The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)

THE TORONTO DAILY STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1912. The Star Want Columns are a Constant Reminder of the Needs and Opportunities of the Community To-day DOMESTICS WANTED. A tions excellent variety best class posiopen; numerous capacities; summer resorts, States, elsewhere; highest wages; fares paid: call and arrange date; also married couples, good offers. New Method, 11 Richmond west. A COOK Jarvis for small family.

Apply to street. A YOUNG girl to assist in light housework, two in familiens easy hours. 50 St. Andrew's N. Phone North 6937.

A GENERAL wanted, references, two in after family. seven p.m. to Mrs. Northcote, 93 Elm avenue, Rosedale. 136 A aged woman children, for good good general servant, no home.

Apply 44 Heward avenue, Mrs. Henderson. A GOOD Avenue road. general, at once. Apply 588 i once, housework.

young 151 woman Alcorn for avenue. general Take Avenue road car. GIRL wanted for general housework. Corea avenue. housework, small family, GIRL for, cooking.

53 St. Patrick street. general to go to Georgian Bay summer. wages twenty a (100D month. Apply Mrs.

Davis, Poplar Plains road. References required. young housekeeper for gentleman and one little boy, nice home, $15 month, start. Call personally, New Method, 11 Richmond west. THOROUGHLY chambermaids.

experienced Hotel waitresses Brant, Burlington. Apply head waitress. WAITRESS that wanted, assist also in housemaid, diningcan room at noon, steady position. Queen's Hotel. Brampton, Ont.

WANTED -Young woman for housework. Phone Park 3348. 532 West Marion street. A good plain cook, $20 a month. Apply 143 College st.

YOUNG girl to assist in light housekeeping, easy work, sleep at home. 48 Churchill avenue. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. A PRIVATE gentleman, wants who to dis- will reasons, pose of a standard bred mare, square trotter, can show a thirty clip; she is sound, city broken, lady can drive her, and driving harness, rubber-tired buggy, rubber-tired racing cart, all complete, in good order; must be soid will sell with full guarantee for less than value. Call where she is boarding, Riverdale Boarding Stables, no dealers need apply, 1015 Queen east.

ONE of the finest handsome show bay horses horse, in 16 Toronto, hands high, with his high-class buggy and harness, will be sold at a sacrifice. This outfit cost $450 a short time ago. Also one pony outfit Charles for sale. No dealers need apply. 48 street east.

dtJy24 TWo delivery $125 each, wagons, will used short $35 time, accept for your choice; also two fine driving horses, and their buggy, new last year, will accept your offer. 696 Yonge street. dtJy24 YOUR bruise horse on his may ankle, have a hock bunch OT stifle, knee of throat: Absorbine will clean them off without laying up the horse; no blister, no hair gone; $2.00 per bottle, delivered; describe your case for special instructions and book 8E free. W. F.

Young, P.D.F.. 428 Lyman's Building. Montreal, P.Q. 36tf BUSINESS CARDS. ARTISTIC prices picture reasonable, framing, open best evenings.

Geddes, 431 Spadina. dtf TARPER. Customs broker, 10 Jordan street. Bring your Customs business to an expert. KODAK of films six 10.

cents, developed, dozen any roll size, 15 cents; prints three, four, and five cents each. Mail orders filled promptly. Photo Specialty 590 Yonge street, Toronto. 36tf PANTING Thos. papering, Hanco*ck, strictly 98 Woburn firstavenue.

North Toronto. PAINTING, papering, first-class, attended. reasonable price. J. Limkin, 30 Power street.

dJuly18 piper, builders' fire brick, lime, cements, supplies. Terry Main 2191. 135t STANDARD, 68 King FUEL street of east. Toronto, Noel Mr. shall, president.

WOODTURNING CUTTING blocks, Toronto counters, Wood partitions, Specialty Works, Richmond west. 135tf WINDOW Richardson letters and and 147 signs. J. E. Church, LEGAL- CURRY, MACDONALD, O'CONNOR, WALLACE, AND barristers, Crown Life Building, 26 Queen street east.

CHARLES street W. west. KERR, Main 3247. barrister, 18 dJuly31 J. M.

Adelaide LAING, street barrister, Real solicitor, 23 east. estate loans. dtf MALONE, AND LONG, barristers, solicitors for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Dominion Securities Corporation, the Central Canada Loan and Savings and the Imperial Life Assurance of Canada, 85 Bay street, Toronto. REID, WOOD WRIGHT, barristers, Canada Life Building, 46 King street west. MONEY TO LOAN.

BUILDING at loans lowest placed on city procurrent rates; submit plans and arrange in advance. R. E. Sinclair. Limited, Bloor west.

MONEY building to loans loan at lowest rates, made. Gregory and Gooderham. Canada Life Building. MORTGAGE loans at current ratex, insurance, fire and life. Garratt.

137 Delaware. dtf WE. rates 5 negotiate 1-2 and loans 6 per on real accord- estate, ing Cooke to location; mortgages purchased. and Melville. 40 Toronto st.

EDUCATIONAL. AT ner Remington and Business College, corSchool all Spadina, Day open summer. Night School begins Sept. 4. Catalogue free.

DAY and night school continue al throughout the summer; individuteaching in commercial, general tion. improvement, Dominion civil Business service, matriculalege B.A.. and Principal. Brunswick. J.

V. Mitchell, College, Cold MEDICAL. D'ABETES can German now De cured with Anti-Diabetes;" discovery, "Sanol's trouble, gall price kidney and kindred stones, ailments lumbago, gravel, cured with the new German remedy "Sanol." $1.50 from Burgess-Powell the Hooper G. Tamblyn, or direct, Sanol Mfg. Winnipeg, Man.

Booklet free. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED by the T. Eaton EXPERIENCED hand buttonhole EXPERIENCED pressers on men's pants. EXPERIENCED girls in operating knitting machines.


EXPERIENCED CUTTERS ONDRESSES. ROYAL GARMENTS. 47 SIMCOE ST. 0 A -SALESMAN'S good proposition to proper party. Royal Feather 101 1 Yonge street.

AT once, young women to learn operating. Northway's, 91 Wellington west. APPRENTICES wanted for wholesale must live with parents, bright, airy workroom. D. McCall 94 Wellington West.

AT, once, examiner on underskirts. Northway's, 91 Wellington west. A of Competent man to take full charge caretaking staff of large downtown bullding, only experienced men need apply. Business Manager, Daily Star. a AT girls to sew on buttons.

Northway's, 91 Wellington west. BOYS. 15 TO 17-GOOD Firstbrook wages, Box steady work. ited. dJ17 BOXMAKER wanted for round boxes, work, good wages.

Apply immediately. Toronto Hat Mfg. 259 Adelaide street west. COMPETENT ledgerkeeper required, must be thorough, neat, and accurate. Apply at once in person, with references.

Wm. Neilson, 307 Gladstone avenue. enced, 102 for Teraulay. express wagon, expertEXPERIENCED giris for fancy goods and bank book cover work, must be quick. Julian Sale, 105 King west.

dtf EXPERIENCED buttonhole maker, on machine, steady position, and good wages. Apply 161A Spadina avenue. EXPERIENCED House, waitresses Toronto; wanted salary by $20 a month with room card provided; also a bonus of $2 a month extra for the summer months. permanent positions. dJ31 FUR machine Allan operators and finishers and Limited, 51 Bay street.

FOUNTAIN man at once. Apply 232 street. GIRLS and women, to address envelopes at home, $1 per thousan. Apply by letter only, giving references, Edward A. Glad, Dineen Building.

GOOD trade. boy Apply wanted Roy to and learn jewelry 23 River street. MADE $50,000 in five years with a small mail order business. Begin with $5. Send for free booklet, tells how.

Heaco*ck, Box 5183, Lockport, N. Y. LADIES Reliable home work, stamptransfers, $1.50 per dozen, work guaranteed, lady demonstrators. Apply 90 College street, Apartment 1. Don't write.

Office open 8 a.m, to 9 p.m. daily. NOON hour College and street. all day waitress at on lady's handbags, one do. Leather Goods 1191 accustomed, to shoe work would Bathurst street.

ONE kitchen porter for restaurant. 298 College, STENOGRAPHER, young man with A Apply necessary Box 714, giving experience age, reference, preferred. and salary expected. STENOGRAPHER, High school eduenergetic, careful, busy office. 7.45 a.m.; salary $7.50.

State experience. Box 643 Star, TRAVELERS Two. must for be Australia, men, well recommended. Box 626, Star. WANTED be Stenographer, good at salary.

once, Aemilius Jarvis and Co. 1 WANTED -Experienced stenographer, superintend competent to if office lishing work Limited, preferred. University MacLean PubToronto. D-Young lady for office, must write well and quickly. Apply at once.

Box 6, General PostOffice. 1 WANTED. -Bright office of youth, large about manufac- sixturing concern, one just leaving Gerrard and River streets. preferred. Apply Sheet Metal "Produce WANTED -Finisher, one who has experience finishing, rubbing, and oiling off pianos, permanent position for young man.

Apply 264 WANTED- Good chickens. west. rellable man for fatApply, stating experience and salary expected, Box 711, Star. WANTED Salesman, experienced and capable, carpet department. Apply superintendent, The Right House, Hamilton.

SITUATIONS WANTED. gasoline cruiser or boat operator, good mechanic. desires position on above, strictly sober and reliable. Write Box 453, Cochrane, a Ont. ATANTED by respectable woman, position as housekeeper to bache.

lor or widower. 197 Woodbine avenue. Phone 282. WHITEWASHING carpentering. wanted, 82 cellars Borden to street.

WANTED Spring needle knitters. Apply Warner, at Jos. Simpson's Sons, 8 Berkeley street. PATENTS. A HERBERT J.

S. DENNISON, formFetherstonhaugh, Dennison, and Star Building, 18 King street west, Toronto, Patent attorney; Ottawa, Washington. Main 2026. BLACKMORE. COTE, Building, AND CO, Toronto.

patBook of complete information on patents mailed free. Offices Ottawa, Toronto. Washington. AND SON, Arcade, 24 King street west. Toronto, Main 2775 (E.

G. Fetherstonhaugh). Also Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg Quebec. Washington. Patents and trade marks.

PATENT your sell it Ideas, for no you if delay, the idea and has merit; send sketch for free report; we procure and sell patents. J. Arthur MacMurtry, 154 Bay street, Toronto, Canada. SITUATIONS VACANT. THE ECLIPSE WHITEWEAR Ltd.

EXPERIENCED operators on childdresses, underwear, and blouses. WANTED- -Girls to learn operating. THE ECLIPSE WHITEWEAR corner King and John streets. dJ23 AT 'dresses and -Experienced waists. Apply cutter R.

on D. Fairbairn Limited, 101 Simcoe street. dtJy20 AT waists. ONCE--Operators Apply R. D.

on Fairbairn dresses and Limited, 107 Simcoe street. AT expert once, men instruction, to learn constant barber trade, practice, tools free; always sure employment for barber; write for catalogue. Moler College, 221 Queen east, Toronto. dtf ANY good intelligent income person may earn steady corresponding for newspaper, experience unnecessary. Address Correspondents' Press Bureau, Washington, D.C.

DOY wanted as junior in insurance office. Box 709 Star. 7 VANADIAN Government wants way mail clerks; city mail carriers: excellent salaries. Common education sufficient. Particulars free.

Franklin Institute. Department 502 Rochester, N.Y. d.A.26 GLASS Spadina rougher wanted. Apply 241 avenue. HAM wanted.

boners Apply and Gunns, cooked meat Limited. men dtJ20 MATRICULATION or taught more by subjects mail, a year. Canadian Correspondence College, Limited, Dept. 9. Toronto, Canada.

3tf MILLINERY Maritime travelers and for Quebea Eastern Provinces, only men of experience, ability, and connection need apply. Box 110 Star. MEN daily. for Call, all kinds write. of Toronto work, Employ- needed ment, 142 Bay.

MILLINERY preparers wanted. D. McCall 94 Wellington West. MEN wanted rallroads for in firemen Toronto and brakemen on veinity, eighty ion hundred dollars monthly, promotion, engineer-conductor. experience unnecessary.

no strike, age eighteen-thirty-five. Railroad employment headquarters. Thousands of men sent to positions on over thousands official calls. State Railroad Association, Dept. 237 street, Brooklyn, N.Y.

61234A3 PECIAL Several steady men for good permanent indoor and outdoor positions: good wages: also help for outside Toronto; fares paid; several martied couples, good offers; and help for high-class hotels, clubs. New Method, 11 Richmond west. STENOGRAPHER, experienced. Lowell Co. Richmond and Simcoe.

STRONG boys to learn trade. Apply Heintzman and West WANTED Real Estate Salesman To sell the very highest class of Western town and city property. Extensive advertising campaign will be carried on and good "leads" will be furnished. We are prepared to make a very liberal offer to a really first-class man. Apply to INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES CO.

LIMITED, .206 Kent Bullding. 158 Yonge street, Corner Richmond street, Toronto. 135:2 steady job. Box 338, Burlington. ANTED A driver for light delivlatter ery, 7.30 p.m., must 380 know the Roncesvalles city.

ave. Apply WANTED Experienced ready-to-wear saleswoman manage department in Western Ontario city, good salary. Apply Canada Cloak Lim63 Wellington west. machine and do general work -Man to operate cutting around printing office. Apply Business Office, Daily Star, 18 King West.

WAITRESS wanted. The Penetanguishene Hotel, Penetanguishene. Winders. Apply Simpson's J. Sons, H.

Warner, Limited, 8 Berkeley street. WANTED at once, hardware clerk, two years' experience, also tinsmith, one or two years' experience. Apply to Thos. E. Hoar and 1760 Dundas street, West Toronto.

36 WANTED man Junior preferred, for stenographer, large automobile firm. Apply Box 635. Star. WANTED departmental -Live store advertising In man Victoria, for British Columbia. Apply, stating experience and salary expected, communications confidential, Box 631.

Star. Two action regulators. polishers, 2 oilers off. Apply Heintzman and West Toronto. 1 -Chauffeur, must be experienced, phone application.

H. W. Cressman, Peterboro. Experienced gardener. Apply Mrs.

Dean, 561 Avenue road. WE class require salesgirl the for services of a firstoutside solicitation work on a very high class proposition, where permanent work is assured. Apply 206 Kent Building, 156 Yonge street. corner Richmond, Toronto. dtf WANTED J.

H. String Warner, needle at Jos. knitters. 8 Berkeley street. WANTED at once, lady position, stenographer permanent must be quick and accurate, state experience and salary expected.

Box 628, Star. WANTED Star. First-class stenographer. WANTED- Industrial insurance men good throughout Oncario, ambitious men only need apply, giving fullest particulars of past experience, good salary, splendid opportunity for advancement, must be sober and a honest, permanent position. Apply by letter only, Charles Young, 964 Bathurst street.

Toronto. 8 WANTED -Nurse months to old, go to Island, living at hotel, no housework. Apply Mrs. MacDonald, Ward's Hotel, Ward's Island. WANTED--A smart boy to learn machinists' work.

Apply 47 Davies avenue. class require salesman the in services of Toronto a firgt- and WE throughout Ontario. Apply 205 Kent Building. 156 Yonge street, corner Richmond, Toronto. dtf Experienced hardware clerk.

one with local city experience preferred. 126 East King street. VOUNG man, to assist in proof ing. permanent position if capable. Box 642 Star.

8 TEACHERS WANTED. A PROTESTANT teacher, wanted, Section female, No. 3, Almirck; duties to commence after summer holidays. Salary from $450 to $500, according to experience, and qualifications. Apply to Robert Montgomery, secrotary, Roseneath PostOffice, Ont.

PROTESTANT teocher Normal wanted, certifi- holdsecond-class cate, School Section No. 3, Darlington, Durham County, new school, close LO station and post-office, daily mail, duties to commence after holidays. State qualifications, experience, and salary required, to J. H. Power, Box 43, Bowmanville, Ontario.

dJ18 QUALIFIED East teacher wanted Dufferin for S. S. Luther, to commence after holidays, salary $500. Hugh Robinson, Monticello. dtf TEACHER wanted for S.

S. No. Tarbutt and Laird, holding second-class certificate, male preferred, salary $525, duties to commence September 1st, 1912, Robert Bruce, Sec.Treas., McLennan P.O., Ont. TEACHER wanted, second-class professional for S. S.

No. 9, Charlotteville. Duties to commence after holiday, one with rural experience preferred. from $450 to $550, according to experience. Apply to Edward Starling, secretary, St.

Williams, Ont. 351 wanted for S. S. No. 2, Hilliard.

Apply, stating qualifications and salary expected, F. H. Morgan, TEACHER wanted, first or secondcertificate, for 8. S. No.

8, Bentick; salary $500 or according experience and qualifications; daily mail; post-office, store and house adjoin schoolyard; school well equipped; also an organ. Apply to Wm. Hastle, secretary Louise P. 0., Grey county, Ont. ANTED- Male or female Protestant teacher for Armstrong Union, School District No.

2, holding first or second- class certificate. Duties to commence September 3. Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references H. Marks, Secretary-Treasurer, Earlton, New Ontario. Qualified teacher for Armstrong School District No.

duties to commence after holidays, salary $500 per year. Apply sec. G. G. Smith, Earlton.

dAg? WANTED -Female District teacher No. for Darl- holding certificate. Duties to inston Sohool 14, commence September 1. stating experience and salary required, and giving references to Eber Millson, secretary-treasurer. Solina P.

0.. Ont. 0 WANTED A female teacher for S. S. South Gower, duties to commence Sept.

3rd. Apply, stating salary and experience, to C. B. Clark, Sec.Treas. Mountain, Ont.

A first-class teacher for School Section No. 11, Cornwall Township, holding sceond-class Normal 1 certificate, duties to the 3rd of September, 1912, commence References -Treas. Horatio Dow. Famer'e Corners P.O, Ont. WANTED -Teacher holding a or certificate year beginning September 3, 1912, for S.

No. 18. Haldimand township; salary $500 or upwards, according to qualification. Apply to Jas. McKenzie, Centreton P.0.

WANTED -Male or female teacher for Union School District Number Nottawasaga and Osprey, holding first-class certificate. Duties to commence September 1st. Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references to Geo. Allen, scretary-treasurer, Singhampton P. 0., Ont.

dtf Teacher for S. No. Albion, holding second-class Norduties to commence after summer holidays. Apply, stating salary required, to J. F.

Horan, Lockton WANTED Qualified Vaughan, teacher duties to for S. com- mence after holidays, salary $500 per annum. Apply to John Savage, Elgin Mills. Ont. Qualified Protestant teacher for S.

S. No. 9, Essa, Duties to commence September 1st. Apply, stating experience and salary required A personal application preferred. W.

A. Miller, Secretary-Treasurer, Utopia WANTED school -Female district teacher No. 5, for holding Drapsecond or third-class certificate, duties to commence after holidays. Apply, stating experience and salary required and giving references, to Robert Crockford. secretary-treasurer, Purbrook Muskoka.

Female teacher for school district 3, duties to commence 1st September. Apply, stating experience and salary required and giving references, to William James, secretary-treasurer S. S. No. 3, Algoma, Milford Haven A fully-qualified teacher WANTED S.

No. 6, Sandwich, South Essex County, duties to commence after holidays. Apply Lionel O'Neil, Oldcastle, Ont. att MECHANICS WANTED. CURRIERS and beamhouse Whitby, Ont.

men. ApMACHINISTS repair wanted, work. good on Apply Thos. 9peight, Georgetown. PAPER Systems, ruler 52 wanted.

Spadina Business avenue. dtf DRINTERS- general work, including presses. State experience and wages expected. The North Star, Parry Sound, Ont. dtf DRESSMAN-Plateau and cylinder presses.

State wages and experience. The North Star, Parry Sound. Ont. PLUMBERS and plumbers' improvers wanted, highest wages, and steady employment to good men. Apply Church street.

WANTED highest Toolmakers, paid; steady work none but first-class men need apply. Russell Motor Car West Toronto. WANTED--Linotype operator. Apply Foreman Composing Room, Star Office. WANTED man A to first-class plate Warner- hand operate a Swasey Universal Turret lathe.

Apply 47 Davies avenue. 1 First-class mechanics. lathe, planer, and boring mill hands; also fitters and brass finishers, steady work and good wages. a Apply Peterboro, Canadian Ont. General Electric 11 AGENTS WANTED.

Salesmen's Training Association, 806 Kent Building, Toronto. Branches everywhere. d.J31 A GENTS $50 swivel base weekly selling autoegg-beaters. entirely new, sample and terms 25 cents; money retunded if unsatisfactory. Collette Mfg.

Collingwood, Ont. 136tf SALESMEN wanted, no experience rewrite or call for list of to get one of them. Address National $5,000 a year, and particulars about how positions now open. paying $1,000 to CARTAGE AND STORAGE. STORAGE, moving, and packing of furniture and pianos, baggage transferred.

Telephone McMillan and Parkdale. 135 tr TEACHERS WANTED. A QUALIFIED teacher dutles wanted for Snowdon; to mence September 1st. J. Stewart, secretary, Gelert P.0., Ont.

QUALIFIED teacher wanted for to begin after Buchner holidays, school $500. Duttes small, average attendance 14. Boarding-house 200 yards from school, miles from town, churches, road. Apply to Wm. Hayes, Charlton, Ont.

dU INEACHER for S.S. No. 3, Dack, holding second-class certificate; salary $500. H. W.

Netherton, Brentha. REACHER wanted for S. S. No. c*mseth, Simcoe County.

Duties commence after summer holidays. ply to Ambrose Walsh, Schomberg, TEACHER wanted, Protestant, for S. No. 14, Minto, salary from to $500, according to qualifications experience. Normal trained preferred.

Apply to L. V. Wilkin, Harriston P. Ont. female teacher Charleville Agusta, school district No.

9, holding Normal certificate, duties to commence September 1912. Apply, stating experience salary required and giving references, 10 Harper O. Bass, secretary-treasurer 2, S. S. No.

9, Charleville Augusta, via Prescott. dtf immediately, qualified $500, paid monthly. teacher for small school, salary ell, sec. Minnitaki, near Dryden, New Ontaria. -Protestant teacher school section No.

Hope, holding Normal certificate, duties to commence after mid-summer holidays, ary $500. Apply, stating experience reference, to Joseph Sexsmith, Sec.Treas., Charlecote -O. Ont. dJ18 WANTED preferred, Female for teacher, school Protest- section No. McIntyre Township, holding third-class certificate, duties to commence September 2nd.

Apply, stating experience and salary required references, to E. Thomas, secretary Ont. treasurer, Intola, near Port dtf WANTED -Female Hamilton teacher Township, for S. holding second-class certificate, duties commence September, 1912. Apply, stating experience and salary required, giving references, to William Crossen, sec.

Cold springs. WANTED, -Male District teacher No. for Ignace 1, holding first-class certificate. Duties to commence September 2, 1912. Apply stating experience and salary required, giving references to W.

Bryce, secretary-treasurer, Ignace, Ont. WANTED- Female teacher for S. East Gwillimbury, qualified certificate, duties commence after holidays, salary $500, give references experience to F. W. Kelley, Newmarket, Box 243.

WANTED Hawkesbury School teacher District No. 2, holding second-class Normaltrained certificate, duties to commence September 2, salary $500. Apply, stating experience and giving references, to Sec. -Treas. S.

H. Rutherford, Stepney, Ont. District 8, holding Female, teacher for School -class certificate, duties to commence September. Apply, stating perience and salary required, and giving references, to Donald McNabb, sec, Middlemiss, Ont. WANTED A Lyndock, qualified School female Section teacher No.

holding a third-class certificate, duties commence September 3, 1912. Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references, to A. Kauffeldt, Wolfe, Ont. WANTED Protestant teacher Wollarton, school district No. holding second-class certificate, duties to commence September 2.

Apply, stating experience and salary required, John Gilray, secretary-treasurer. Coe HIll P. Ont. WANTED Teached for Township, School Section holding qualified certificate, duties to commence September, 1912. Apply, stating experience and salary required, giving references to M.

A. McCallum, secretary-treasurer, Malcolm P.O.. Ont. dJ18 WANTED Teacher, either sex, School District, No. 3, holding second certificate, duties commence after salary $450 per year.

Apply, giving references, Harmon Clark, Sec. Barrow Bay Ont. dJ18 Protestant female teacher for the Hamilton School Section No. 5, holding a second third-class certificate, duties to commence Sept. 1st, salary must be reasonable.

Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references, to R. S. Holdsworth, Port Hope, Ont. WANTED McGillivary, -A qualified, district teacher No. holding a first or second-class certificate, duties to commence first September.

Apply, stating experience and salary required and giving references, to John Mawson, secretary-treasurer, Lieury Ont. WANTED- Qualified teacher for No. 22, Murray, duties to commence first of September, salary from five to six hundred dollars, Treasurer, preferred. SecretaryHerbert Parry, Frankford, Ont. WANTED Protestant teacher for Cramake School District No.

holding second-class certificate. Duties to con.mence September 1912. Apply, stating experience and salary required, and giving references George Campbell, Ont. secretary-treasurer, Castleton, WANTED Qualified teacher for Lancaster, School District No. holding second-class certificate, dutles to commence September salary $500.

Apply, stating experience and -salary required, and giving references, Thomas O' Reilly, River Beaudette, Que. WANTED Teacher for Maidstone School District No. 9. County Essex. Duties to commence after holidays.

Apply, stating qualifications and salary required, and giving references, Ernest Standish, secretary-treasurer, Puce dJ23 professional teacher, to teach the Public school of this village for the year 1912 and '13. Reply, stating salary, and address letters to secretary of School Board, Anten Mills. dJ23 sional teachers, for first. second, -Two second-class profesor third book work, in Blind River Public School (six rooms): Salary $600. Apply.

stating experience, to G. H. Christilaw. Blind River, Ont. Want Proverb For the Wise He that diggeth a pit shall fall into It.

He that rolleth a stone shall be crushed, but he that advertiseth a bustness in The Star Want Ads shall profit thereby. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCES. A PARTNER WANTED TO TAKE HALF INTEREST IN THE ORGANIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TORONTO REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Excellent opportunity for capable young man having fifteen hundred dollars to join experienced salesman and Toronto valuator in A progressive realty business.

Advertiser ow ns automoblle. FULL PARTICULARS TO BOX 610 STAR. A business paying painting and decorfor sale, one of the oldes: established paint shops in New Ontario, owner has made his pile and wants to quit, stock about two thousand dollars, half cash, terms for ance, paint shop, storeroom, oil house, and office, thirty dollars per month, will turn over two thousand dollars of work to buyer; this 18 a snap for some one. Apply Box 449 Star. BRANDON HAVE for sale 11-2 miles from the centre of lots.

If you want a snap, investigate about these at once. This property is adjoining the city, with a car service. Do not miss this opportunity, if you are out to make money. Easy terms; no 0 interest; taxes all paid until 1913. Box 614, Star.

BAKING business for sale, nice little country trade, only baker, everything in first-class running order, cause for selling, poor health. H. Murdock, Erin. 5634J18 CIGAR and stationery business for sale, established ten years, doing a good business, reason for selling 111- health. F.

J. Cowley, 228 Queen west. CORNER building, grocery, on stock, car and line, fixtures, owner wishes to retire, last year's cash business twenty thousand dollars. For terms apply Box 630 Star. FOR SALE Ice cream, candy, and stationery business.

doing good trade, owner retiring. Apply 25 Oxford st street. sale, Phone Hubbard College 7650. portable i FOR table, with flour bin prover. 105 Sorauren avenue.

dtf FOR and ice SALE- cream Grocery, business, confectionery, in good country town, doing a good business, established thirty years, good reason for selling; purchaser can have store with dwelling above at moderate rent. Apply Box 18. Milton, Ont. HOTEL FOR SALE. $20.000, house, BUYS only the 14 miles Cooksville from Toronto, 22 rooms, steam heating, firstclass business, all latest improvements, large motor trade, situated on corner of Dundas street and Centre road.

For particulars, write V. G. Hector. Erindale, Ont. 312 OUR Queen candy street and east cake for business at 504 sale, one of the best in Toronto; reason for selling going Waite into 227 Pape manufacturing.

atf Apply avenue. RESTAURANT BUSINESS. FOR SALE--Large receipts, best buy on Queen street. This is a moneymaker. Owner going West.

Apply Munro, 130 Bay street. APARTMENTS TO RENT. A College of street. furnished rooms 263 A FURNISHED suitable apartment, for three for house- business ladies. 577 Euclid avenue.

136 APARTMENTS save and flats to See rent all your time. our list. al! information particulars free. 400 Crown Life Bldg. ROSEMOUNT.

308 bath, Jarvis thirty-five street, doliars. four Phone 7742 135tf ROOMS TO LET. AT Kew lady's Beach, near private park and house, water, two in a nicely furnished rooms. Phone Beach 1209. A for CLEAN, tourist cool, or well furnished room.

permanently, convenient to Belt Line and Cariton cars. 179 Carlton street. COMFORTABLE Bloor. rooms. College 250 6.80.

Major FIRST-CLASS locality, rooms, terms single and reasonable. North 4060. dtf FURNISHED rooms to let. 87 WaverFURNISHED front room for gentleDovercourt road. FURNISHED 21 St.

rooms, for Vincent light street. houseKEW 62 BEACH, Winova two unfurnished rooms. avenue. TARGE furnished front room, suit one or two gentlemen, no other roomers, 134 Major street. NICE bright front room, suitable for men.

Apply 25 North street. ROOMS terms furnished, for bachelors, on payment. Men, why not rent a nice room and furnish it comfortably yourself? You can do So at a small cost--a little down little each week will do it; the furniture may be used afterwards when you are married and In a home of your own. See Burroughes, 647 Queen west. Open evenings.

67 ALEXANDER street, bright front and piano. i 295 MARKHAM large bed-sitting street, comfortable, room, suit young couple, also single, all conveniences, near College. BOARD AND ROOMS TO LET. and single rooms. steam heated.

very comfortable, excellent board. beautiful locality. Inglewood, 295 Jarvis Main 6342. FURNISHED room. with or without Grenville.

Grosvenor, or vicinity. Box 706 Star. LADY home, boarders lake. wanted, Miss private at Row, Whitby. dtJy22 SINGLE supper furnished if desired, rooms, terms breakfast able.

000 Wellesley street. Phone North 4557. 155 GERRARD street, front bedsitting room, with balcony, central, with board, also transients. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. YOUNG gentleman would like to secure a room in good locality.

Box 707 Star. i APARTMENTS WANTED. APARTMENTS wanted waiting in clients, parts whom of we have to turn away Register yours with us. 400 Crown Life Building. dtf DENTISTS.

BRIDGE teeth and for crown five dollars, specialists; a set gas for painless extraction; painless gold filling, not hammered in. Riggs, Temple Building, Toronto. DR. KNIGHT specializes painless tooth extraction exclusively. 250 Yonge street, Toronto.

I ADVERTISING. The rate for classified one cent a word per insertion, advertisem*nts mum of ten words. with mini. Advertisem*nts marked are accepted with the Forbidden they will be published until understanding to stop them is received. written Branch Offices.

J. H. Perrin, 940 Queen street west, Rayson, 1426 Queen street R. Kendall, Dundas street. Mrs.

A. Harris, 460 Tonge street, Miss Nelles, 852 Yonge street. W. W. Thompson, 274 Wellesley street H.

Chisholm, 136 Parliament street. D. Noakes, 752 Broadview avenue. R. T.

Morris, 412 Spadina avenue A. J. Trott, 997 Bloor west. Mrs. Adams, 178 Bathurst street.

G. Ezard, 767 Queen street J. M. Weeks, Queen and east. W.

Markham streets. Rice, 874 Bathurst street. G. A. Prescott, 357 Roncesvalles Avenue 6, Hamilton.

Office, King street east, Room Hamilton 30 branches Advertisem*nts will be at telephoned any of the above left office, and be inserted to The Star Adelaide promptly. Phone SUMMER RESORTS. King's Park House, booklet, to $10. Chas. King, Windermere, Muskoka.

COTTAGE, ideal for location, bathing, observation, and general summer outing, convenient for city business. You will like it it you see it. Phone Park 133. BOARDERS in the country. Apply Snelgrove.

dJ24 BOARDERS wanted in country home, Box 4, Snelgrove, TOR SALE -135 acres, 4 1-2 miles from Aurora, half-mile from Eversley, property would make an ideal summer resort, contains 30-acre lake, bathing beach, creeks. good fishing, timber, two spring Apply Hugh Ferguson, Eversley HOTEL BRANT, BURLINGTON, ADJOINING leading Burlington central Country Club, resort on Lake Ontario, one hour from Toronto, bathing, fishing, tennis, lawn bowling, golf, modern furnished bungalows for rent. Write for booklet and particulars. dtJ19 HAVE choice you your cottage secured? A one from the fifteenth you can get. Park 133.

INGLESIDE, Windermere, Muskoka, comfortable beds, plentiful table. moderate. C. Inglis. 36A17 MARATHON Beach.

now Beach open, lake front, 1121. dJ31 NEW summer cottage to rent at Oakview. on Nottawasaga River. Apply Stevens, 275 Salem avenue. DIKE LAKE.

good boating. bathing. fishing. tennis. dancing pavilion, piano.

just, the place to spend your holiday. $5.50 per week. Apply W. H. Black.

Harriston. 0 PARADISE Elgin, on GROVE the shores summer resort, of Lake Huron, cottages large and small to rent for the season, finest bathing and boating facilities, convenient to town. west, Apply Toronto. F. Singer, Queen street E.

Phone Adelaide 122. 13611 QUEEN'S now Hotel, open to Cochrane, the our new public, strictly first-class. large traveling samplo rooms, special week-end rates will be made Palangio, for travelers and tourists. James proprietor; J. W.

Ray, manager. dit SINCOE Simcoe, HOUSE 42 summer miles from resort, To- on ing. boating, and fishing. good beach. ronto, on Metropolitan line, a good batha safe close to for children.

For healthy location. R. Annand, Keswick. Ont. apply A.

cars. particulars A WHY cool stay in the hot city? Enjoy breezes of Muskoka at summer cottages to rent. Apply to R. McTaggart, Beaverton. dJ17 THE Bay summer PENETANGUISHENE, Georgian hotel, Ideal location, modern equipment, handy for Toronto people, orchestra, all Write for booklet and accommodation.

Geo. Robinson, Penetanguishene. WIA HOUSE, Sparrow Lake. Muskoka, good fishing and boating, fine bathing beach, excellent board and accommodation. Write for booklet.

Address H. W. Wiancko. Sparrow Lake. WANTED trees, Summer spring.

boarders. river. large near reasonable. Box 522 Inglewood. Int.

WHEN you Grimsby think Beach, of the summer, think pride of Canada. Let me mail you my booklet telling all about It. H. H. Wylie, Grimsby Beach.

Ontario. dtf OFFICES TO RENT. FURNISHED office for rent. 76 Bay Call between one and four. WANTED with -A specialist to share ofestablished physician.

three beautiful large bright rooms on ground floor of private home, electric light, attractive house, near Yonge and Carlton, splendid opportunity. Box 713 Star. FLATS WANTED. FACTORY flat wanted for light manufacturing, about 3,000 (five thousand) preferred, square feet, like up-to-date building would to get into it as soon 86 possible. Reply Box 640, Star.

BUSINESS PERSONALS. ATTENTION! greatest Consult Prof. O' Brien, phrenologist and scientific palmist, whose methods demonstrated in open, court approved by judge and jury at the Toronto General Sessions, March 14, 1901. EVERYBODY to knows ten. 229 Prof.

Major, O'Brien. near Bloor. Telephone. Patronized by the elite. thy future.

Before you speculate consult me, I give reliable vice. Zena May, Scientific Palmist, 400 Queen west, near Spadina. tism, MURRAY, specialist, rheumaparalysis, nerve troubles. massage, electric, vapor baths. 606 Bathurst.

College 7754. MRS. readings HOWELL, and reliable psychic advice. palmist, 416 Church street. MULE.

daily. 334 HAMILTON, Spadina psychic, avenue. readings JOHNSON. phrenologist. psychic satisfaction palmist, guaranteed.

and crystal 94 read. er, Major street. REMOVAL phrenologist, notice society Madam palmist, Rayne, from Gerrard to 257 College, ROYAL no Engiish representatives. Gypsies, Are to palmist, be interviewed Triller. only at 1684 Queen west.

corner SPIRITUALIST 232 readings, Victoria afternoon TRUSSES. abdominal support new designs, guaranteed to hold ture. Egan, 331 King west. t2 THE sick and afling will find a sure restoration to health and vigor In The Eclectine Botanic Treatment, Skin and Blood Diseases, Dyspepsia, Stomach and Liver Troubles. Kidney, Bladder, and Genito-Urinary Diseases yield, to Botanic Treatment when all other means haye falled.

Remedies mailed to all parts of Canada. Consultation free. Personal or by letters. Open 10 to 8.30. The Eclectine Botanic Remedy 263-265 Yonge street, Toronto.

dtf WHEN Mrs. wishing to of consult 507 a 1-2 medium, Moore, Yonge street; no charges 1f not benefited: give date birth and year, will tell what day of the week you were born, with many other things: important. INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENTS -Large profits guaranteed by real estate, appointment only. Mr.

Warrington, city. dJ22 BIRTHS. Announcements under this head fifty conte per insertion. at 26 CRAGO Withrow avenue, Wednesday, July 17, 1912, On and Mrs. Toronto, to Mr.

P. L. Crago, a son. MAXWELL On July 16, 1912, at Mrs. Main stret, Robert East Toronto, to Mr.

and J. Maxwell, a son, DEATHS. Announcements under this head fifty per insertion. at his DOLEN-On father's Tuesday, July 16th, 1912, residence, 94 Englewood avenue, Edward J. (Mauty), dearly beloved eldest son of Edward Dolen.

Funeral on Friday. July 19th. at 2.30 p.m., to Norway Cemetery. Belleville, papers please copy. GLENNON-In this city, on July 14 1912, James Glennon, aged 77 years, late of the 7th Fussileers.

Funeral took place from Charles Colton's undertaking rooms, 50 Ossington avenue, Tuesday, the 16th, to Prospect Cemetery, LILLEW-At his late residence, Lambion Mills, on Tuesday, July 16th, 1912, Wm. Lillew, in his 65th year. Funeral from his late residence on Friday, at 8.15 a.m., to St. Cecelia's Church. West Toronto, thence to Mount Hope Cemetery.

MARTIN-Suddenly, on Monday, July 16th. 1912, at. Lewiston. N.Y.. Colin.

beloved son of Mrs. John Martin, of Campbelltown, Argyleshire, Scotland. Funeral from the residence of his cousin, Mrs. MacDonald, 204 Argyle street. Toronto, on Thursday.

July 18 at 230 p.m.. to Humbervale Cemetery. Campbelltown, Scotland, papers please cODV ROSS At her late residence, 169 Wallace avenue, Mary, beloved wife of William Ross. in per 52nd year. Funeral from the above address Wed.

nesday, at 2 p.m. Interment in Prospect Cemetery. People's Journal, Dundee, Scotland, please copy. IN MEMORIAM. Insertions under this head 50c per ton: where verses are published an extra charge of 50c for each stanza of four lines will be charged.

WAKELY-In loving memory of Cohn Wakely. Oshawa, who died July 17th, 1911. -Family. COLLEGE 1946. GEO.

E. BEDSON Undertaker. 173 COLLEGE STREET. PERSONALS. lady wishes position as companion or housekeeper where maid is kept.

references changed. Box 708 Star. LOTS FOR SALE. BUILDER'S CHANCE. vacant lot on Humberside Humberside areONLY nue, just west of 209 Phone Junction 635.

Owner. FOR College SALE-40-foot 1984. Walmer Hill lot. MADISON avenue, road, 300 100 feet 120, south of foot for quick sale, $1,560 cash. Box Star.

PERMANENT. EAST END BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. GUEST minutes PARK, from corner Greenwood of avenue, Danforta avenue, car tracks now being laid, prices from $19 to $20, building operations already commenced. Lots selling rapidly, the nearest property to Yonge and Queen, on very easy terms. Currie and Sterry, corner Jones avenue and Gerrard.

Auto service. Main 7728. Open evenings, dtf CLAIR avenue, Moore Park, north ST. side, just over the bridge, water, sewer, gas and electrio Box light 622 on Star, street, 50 145, at $50 a toot. 3 sacrifice price close-in to hold Edmonton balance, lots, exceptional chance, small cash payment Skelton, 1 Carlton street.

PER foot Lake Shore road, $14 north side, fifty feet. 48 Adelaide east. HOUSES TO RENT. west, 9 rooms, three storeys house, hot water heating, hardwood floors, side entrance, south side. lease preferred.

Apply 306, Bell Telephone Building, or Main 6159, for appointment. nine rooms, also fur111 nishings, all new, for sale. ply at house. -25 DALHOUSIE street, cottage. $14 Apply Business Manager, Daily Star.

BROCK avenue. six rooms, $16-373 closet, gas. Apply avenue. Phone Park 1232. Macdonell residence, three $40 minutes from Yonge street.

nine rooms. oak floors, hot water heating, decorated. splendid upstairs Owner, 202 Kent Buildsitting room. ing. Richmond and Yonge.

Main 6571. Securities Limited. PROPERTIES WANTED. SIX or eight-roomed house, $4,800 to A $6,000, in good residential district, north or west of city preferred. Box 602, Star.

WANTED part to of buy, city, a must house, in have north- modconveniences, price not to exceed ern eight thousand dollars. give full particulars. Box 625 Star. Small house or about cottage, 8200 Dovercourt vicinity, cash payment. 448 Star.

135 to buy six or seven-roomed WANT house, $25 per month for year. $500 and Interest to be paid off by end of first year. Box 639. Daily Star. 1 central, suitWANTED as A a building.

with room for Box 826 Star. dtf four cars. MARRIAGE LICENSES. AND ROBERTS. jewelers, marriage licenses issued, 169 King east.

Main 3020,.

The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.