jr.

driver $10(1 Boy, mechanical, atart 70 Siock many clerks We havs many openings witn interesting future 9 7 ft-V I 00 KEMP AGENCY ttRl MARKET ST. Yn. salesman, with ar 1 5 Accountant. 32. retail expert.

175 Asst. construction 25 Typist, biller. night work 90 Retail aales. sptg. goods exn.

1S5 Boy, type, drive, A da 100 Collec tions experienced 140 Fast stenographer A lert boy, errands, mail SO Cff. boy. like Cu.c. 5 day, So Boy, industry field Messenger ooy R5 Ticket sHlea, bus line Ilo Neat boy, type and 00 an t'nt, 25-10. Ser.

ft a ion. ti ainee 11 fliock boy. exd'nt fto Guards. 40-55 loo Yng. man.

prig, exp (. po Roy. learn mech. rep Ho Navigation trainee Sales iruinee, outside HO Jr. offie, good fuiuie 85 Insurance trainees ft PERSONNEL SERVICE AGENCY 827 HEARST BLDG, FP.

TORO Snles Sales, outside $150 ciKpiay sales, city $2n wk. F. C. bookkeeper 125 F. C.

bookkeeper, food Clerk. Bales $110 Typist, order clerk $110 Teletype operator Jr. Typist, rapid Office hoys (many) $7 $00 Jr. clerks man i $5 $100 Jr. arroiinanis please anpk.

COMMUNITY PLACEMENT AGCV, 1S.1 KEAR.NT 5TREFT Placemenl fee 15-20 Credit mr 30 40 country, ho.pital l.Mi aemi er lunior Jl5 5 order aale. 13f freight tracer, etto 1:0 accta. train. t'Ji rorp. trainina- Office hoy.

I'M tranap li h5 Office hoya (101, inaurance. Office boya (6l, whlae. Stock clerk, sales, $100 Jr. bkpic. traininif N6 Stock IH.

otiporiunitv 'ft CERTIFIED AGENCY 4 KEARNY ST. DO. fiOflO l'roperty acconmant 75-200 fast, nerannn, 1 75-200 CD Accountant. 176-200 (hi mock men. married, 25-30.

135 121) Typists, fast 145 ftO privet 24 P0-U5 Bui roughs bkkp. opt re. 125-145i '01 Billera. transports lion 130150 3. Jr, aales.

ood futura 100-IT5 (5t Jr. arr oiimanta. I'. .1 50-1 05 Jr. 1 1 25 I no Cashier, accountant, hotel 1 'ts ln'entory control, liquor.

125 Payroll clerk, time atitdy. exp 100 Fh'ppmg. wrap c)rka 25-35 -k. BLOCK AGENCY 1540 PAN PABLO, OAKLAND Draftsman, machine and plant layout $165 some cost exp. Accountant, propertie exre- nenee.

28-32 $150-5200 Accountant, untveraitv preferred. 24-26 A ret. 24-2. Indue. 30 MARTENSTEIN.

AGENCY RfM PHELAN BLPG. Cr. mgr whsle, ....200 Clerical, lead to 100 export 18-20 00 Office boy $80-90 js-sd. tnu-J-140 i iiui.H ii.i-ii, rrenii nppr iHill Tif. man.

unit, 30, aale. ConiDtometer SI'Jr, Jr. clerks, boya. J9 Open Jlll.LEK AliE.VCY. BUS MARKET credit, retail Employmint Prpritin fer Mm 13 BE 95 BUSINEri OPPORTUNITIES OKOCERY Inventory, Vegetables, il l.

v. nea. liquor, brer; oldest, best i Vinhed store in Ihe cum-niunii' innsiiU, Mum le ash Over 1 citm volume a Aunta don't vilte. lllne.s. Bx OKOCERY K1XTPRES, late 8 ft Webber ret rigritf.i'.

ase and unit, totalling Hdi regisiei, punable elecirtc sb er, scales, counters, eic Pined in soil. Sunjay 254W Bi-lboa. OHi EitY iuum sell at om-; oi ner Inc. Long ewiablished, good bun. Kent $M0.

3 living rma. Cood aiovk beer, wine. Sa nf ice pi Wlmv 000. HM" DO. OiHH n1 fruit dept.

foi rent oi lease meat market, best location to town. 20 Commercial Hoad-Vtnn Nev. Imuors. Est. 22 Dntwn.

cor. Gross yrly. ttOtt. Owner retires. Price $4 5i0.

Smnll property as part ray ml. Bex 8(i43. Eam. GROCERY, beer. wine.

i or. loo. ahoppmg dist, Sell at Inventory, t'n-iisuh! oi'por. Substantial down pavt. Terns.

itOl Fillmore. WA. 8200. ll i nki beat in Marui i 'oumy. doing mo.

teafi ir. S.V50O n. pr. 712 Larkin. S.F.; GROCERIES, beer, wine and vegetable.

Corner. Evel. opport. for go-getter. Inquire IHlHl Haen Si.

HOC EH cor. wme. Iwr liguor. Owner sick.

Can be bought at inventory. Civir. 520 Van Ness. ROCERY store, soda fountain, living quarter, rent full price, $1,200. Inq.

R01 Pivisadero. GROCERY, tim lun. room, all vear hiway. a little mini. rea.

BECK'S. 185 Market, S. K. GROCER wanietl: limited tapital: new- market opening- fully equipped. Phone FA.

store, rfqina $75 a day, Ideal for market, Will sell at invoice. Owner, 5700 Mission si. GROCER V. liquor, reh sto. must sell; will sac.

VI. rl'V 3 PvtOC rOOPlS. MA, GROCERY, eat b. 10 -e. Excel bus.

Owner til. 1.110 Iftth Street. GRot ERY, dntn. loc; gross $35 day Rt. Real buy.

Inq. tiOtl Eddy GROl'KRV aitir. for count Phon. Oivn.r. SI'.

flTI.'KST houar. 'VI rooina. fuin. a.ii'1 I'asrJ.

1'acifir. Hrichia dtMrirt: 1 il rlaa. in rvrry xcay. Only liifscl'iill pronl. nerd contact.

fto Snl', Kx. HARDWARE alorr. i1. buay lor. I.ov rrnt; rat.

yra. hrll dur otltrr tnterrsta. sr. Inial HAT RF.NOV ATI Ni; SHOP. Mum br old hrfor.

iiil of thia month. CRTSTAI. MARK KT, HOTKL. Coftrr Shoo. A conilition Owner muat fr oa account of.

ill-nraa. OR. 41. HOTKL Now'a thr time lo buy awtt rroprtt ihia Prninaula prop, t'losr to imiualiy. Irasp.

Hig fin. SK. 1 ITALIAN PARTNER, ook for fish grotto. MAN. Good EL.

12I. WELRY store, pioawioua indust town; tge. stoik; doing big business, party with means only: selling he-cause of tunes. Box Examiner. LADY'iS second hand clothing store entab.

2S yrs. Retiring. Sell or trade. 12K5 Gate Ave. LIQUOR STORE BARGAIN Fully equipped, well established 12 yrs.

Fine going business. Very low pru e. Sar. Mr. Ralai.

4 7 1 2 Miss ton LK'I'OH store, "off Weil established. Inventory priced. Inquire 4fll! Telearanh. Oakland. Thone Piedmont 0R5 MQi'OR store in Motlesto on mam PO Hiway in city limits.

80; Wine and Liquor Store. 824 Pth Modesto. LWl'Oll Store, good location, well es tablished. Ha lea over $2,500 mo For details, write Box HS202 Fx. LIWl'oR bus.

for sale. Licenses, stock Inventory. MA. 44HO Liyi'OR store; license, fixtures worth sar. $550.

1 S3 0th St. Ll'NCH-Hotel dunng rm. Receipts 1 .500 mo. No fixed rent. 6 Nothing tn buy.

$500 deposit only req. Inler-Citv 1235 Van Ness LCNCH room, equipment, lotation fine. Saerifife. $475. Owner, U142 San PahJo Avenue.

tirtklHtuC LCNCH rotin. good stmt for couple Open Sundi y. 1572 California at LCNCH busy iranafer $200 terms. Owner, HI 0 Lark in LCXCH room, lease. Call 10-4.

M0 lf.nea Ave. Hunters point. LCNCH, mod. do, $40 da. Low it.

9350. terns, 124 Jnnes Li NCH room, isan Rafael. Busy Inc. Does JKft da. 712 LarKm.

MA SS AG pa 1 lor and phyainlheranji office for sale; rompiete: central location: low rent 01 her int. 1.04 33 MASSAGE parlor, fully equipped: cab inet. lamps. Phone CN. 5300.

MEAT DEPT. in ihriving market, new mod, fixtitrea including electric saw: terms or trade; real estate agents don't rail Ownrr. OV. 070C MEAT MARKET Finest in San Rafael, good business, super cold fixtures, valued $8 KOO. Fell for $3 OOO.

$1 son down, Box 005.14, Exam. MEAT fully equip, in center cf Richmond. Cal bus. dist. 7 Mr-Donald, ph.

Richmond 72-M. b-t 1o and 2 30 Priced to sell. KSO MEAT MARKET, estab. 20 years; fnl ix equipped. Good business; $4,000.

Box 81, Wtlllts, Calif. E'H AMO partner for due to increased business. 'Zt yea rs same place. Good location, excellent returns. Box A Oak I'd MILLINERY Shop.

RockridKe tliKiutt Cheap rent. Opportunity for mil liner. Reasonable, J'hnne ASh beirv OIL bu. nt. S.

fr, stove, hpia. aas; M0. 000 gallons mo. Net mo. Price $.

000. Box 8040.1. Ex OPTOMETRIST Concession In Sacramento's lead Ing credo jewelers, avatlahle after 1 Present, nptotnet rist doina 1 .600 business per month. Cot respondent1 confidential-. SlIA'ER'S JEWELERS, miner 8th an-1 Street.

Sacramento. PARTNER, active; motor tune up pre ferred" new Super Service innon City; excel, location main highway pa i bu i es a 0 sti red Rox Evsmmer PARTNER will sell Vi int. for $1 000 hup i ness ability, knowledge drug trade essential. Pisirihut ion estab lished. Box 86782.

Exam. PA FOR I Fl 1) K-LIGKH'f? METAPHYSICAL PCB LIGATION. PoX 80440, EXAM PARTNER for toffee shop, financial district; no Sun. Box 8.12.1. Ex.

PARTNER, b. F. garaae. 200 capacity. Real opimr.

Box 8ti20't. Ex estHb. liel mo. each. Sm.

Invest rct. 1 24 Jones. J'tmL ball, Ittiae. only one in m. of 6 000, Ioiik leime.

mm In i onsuler partner, Rox 44 6, Phone I Concord. POOL RtMim J5x7fi, tipp. Jgyt. bowl renier, 20 POOL ROOM. lardt.

hot spot, same iwner 7 yrs. 8 Foothill. Onki'd fnr la, id, livesto, prnwi uion. Hnx Oaklund HI, SHUT, auio court nr f. K.

Well est. ill. piust sell, will 11S- Market fie. rm REPTACRANT and barbecue for leaee near bix Army post; all furnlehed: no equipment or lease to buy: livinr quarters, place operating. See ewn-r.

Lo Cabin. North Main Pnlmaj. Calif Fbone Al ANT. fully equipt. banquet hall.

daily, short hrs aame owner lfl sell Jl.flOO. aome terms; retirinr: in E. Oak. theater bida. pox A'nV! Exainm.r.

fk. RESTAURANT MODERN For aale at of cost: high priced menu: t0 tapaotty. A-l nr. theater. Rig prof.

10-2. KV. RESTAURANT, coffee shop; next to a hotel, downtown in Salinaa, Calif near big army rump, doing' a good Box miner. RKSTAl'RANT Fully eouipperi. for I.

'a ne; In fine huation. Itfnt reitson-ahle. W. 2tH)8 MtHnlon, nr. ltlth.

IlKST. and bar, Sacranieiuo. Sale or lease. Well estab, on downtown district corner. Modern equipment good condition.

Rox 8005,1, Kx. RKSTAl'RANT in Richmond's busy tnd. eect. Big steady low rent VJ OOO fl. nr.

Call T12 I. si km. RKSTAI RANT, liv. main hiah- RL wa, nr. shipvardw.


CONSIDER LKASK OR KKI.L Days, TRInldad 3341, Oakland Nights, SWeet. 0488, Oalcld. "A REAL OPPORTUNITY" DONUT SHOP In large downtown Vallejo market room for small oven. A bakery shop would do xcellent business. Ideal for younc rounie Reasenable rent.

LEWIS H. STEEPENS 4:3 Georgia Calif. A SURE INVESTMENT A property that nets $8,000 a yr. Greyhound bus terminal.

Fine genera) mdse. business, co*cktail lounae. Pru a only $14,000. Can be handled part cash. Will bear closest inveNhgatinn.

Prune, lo Mills Ride. GA. 4438 NA'lioNAL concern wants reliable man to manage and service, estab, route of 50 sensat Ional exclusive tpe automatic machines. (Full nr apare ttme. No eing: ormaneni; piivs up lo $150 month to atari.

$375 cat-h investment fully secured. Give age. phone, if employed: state tf cash available. Roy KMT4. Ex.

BCSTNESS EXPANSION I am the sola owner of ft amall Induatry; need invest ment for production In new national field, exclusive during war-tima period. Not affected by priori ties or profit limitatlona. Opportunity for right party to taka active TarC Box A 8 4 4. Examiner, OLD. eet.

vend. macb. route. 1 day's work a wk. will bring $125 per $d05 full price.


COLMAN INV. CO. Spue 20fi-207 lof5 Market Ft CASH! CASH! CASH! 25 YRS. FCOOESSFCL SELLING Gives you quick action. Capital SECCRED WITH SERVICES.

POSITIVELY NO PI RLIC1TY, Thone Em lock 540 or call at Civic 520 Van Ness DO you wish to have your own bust ness? We create, essential chemtca! products and have 'A available now Rayne Laboratories, ti4S Mission lO-l-: a. m. Jtil'SINESSMAN will buy estLb. going business or active partnership, Box A -854 4, Examiner, Oakland. LC BECK haa sold Bl'SINESSES 40 ea ra.

so EX 1 KNT Call 785 Market St. S. F. 1H. IflOI HAVE ear.

bus. and lling want paying bus. or would consider gelling associate. Box 83077. Kr, CHOICE Int.

Belmont. $2,000, exch for apt. lease or business as part or whole payment. Piedmont SI 4 IF YOU have an established business reasonably priced, we can sell it A. B.C.

INV. CO. 447 TURK. Tf. 1722 WANTED Beer and wine bcenseon sale Alameda Co.

Box SfVfM. Ex. 97 APT. HOUSES. HOTELS Furn, and Leasts or Salt HEFFERNAN INV.

CO. P4S MARKET. PO. 331K "S-rrn. cnr.

transient, hot. bt Inc. Mkt rood ntc littl. rlac; fl.000 cash; am. tma 4 anta.

anil alncLa; priv haiha: at. hHt: rfnt JlfiS c.ll.nt Iwal. buy ir rity: 100 ROOM HOTEL powntown nr. Market St. Spacious ground floor lobby, elevator.

Average 110 tenancy. Low rent lense. Own. will sell lease and furn. for Net inc.

approx, $700 per rno. Box 8H23, Ex. 28 HTM. heated hskpg. rm.

atop Nob Hill. Fine marine view. Htah class tenants. Elevator. Can net $175 and apt.

I'rit ed (or quick sale. Good terms. Details exclusively at the Fireman Realty P4.t Fillmore GUEST house, clears $800 mo. 00 guests. Former millionaire' palatial home.

Elaborate furn. $5,000 handles. Inier-City Co, 1235 Van Ness. nr. Suiter.

FCRNISHED WORKINO MEN'S HOTEL TO LEASE. NOTHING TO Rl V. 88 rms. Rent $200 mo 1st and last mo. rent requir.

INTER 1 FOR lease country hotel, air cooled. rental about tier full prii for eiutp. Terms. maker, Et el. opportunity.

KK EI, ER. Pacific Bids- APT. house, 10 3 and 0 2'e. Steam hdw. etc.

Sold recently for $4,600, Owner HI. cannot handle. A snap at only $1,800. Won't last, Ev ins. agent.

040 Fillmore. EST house, close in; 82 rooms. 0.1 priv. oil heat; no vacancies; clears $600; eame owner over 7 years; retiring, will $0,000 full price. GR.

MflrtO. HOTEL CLEARS $.100 MO. 110 M0' baths, pent house, now resident owner will accept $2,000 down from earnest, opera tor. Inter-Oily I'Mft Van Ness APT. House, 10 and 4 all fut ic, 'i new ga heat.

Good intome. All rented, year leaxe $2,000. 146 Valiejo St. GR. V'ML rms, gro.a inc.

$2.10 good lease forced to cl I'rit $060. A STEAL. HENRY a HENRY. fi00 LARKIN HOTEL. 40 rooms.

N'ieely furnished. Heat. Rent $160- Can dear 2O0 per month. Full prie $2 500, 161 Turlt St. NEAT, clean rms.

with k'tneta. Cor Inc. All on 1 fir. Clrs. $7,: and apt.

$460 req. WE. 4323. mod. I t.

few 3 s. rent $6 per will upper Market nets $270; $4 600, FI 1300 EST house, am. well clears $100 mo. and apt. Leas $76U, full price.

Agents don't call. OR. 114M MOI. 4Z mostly s. Low rent.

Can clear $200 per 92,000 cash handles, 4i Turk st. hakig, rms, li. antl water all it. i0: liW, floors. Sell on terms.

Clra. ftpt. K. 7 284 (l-iin. house, lease rent-etl.

nice living water in furnace. OWNKU. WA. 14101. R.MS., housekeeping, clear a 1 00 mo.

o0 handles. Inter-City Co. 12.tft Van Nena. Rd. bska 2s and .11 units.

'A rms, for good nr. Van Ness; fh or Rnx Kx. K. popple net inc. mo Clean as pin.

Oood furn. Civil Center loc. Info 1 'a RM. downtown, modem netf, mo, M.7.S0 handlej. INTER Cf TT CO.

Va A-e 500 down. 18 clear and apt. Always full. nr. Church and 14 St.

Pr. l'nn ROl.SE. mod, clear $:25 mo One of best offered. Jl S00 req See 78S Market, rt" 5nl and 25 stm ht clears and 3 rm. apt.

Price S3. 4 "fl. WINSTON Ma-kt 41 veil fur Po Jtioll tno. $f)Stl req. OR.

EXCELLENT downtown cor. 8 rms Sickness. Sacrifice $200. EV. UKEE.N', UI'K Marina 7 rm.

in tome flat, all full, nicely reas HOTEL 20 men roomer, buay north of Market, sr. HOTKL. 3d all outside. Sunnv good Inc. Hint h.nndlca.

CR. tM4 -M Well furnished. hdw.l fin wtr. sac. 70S HiUKht.

HOTEL. 100 opp. new hid. full. tl.l.

Inc. llmg. tut. f5 "i cawh. Full pr.

Kllia-Jwiea. J.t Oilll Owner, PR, PSSft 0 ROOM jnconio flat, all Villi prlc SStK). VR .1717. 99 Apt. Hotels.

Roonfnt Kousas Is Lfist 100 fu, bed. --'ront. toi l-are or operate partr.s..r,! bae'e: no c-trilal reouired. Ovner 1 I 98 ROOMiNQ HOUSES Furn. and Ltasts fer Salt 5 RM.

Income flat. nlc.lvftirn afro not tlrtv. room.ra. WA. H'l 7S 100 Apt.

Hotels, ReVmlnc Houses, Leases Waiittd WANTED lo I.a. houa.keepina hnua. hotter action: si, (mo caah (roai owner. Bm 840.1. Kx.

10 HSKPtj. rma. from priv, party -Muat ba good. Boi H7H0S, Ex.m 101 MINING AND ASSAYING SOME working capital required for placer mining. Property now in operation, substantial values, auffi cjenr ground for profitable return Only interested cnnigmng Borne en iih knowiedjr of plater mining Pox 8224.

Ex. WANTED Re 1. stock salesman er promoter, Mother Lode quart. ome chrome; clear title, lib. intereet ir mine; action is rteces.

Owner. 120 raat Magnnna Stockton. Calif, HAVE exceptional ore deposit. 75 ton mill installed. Need concentrating and mining equipment.

Will ael! interest or sell our leas. Invent 1 ga'e. Make offer. Rnx 80131. Ex HAVE ou a good showing of or in mine, dump or placer: Gold or wai minerals? Will install plant or in crease your mill rapacity or lease! and operste.

Rnx 02ORS, Ex, PAYING placer mine needa a third wonting partner, email ro exp. good opp. Box 8lfi0. Ex CASH paid for war minerals or proiv ertiea leased and operated. Page Co.

1419 Broadwav. Oakland ASSAY Office; gold assay, $1 orei test $10. 509 Chestnur. Oakland 102 MiningMachlnry, Supplies 30 TON shovel, dragline ft. boom.

Box A-79I9. OaJfl'd 104 INVESTMENTS $25,000 will make $200,000 nest years. Your monev returned first. A Troven protect. Box 8M1L 104A FINANCIAL CASH paid at nc, for inhritane.

for lntereata in in probata. unrtivHed tnterta in property, aic. Call BUS Market Room 7V4. 106 MONEY TO LOAN 0JSAJLARIES KNOW WHAT YOU GET! Our rates are established the eame to every one 2 ier month on that part of the unpaid balance up to $100. and per month on he remainder of th loaa Thai our total charge.

AT LOCAL LOAN CO. you'll f-nd NO EXTRA CHARGES. No insurance, or handling fee. VTT, OFFER a dignified loan service for employed men nd women whereby you may obta needed cash in one buaineaahke transaction at our offices. $50 TO $500 on your income Furniture or Automobile.

No co-aianers needed. No credit inquiries of employer or friends. Phon for a loan. LOCAL LOAN CO. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICES: Cnd Floor.

Hobarr Building. 6S2 Market St. Exbroog 6463. 328 Flood Building. 870 Market St.

EXbrook 3575. OAKLAND OFFICES: 308 Latham Square Building. 508 16ih St. GLencourt 6522. Central Rank Building.

4.1H 1 4th St. TEmplehar 100 A NEW SALARY LOAN SERVICE $50 to $1,000 FOR EXAMPLE TOC RECEIVE TnUREFAT TrR J0 $5.71 I0MOS. 100 6.97 I8M0S. 250 17.12 I8M0S. 500 33.83 I8M0S.

Also Furniture or Auto Loana JUST PHONE MR. BECKES EX. 8484 OR COME IN TODAY Cenral Credit Co. HOME OWNED AND OPERATED' 204 CENTRAL TOWER 8KCO.NO FLOOR. 703 Market at 3rd NOW! Ten-Monh Leans at MORRIS PLAN! Cos You Only $5 for Each $100! Just thnk.

It costa vou on'T SA for a $100 Morna Plan Co-Makar Lea to ba repa in 10 monthly paymenta. Thia rat la nothing new at Xlorrts Plan. Tha aame rate, tn proportion, anplie to the same type of Morris fiHti ixians tor I months and 9Vn lesa for 18 months. The Ten-Month Loan la an extension of the type or public aervir that hug prompted over 3 1 5.000 San Frarn ist ana to come to Morri Plan for'ljoana in the past 2ft years. Call, phone, or write today! MORRIS PLAN SAN ERANCIWCO.

711 Market St. EXbrook OPdS ON SALART. AT'TO FrSN'TIa; JL'ST CALL PHONE OR write STATE FINANCE CO. Sutter F-anc-sco GA 35M 1V1 Jt Oakland. TE.

SS41. 14 w- fa-ti Clara 5in J- EC ROW VP TO JJOO Anchor Loan Co. Room Pacific Bldg EX. 4977 Market. Cor.

4th 1-5 LOa.n SERVICE." y) Fumttare. fj Income. Auto. Consumer, Credit. Van Ness.

OR 5544 JCO TO $500 LOANS EINA.NCE COPP. bM tKKET ST. EX SIMrl.IFIF.n t.OAXS Ptitnesui- Eniaiice CortKiration. M4RKET ST. E'.

bytiO. LOANS TO $5lH). I TTRSONAl. Vmarif. M.IO Market FAMILY Finance HI 870 St.

401 Vloo, sc. ass 111 LOANS ON FURMTUR1' FURNITURE LOANS cinn Trt a iho t.IN''' l.N vv ORf (Thi elasaifiea'tan eDtioue ar tre. XJGHT WORK, for elderly man in re tail snles and service dept. Opportunity good wckly income. Apply tc 1 2 a.

1 f43 Mission st EXPER, nutn lo saw for atitkr ant short order. Must ue booO man. 1'nion shop: good job. Rrannan tft. Planing Mill.

500 Hrnnnan. MAN. white ptefcrred. for rooUiliK and gen. hawk family of young men.

in peninsula home. Good sal ary. Phone Palo Alto TWO mechanically inclined men wanted for work in a utomot ive pwri mfar. plmit. Apply Federal-Mogul, tin 5 Turk St BOY.

yrs permanent future. Pox 8R144. Exsmmrr. BRIGHT jouns man learn te-htiHal Fine opportunity retail advancement. State education, refs Rpe.

if draft exempt. B-'X Ex. HIGH school grauai having had theory; tn learn telephone Swltchbnurd and radio parts bus. Offenbach's. 1452 Market P.

STEADY employment. Retail apparel will pay vMr" montnty. Aiv comm. to siart. Phone Mr.

Hunt. ORAw-av 1441 fnr appintmft DFPENDAKLE man; safes exn. heip. ful but pot necessary. Apply o43 Market St.

BEAl'TT SHOP tiood loi ation. Owner WANTED, salesman with retail hard ware experience; steady position Box A-8134, Examiner, Oakland. MEN TO CANVASS NAMES on City leavin city. J250 taah. Ml.

8060 iromiu a. m. to 4 p. m. BEAUTT ahop for sale: eicelltnt lo-ration.

Richmond District; acrl-fice illness. PR. BEAl TT ahop. est. 10 Sunaet complete, with liv.

reas. t)ner leaving flale. RN11 91 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NI A "ATKINSON- fAa-i y. i Tl7 Miry Pkpr. lbr, ng Open Si.nn $15" Photostat op ISO Credit man, lnstkUmenl 140 nit 14" Contact man, ynt.

lis Stock clerk 11? Jr. acct in. loft Jr. clerk, fi day Stork record clerk, ynl efi Offir. bov APF.X AGENCY, GA.

Feulah Hamm Taylor R8 S1TTKR. ROOM T.lfi. jr. and r. (21 salea, counuy 160 4- Ntmk clerk 104 t-lerks.

100 Mail clerk 101) ofc. hoy. iei! to eale. 75 1.1 HiCAl oi ATIONAI, AUKNi: ki ss hi.imt.. F.ntinpi-.'.

attlii llifBl Ooen I oliatnii lion I'll. OraiJe tlrill $-tMI Ttniia tol 514-i liot-l mail clerk lri ka (eome tvpinr) r'illinit aia. opra 3 ep. pnen'a alorr and ftirniiure Afatn- 5r.

po.iliona open at on, e. 93 AGENCY. fiOS Market Aict. s.ntor public. f'IfiO.

Act. fon.trlicl. Ac, 1 rHlt retail. AI. IT CHVnT Directory, experience preferred, good writing nf-cessnry.

Box K'MM, Kx YOl'NO man, under 25 years, to learn retail hardware steady work. Box A 150. IX. oaklnnd. NEAT ai'pcannn nuntc man fur our relail sales dept.

Apply Napoli, 504 MMkei street. U'-om 21M. 11KAITV alit.p. Eine mini, eumn Hleadv tr. Hilt ba pr.

7 1 'I l.aikin HEAIiTY alioiy establialie.l ahop. dial, Mac. EL, lHT'i. BEACfT ahop, Coper-ators. Leavim tovn.

Box 8K305. Ex. man over 45 Sale buy bliiik. '0 tl. alore, reasonable rent.

lllOT b'illtiiure at. SMALL hoarding; iinUKe, goml lucalinn no vacancies; good income. Nice for man. wife, Valencia. experience, helpful but not necessary.

502H E. 14th Oakland. BEACTY" Shop, modern, completely YOl NG men with retail selling exp. rtlatr. El.

I'Mlfl, in men wear. None other need pply. Rulloek A- Jnnes. 340 post iGARAGE. general, completely equipped BEAUTT SHOP hootha.

livina BEST paying boarding house and property. Close in. Palling health. San RHfsel Mti4 or P. O.

Rox fluartera. Leaving; rity. BA. M7. HIGH si hool or college student with ADVANCED and Hea-lnnera' ronraw BEAl'TT shop booth or rent.

Down ar for afternoon cm-nUt ion work, sa'ary G. Knrn. town foiion-inir. po.t. Rm.

-M tor ahip Inrluatry, Over flfl oth.r ronrew. I. C. 516 Flood Pldi. EV 1 SS1AN health baths for rent.

STt-er Ave. i'1'i b-diil. -i M-d. nt. vi-r T-; rep.

and body anop. eslb. truck torsae. luhrlrtn. Ise tn exil.

loc, proeneroiis community, handling ra. Ps'iiy 1S noo Roi Sftlev: Ex Leni Mod-n refnr. Weil tocked. Price J1.S10. Inter-City ro 1 "3 A 11 p.iti.r sliest -a!) tf home for ui enop- nooin, -orn-r.

doing 540 MAN to deli-er morr-'-ig riri vie gen. r-act j-tlary Hi ho-I of ri m- ne.Ti--'q 11.. industrial ork Falarr I Comp, prp. in 6 ity. Plactmente EEAI TT SHOP BOOTH for rent, fulW 1" aid man imtn.trial 't' I fr 114 iT-v'eg St OV.

I eonm (iiorkton-Gearv. no. S44 I nnr must lege. Very reason-i PAR TT an ra $100 for ti1 will able P'k I l-arh If dwiewl Pot TOftfla, r.R. 1474.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.